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    Originally posted by kiwigater
    How comes there are no pics of you?

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by sugarshaker
      How comes there are no pics of you?
      LOL! Cos I'm booooring Actually I just haven't got around to those ones yet....
      Was babysitting best friends 4 yr old all day, then best friend and I were packing my stuff up - to go to NZ, to go to best friends, and to be donated to whomever will take it.

      ETA: OK, I finally got around to it I've only included photos with various guests, not other GW people as I haven't asked their permission
      Vancouver Con photos with Kiwigater
      Last edited by kiwigater; 29 April 2005, 02:21 PM.


        Originally posted by kiwigater
        Yay! What a lovely Dr. Kiwigater. Thanks for posting that because you're going home to NZ and we'll probably never get to "see" you again. *sniff* Bon voyage, and good luck in whatever you do!

        s u g a r s h a k e r


          Originally posted by sugarshaker
          Yay! What a lovely Dr. Kiwigater. Thanks for posting that because you're going home to NZ and we'll probably never get to "see" you again. *sniff* Bon voyage, and good luck in whatever you do!
          ACK! erm, why on earth not?!? I plan to come "live" in GW until I find out about this job thingie. (well, after 3 weeks of craziness - other committments etc).
          Now that I've been to 2 cons I figure I'm doomed to go to more of them I'm already plotting and conniving to attend the next Vancouver con


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            ACK! erm, why on earth not?!? I plan to come "live" in GW until I find out about this job thingie. (well, after 3 weeks of craziness - other committments etc).
            Now that I've been to 2 cons I figure I'm doomed to go to more of them I'm already plotting and conniving to attend the next Vancouver con
            Woo Hoo! NZ just seems so faaaaaarr away that it feels as if you'll be far away even though you really won't be. Good thing we all have our home away from home right here.

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              In post-con recovery and avoiding the fact I'm leaving the country in 4 DAYS and haven't started packing...
              In case you missed it, I've put together a gallery of some photos from each of the panels at the Vancouver con
              Vancouver Con pics
              and now I really better go start making lists of things I have to get done...
              Have a good trip back home. Hope you managed to pack everything.
              And thanks for posting the photos, it's nice to put some faces to names and to see the stars in civies (and was MS nursing a hangover or is it just me?)



                Kiwi - who knows...I might see ya in Vancouver next year!!!!

                I'm back! My computer copped it and went off to the repair shop...and returned...with no I don't have home internet access anymore

                But never fear...that's what the Library and school are for!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay

                  Kiwi - who knows...I might see ya in Vancouver next year!!!!

                  I'm back! My computer copped it and went off to the repair shop...and returned...with no I don't have home internet access anymore

                  But never fear...that's what the Library and school are for!
                  It is? You never find me sneaking into the library to use a computer to have a quick look at Gateworld...nope, not me...really...I mean it...not me...ever!


                    I have access GW on hotel computers that is how much addicted I am. good thing they all had broad band

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      It is? You never find me sneaking into the library to use a computer to have a quick look at Gateworld...nope, not me...really...I mean it...not me...ever!
                      That's where I am right now!

                      s u g a r s h a k e r


                        Originally posted by kiwigater
                        In post-con recovery and avoiding the fact I'm leaving the country in 4 DAYS and haven't started packing...
                        In case you missed it, I've put together a gallery of some photos from each of the panels at the Vancouver con
                        Vancouver Con pics
                        and now I really better go start making lists of things I have to get done...
                        Kiwi...thank you for the pics from the looks everyone is having fun.

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Just bringing my friend back up where she belongs.....
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Critter will help you clean up the place a bit. la la la la la la la la hums while dusting away

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Thanks is a bit musty in here don't you thunk...errrrr, I mean think, don't you think????
                              Desperate Thunker


                                you're right it does feel musty...opens window to air the place

                                avatar and sig by flidget

