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    Fluffy hair just waiting for Bev's 'special' treatment...



      Originally posted by Mala50
      Fluffy hair just waiting for Bev's 'special' treatment...

      Woohoo! Thanks Mala.


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        May I suggest that you add some more dual-piccie-thingies? I just can't get enough!
        Yes, yes, I know!

        I put up a few new ones last week, did you see them?

        I'm up to Season 5 on my website. I just have to organize them and make the web pages. It's tedious. I like making my pix, but actually putting together the web site is too much like work...

        7.12 Evolution part 2
        Last edited by Mala50; 18 November 2005, 02:12 PM.


          I always thought that this scene at the end of Redemption Pt2 was so shippy/angsty. This is when Sam is giving Jack the final instructions and they're not sure if it'll work. Sam looked so upset when she wasn't sure if he survived. If you watch her in the background of that last scene after they know that his capsule has been sighted, you can see her wiping her eyes... *sigh*

          Last edited by Mala50; 18 November 2005, 02:24 PM.


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Yes, yes, I know!

            I put up a few new ones last week, did you see them?

            I'm up to Season 5 on my website. I just have to organize them and make the web pages. It's tedious. I like making my pix, but actually putting together the web site is too much like work...

            Of course I saw them! If I had any knowledge of web sites I would offer to help, but I would cause you more grief, I'm afraid. I've been spending all night trying to set up my mobile so I can read my emails from my computer address rather than my phone address, and failing miserably. I just don't understand acronyms. Perhaps I should suggest they make a help page with lots of pictures and real words so that I may understand what the hell to do! (knowing how bad I am at this, and with all the messing about I've done this evening, I've probably tapped into some government site and blacked-out a major city!)


              Originally posted by Mala50
              I always thought that this scene at the end of Redemption Pt2 was so shippy/angsty. This is when Sam is giving Jack the final instructions and they're not sure it it'll work. Sam looked so upset when she wasn't sure if he survived. If you watch her in the background of that last scene after they know that his capsule has been sighted, you can see her wiping her eyes... *sigh*

              *sob* I love that scene too.


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                *sob* I love that scene too.
                Did you say that you bought an autographed pic of this at Gabit?



                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Did you say that you bought an autographed pic of this at Gabit?

                  Yup! I have this pic with RDA's autograph!


                    Sorry Mala, I can't get a decent picture of the wedding photo. I'll try to get it scanned and post it sometime.
                    When I was at Gabit, Legends was selling tons of great stuff, and they were selling THE wedding dress. I posted these pics in the shipper thread, but I'll repeat them here...



                      Here's a close-up of the picture pinned to the dress. It's different from the one actually seen in the show (and the one I have autographed! ). The smudge mark over Sam is on the original photograph, and wasn't my bad photography.....honest!



                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        Here's a close-up of the picture pinned to the dress. It's different from the one actually seen in the show (and the one I have autographed! ). The smudge mark over Sam is on the original photograph, and wasn't my bad photography.....honest!

                        This is great Bev. I never thought of taking pictures of the costumes for sale.

                        Look at RDA's pants. Obviously, they never had any intention of showing him from the waist down.


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Here's a close-up of the picture pinned to the dress. It's different from the one actually seen in the show (and the one I have autographed! ). The smudge mark over Sam is on the original photograph, and wasn't my bad photography.....honest!

                          Thank you, Bev. I can't wait to see your pic. Did they have any other wedding pix on display? They were supposed to have taken a lot of them. Here's a scrubbed close up of the pic. It looks like RDA is wearing his BDU pants.



                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            Thank you, Bev. I can't wait to see your pic. Did they have any other wedding pix on display? They were supposed to have taken a lot of them. Here's a scrubbed close up of the pic. It looks like RDA is wearing his BDU pants.

                            Looks good Mala. They didn't have any other wedding pictures, but brought lots and lots of copies of THE pic. I think shippers all over the globe now have a copy! I don't think all of them were autographed, so I'm glad I managed to get mine before they sold out of those.


                              *blows furiously at the dusty cobwebs*

                              My goodness! Y'don't come to the site for a day or so and come back to find MW is doing the slip slide to the bottom of page 3!

                              Hope everyone's weekend has been sunny & bright thus far.
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Well, I'm on dial-up now until my new DSL account takes hold and GW is very slow for me. I'll pop in when I can. Until then, Jack salutes you...


