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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    I'm just about to dash out for my gig, but I wanted to tell Suekay that your avatar is all squiffy <-----tech term. It probably went kabloom <---tech term....during one of the GW server thingies <-----another tech term! It needs to be re-uploaded.

    *That was a public service announcement from the Mala's World Technical Department!*
    Thank you for the explanation, Science Officer Bev.


      Originally posted by sugarshaker
      Mala, you are the master.
      Thanks, (((sugarshaker)))! It's my honor to serve....



        Originally posted by Mala50
        Thank you, blueiris. Clarity and umph! Yeah, that's what I try for. It helps to love your subject matter, too...

        I just love going for the UMPH!
        *waits for heart to stop pounding*
        Phew Mala, that one had me going for many things, took quite a while to reach the UMPH at the end too

        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        LOL! That London Zoo story reminds me of something that happened a few years ago. My old school friend Lynn came through to Edinburgh from Dundee to visit. We decided to visit the "Edinburgh Butterfly and Insect World". Now, the butterfly bit is great, it's as if you are in some tropical place with all these wonderful butterflies fluttering about. There's also budgies and other assorted birds too. From there, we wandered into the insect section. Now, I am terrified of ANYTHING which crawls around, but I can just about cope with this exhibit normally, as everything is in large glass cases. Unfortunately, when we entered the area this day, every time I turned around there were great big honkin' spiders!!! Most were in cases, but the handler chap had some out so they could crawl across people's hands! I just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights! Yes, the very day we had decided to go to the Butterfly World was, in fact, part of TARANTULA WEEKEND!!!! I am still recovering from that day, even years later!
        *shuddering* a tarantula weekend sounds horrific, I can remember years n years ago when I was in the infants section of primary school one of the girl's brought in a tarantula's old shed skin which belonged to her dad. Basically it looked like a complete tarantula and although it was in a box all the girls in the class were convinced it had moved and were screaming and trying to get out while the boys all wanted to touch it. Boys are weird...
        Last edited by Rune; 20 July 2005, 07:33 AM.


          Originally posted by Mala50

          Ohhh good thunk karma is hard to beat, was just drooling ... uh ... thinking of scruffy, stubbly Jack on the thunk thread! ((((Mala))))


            Originally posted by Rune
            *cringeing* that is the most horrific thing I've heard for a long time, I'm never going to sleep again d'you hear me? Why do bugs and spiders wait till you're on your own before coming out to terrorize you anyway?

            *shudders* I hate big insects, I'm still squicked out by a trip to LOndon zoo years ago where in the insect house I was freaking out over these horrible horrible earwigs and stick insects and hubs very kindly decided to tickle up the back of my neck. Not only did I scream blue murder but my knees actually buckled too - try walking out of a packed exhibition house trying to maintain your dignity after that.

            Anyway, thanks for reminding me I need to go buy more Raid and a fly swat
            Good story... Men/boyz can be sooo funny!

            Don't forget the flame-thrower! (or a 9mm...)

            Jack's version of RAID...

            Last edited by Mala50; 11 October 2005, 01:52 PM.


              Originally posted by Rune
              *waits for heart to stop pounding*
              Phew Mala, that one had me going for many things, took quite a while to reach the UMPH at the end too

              *shuddering* a tarantula weekend sounds horrific, I can remember years n years ago when I was in the infants section of primary school one of the girl's brought in a tarantula's old shed skin which belonged to her dad. Basically it looked like a complete tarantula and although it was in a box all the girls in the class were convinced it had moved and were screaming and trying to get out while the boys all wanted to touch it. Boys are weird...
              Ewww... Spiders are just... EWWW!! We have been giving our house a good cleaning so the exterminator can spray our house in all the corners that usually have stuff in them. We have been over run by spiders lately. Mostly daddy long legs and wolf spiders, a few vineageroons too. Friday night I was all curled up in my favorite chair reading and was attacked by said long legs three time in the course of a few hours. My new Harry Potter book has a few legs amongest it pages now, it being the only weapon I had handy.
              And yes, boys are weird, but they can grow up to be so.... ahhhhh!

              sig by PM


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                LOL! That London Zoo story reminds me of something that happened a few years ago. My old school friend Lynn came through to Edinburgh from Dundee to visit. We decided to visit the "Edinburgh Butterfly and Insect World". Now, the butterfly bit is great, it's as if you are in some tropical place with all these wonderful butterflies fluttering about. There's also budgies and other assorted birds too. From there, we wandered into the insect section. Now, I am terrified of ANYTHING which crawls around, but I can just about cope with this exhibit normally, as everything is in large glass cases. Unfortunately, when we entered the area this day, every time I turned around there were great big honkin' spiders!!! Most were in cases, but the handler chap had some out so they could crawl across people's hands! I just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights! Yes, the very day we had decided to go to the Butterfly World was, in fact, part of TARANTULA WEEKEND!!!! I am still recovering from that day, even years later!
                Ah tarantulas... I saw one of those demonstrations with my kids years ago at a hands-on science museum... And I actually touched one of those critters... Very quickly, I might add. It was prickly (probably like the scruff on Jack's face - how's that for obsessive on-topicness? ). Others there were holding them in their hands and letting them crawl up their arms...

                Now, spiders in general don't squick me. It's big cockroaches - waterbugs and palmetto bugs... *shivers*

                That reminds me - the exhibit also had Hissing Cockroaches (from Madagascar?) 2-3+ inch long cockroaches that make noise...


                  Originally posted by Rune
                  *waits for heart to stop pounding*
                  Phew Mala, that one had me going for many things, took quite a while to reach the UMPH at the end too
                  Ah yes...reaching the UMPH!! (wonder how far we can push this to the edge of PG-ness... Where's SILER?!?)
                  *shuddering* a tarantula weekend sounds horrific, I can remember years n years ago when I was in the infants section of primary school one of the girl's brought in a tarantula's old shed skin which belonged to her dad. Basically it looked like a complete tarantula and although it was in a box all the girls in the class were convinced it had moved and were screaming and trying to get out while the boys all wanted to touch it. Boys are weird...
                  Oops! I just admitted I touched one! OK, I'm not a boy but I am admittedly weird...


                    Originally posted by Rune
                    Ohhh good thunk karma is hard to beat, was just drooling ... uh ... thinking of scruffy, stubbly Jack on the thunk thread! ((((Mala))))
                    I'll have to visit the thunk thread later and see what you and the other gals have been up to! (that place is exhausting, though)...

                    I stopped by for a little bit yesterday to deliver some posterior pix to the Admiral, but my connection was so slow for some reason and my photobucket was acting weird, that I finally gave up.

                    I'll head over there soon - I'm looking forward to seeing your pix for today!


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      Hey, I'm older! Please explain...

                      Let's see...what could Bev be doing to entertain sailors that leaves her breathless.... Banjo playing?? Nah, that can't be it....

                      I have been known to pluck my G-string occasionally!!


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        Thank you for the explanation, Science Officer Bev.
                        Just doing my job, M'am.


                          Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                          Ewww... Spiders are just... EWWW!! We have been giving our house a good cleaning so the exterminator can spray our house in all the corners that usually have stuff in them. We have been over run by spiders lately. Mostly daddy long legs and wolf spiders, a few vineageroons too. Friday night I was all curled up in my favorite chair reading and was attacked by said long legs three time in the course of a few hours. My new Harry Potter book has a few legs amongest it pages now, it being the only weapon I had handy.
                          And yes, boys are weird, but they can grow up to be so.... ahhhhh!

                          Aaaaaahhh....Love the smile! Thanks for the pic.

                          Wow, you have quite a variety of spiders where you are. We only have an occasional few little ones here. But as I said, we have waterbugs (big cockroaches) once in a while and those just creep me out...

                          Of course, they're nothing compared to the BIG ones in Florida or Hawaii - my aunt likes to call the them the State Bird of Hawaii...


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            I have been known to pluck my G-string occasionally!!

                            More UMPH-talk?!?



                              Since everyone's telling their bug stories, I have one that is guaranteed to gross you out. One night about ten years ago, when I was living in Louisiana, I fell into bed exhausted, and just as I was about to go to sleep, a roach crawled right across my ear! You'd think I was being attacked by a shark given all the screaming and thrashing around. I grabbed a can of Bengal roach spray and almost emptied it onto the little critter. That stunk up the room plus I was too worked up to go back to sleep anyway. And wouldn't you know, the cat was sleeping on the sofa in the living room and never even woke up!

                              Lest you think I keep a messy house, roaches are just a fact of life down there - along with snakes, lizards and alligators. From time to time, one will get into the house no matter how clean you are.

                              Now I'm in PA and no more roaches - but sometimes I do get these multi-legged creatures. Not sure if they are centipedes or not. Ewwwwww! Bugs are definitely not my thing (Jack is ) but ladybugs are OK.

                              s u g a r s h a k e r


                                Well, all these stories about creepy-crawly bug thingies has made me say EEEEWWWWW!!!! What idiot started all this? remember...

