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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Hah! Mala's World... I like it too... Astro, thank you, once again!

    OK, before I go back and read and respond, I present to you my new graphic for this thread!
    (Astro, maybe we should put at the beginning??)

    [img ][/img ]
    That is the coolest!
    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


      Originally posted by sacme
      I like the new name! It makes sense for someone who has such an intense sphere of influence. Ok, that sounded way too formal and *yuck* serious.

      You just rock and deserve your own gallery/frolicky place where the rest of us can admire/drool over your fantastic work.

      ship sistah
      Sphere of influence... Now THAT'S a scary thought!

      Yes, *yuck* is right! Too serious...

      But thank you! Speaking of being creative - I LOVE your new tattoo! (did it hurt? )

      Last edited by Mala50; 18 November 2004, 08:36 AM.


        Originally posted by OzGirl
        So, Hussies are hanging out *here* now?

        Couldn't take the low rent district anymore, Mala? Had to move on to your
        very own, personalized gutter, did you? I mean, I've heard of captive
        audiences (after all, I *did* have my own encounters with Jack, you know,
        in the Gutter which shall not be named -- and believe me, he was captive!),
        but to resort to duct-taping all the storm drains and escape slide
        routes, the better to soak up all the praise and glory -- I tell you.

        I figured only yours truly would have thought of that.

        I guess I should return to the steamy mists of the Gutter which shall not be named
        to contemplate the place of tongues, Guinness bottles, arm porn, eyelashes,
        bivouacs, and feather boas in the Grand Scheme of the Lusty Wenches for
        All-Things-Jack Universe. Or not. Looks like I could do the same here.

        We'll see if I can muster up enough appreciation. LOL

        OZ!! Ok, so you finally broke down and came to visit! (nothing like a broken down old hussy, is there? )

        Yes, there are hussies, here (mostly gutter gals from RDA Thunk, but there are some who also thunk for Majors Sheppard and Davis)...listen, there are hussies EVERYWHERE...

        Astro created this place (now World - yikes! )

        Heaven knows that my old brain would never had thought of it first, let me tell you!

        So come play... drool...make inappropriate comments - if you dare...or not.

        I won't hold it against you... But maybe Jack will (oh I know - don't you wish!!)



          Originally posted by Mala50
          Sphere of influence... Now THAT'S a scary thought!

          Yes, *yuck* is right! Too serious...

          But thank you! Speaking being creative - I LOVE your new tattoo! (did it hurt? )

          Yes, ship sistah, your tatoo is the best!!! (now please tell me you don't go out in public that way! ) BTW you have the prettiest eyes!

          Back to Mala's World---the best way to enjoy this thread is with chips and salsa and the beverage of your choice. Only one problem...typing with one hand leaves a lot to be desired!!!!
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by Mala50
            OZ!! Ok, so you finally broke down and came to visit! (nothing like a broken down old hussy, is there? )

            Yes, there are hussies, here (mostly gutter gals from RDA Thunk, but there are some who also thunk for Majors Sheppard and Davis)...listen, there are hussies EVERYWHERE...

            Astro created this place (now World - yikes! )

            Heaven knows that my old brain would never had thought of it first, let me tell you!

            So come play... drool...make inappropriate comments - if you dare...or not.

            I won't hold it against you... But maybe Jack will (oh I know - don't you wish!!)

            Who are you calling broken down hussies???? Is there such a thing????

            Jack just got through the gate onto Mala's World and he's coming for us....aren't we lucky.... Good thing you have the cameras focused on the round spinny thing.
            Last edited by Critter; 18 November 2004, 07:57 AM. Reason: spelling
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Hah! Mala's World... I like it too... Astro, thank you, once again!

              OK, before I go back and read and respond, I present to you my new graphic for this thread!
              (Astro, maybe we should put it at the beginning??)

              It's done... all bright shiny and new. I let the penguins speak for themselves!


                Originally posted by Critter
                Yes, ship sistah, your tatoo is the best!!! (now please tell me you don't go out in public that way! ) BTW you have the prettiest eyes!

                Back to Mala's World---the best way to enjoy this thread is with chips and salsa and the beverage of your choice. Only one problem...typing with one hand leaves a lot to be desired!!!!
                Or chocolate and a really gusty red wine... yumm

                Only trouble is Shep gets covered in chocolate, or Davis, depending on what galaxy I'm in the time!!


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick

                  This thread is for having fun. Any seriousness will not be tolerated...
                  Very nice you two.....very nice.
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Yes, there are hussies, here (mostly gutter gals from RDA Thunk, but there are some who also thunk for Majors Sheppard and Davis)...listen, there are hussies EVERYWHERE...
                    Hee hee.... We just be crawlin' outta da woodwork, don' we?
                    Heaven knows that my old brain would never had thought of it first, let me tell you!
                    We love your old brain! GW wouldn't be the same without it!
                    So come play... drool...make inappropriate comments - if you dare...or not.
                    Well... can't speak for Oz... but I'm tryin', I'm tryin' (see earlier post re: Jack's licking school & the early bird getting **cough cough** the worm..... )

                    **whistles innocently and checks to make sure halo is where it should be**
                    Hopefully I won't get myself booted off the forum for unPGedness......
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Critter
                      I don't have quite the lengthy relationship with Mala that most of you have because I am a fairly new member to this wacky world called GateWorld. So I thought I would share my first thoughts on Mala...

                      I lurked for many, many weeks before being brave enough to venture out into cyber space...I'm not too terribly computer comfy as you know. The first thing I remember is that Mala's reputation was black and I kept wondering why. I would read (and reread on the Thunk Thread ) her posts and couldn't find anything too terribly shocking (kind of tells you what kind of person I am doesn't it? ).

                      So, Mala, why the heck were you in the black??? You can be honest, I mean, can you be honest about your dark side???

                      You don't have to answer that I'm just joking with you....I just wanted you to know that I never thought of you that way but it did make me wonder what was wrong with me!!!

                      Here's my ((((((Mala)))))) for the day!
                      OK, this is going to sound sappy (or stupid), but I don't think of knowing you for a shorter time than others! Actually, until you said this, I'd say I've felt you've been around forever. Sometimes there's just something about another person that just makes you 'click'... (and this goes for so many others in recent months...Astro, SS, Poz... OK I'm not going to name everyone in this thread, but I mean this for all who I've had the pleasure of meeting here...)

                      Here's a quote I once found (don't remember where it came from):

                      "Study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself.
                      What is true of your friends is also true of you..."

                      So what can I say? What an interesting, intelligent and fun group of people we are!!


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        OK, this is going to sound sappy (or stupid), but I don't think of knowing you for a shorter time than others! Actually, until you said this, I'd say I've felt you've been around forever. Sometimes there's just something about another person that just makes you 'click'... (and this goes for so many others in recent months...Astro, SS, Poz... OK I'm not going to name everyone in this thread, but I mean this for all who I've had the pleasure of meeting here...)

                        Here's a quote I once found (don't remember where it came from):

                        "Study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself.
                        What is true of your friends is also true of you..."

                        So what can I say? What an interesting, intelligent and fun group of people we are!!


                        (((((((((((((((Mala's World)))))))))))))
                        Last edited by astronomicalchick; 18 November 2004, 08:21 AM.


                          Originally posted by ra-hanna
                          Knock, knock. Can I come in? What the...? OMG! How did I get back in the thunk thread? Wait, is that major "cutie Mala.....your world rocks!
                          WHO'S THERE?? hey, ra-hanna! come in, come in!

                          Yes, you can ship and thunk to your heart's content here....and drink and eat...

                          and laugh....

                          Ok, ok, I know I'm pathetic - I just can't help it...


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            OK, this is going to sound sappy (or stupid), but I don't think of knowing you for a shorter time than others! Actually, until you said this, I'd say I've felt you've been around forever. Sometimes there's just something about another person that just makes you 'click'... (and this goes for so many others in recent months...Astro, SS, Poz... OK I'm not going to name everyone in this thread, but I mean this for all who I've had the pleasure of meeting here...)

                            Here's a quote I once found (don't remember where it came from):

                            "Study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself.
                            What is true of your friends is also true of you..."

                            So what can I say? What an interesting, intelligent and fun group of people we are!!
                            **sniff sniff**

                            (dang it's a terrible thing to be at work away from one's stash of smilies!)
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              OK, this is going to sound sappy (or stupid), but I don't think of knowing you for a shorter time than others! Actually, until you said this, I'd say I've felt you've been around forever. Sometimes there's just something about another person that just makes you 'click'... (and this goes for so many others in recent months...Astro, SS, Poz... OK I'm not going to name everyone in this thread, but I mean this for all who I've had the pleasure of meeting here...)

                              Here's a quote I once found (don't remember where it came from):

                              "Study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself.
                              What is true of your friends is also true of you..."

                              So what can I say? What an interesting, intelligent and fun group of people we are!!
                              Now you're going to make me cry (told you I was a cry baby )....(((((Mala))))) I am surely blessed to know you and the rest of this wacky crew!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                This makes me laugh every time I see it. I missed it the first time it came around and can't get enough of it now! I'm pathetic too. Or as they say in fourth grade.... Takes one to know one! giggle, giggle, snort, least I quit crying.
                                Desperate Thunker

