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Mala's World

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    Oh, Mala, I so love his neck!! Yummmmmmmyyyyyyyy! Thanks!

    And your old lady joke is so my grandmother! Oy! That woman gets on the road, take cover! She's 84... And no one has been brave enough to even attempt to tell her that it's time to give up her keys!!!


      Originally posted by Critter
      I was going to comment more on the smoking but as I was typing I was depressing myself...Dr. Pepper anyone?????

      What about Jack anyway????? TONIGHT we finally get to see a new episode....too bad I'll have to tape it because my family would ruin it for me....poor me....poor pitiful me...they just love to tease me but I get upset when I am trying to enjoy my show....oh well. What about Jack anyway?????
      I'll be out running around & will miss the 8 p.m. showing myself. Plan to try to catch the 11 p.m. rerun (& pray I can stay awake!). It didn't look like from SciFi's schedulebot that it would be shown again before the end of this season's shows, so I really would like to catch it. (Maybe if I turn the heat down *really* low & sit up shivering.... maybe that'll keep me up!)
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
        Thunk you!

        (I'd also noticed that Caty posted your link yesterday in the S/J thread... so it wasn't just those of us wallowing here in this gutter that were sneakin' a peek...)
        You're right! That's a lot of shippin' and thunkin'!

        Since some of you will be seeing GEMINI tonight for the first time, I'm posting my link to my mini-album of screencaps again.


        SEASON 8 GEMINI screencaps
        Nice Jack and Sam moments
        BIG SPOILERS - if you haven't seen the episode, you may want to stop here.

        Replicarter's gateroom scene



          Speaking of shipping... LOL! I was playing around with Paint Ship... I mean, Paint Shop...


            Originally posted by Critter
            So far today I've had a cup of hot's cold out there finally **snow**snow**snow** but not on ShimmeringStar's house** . I had a low fat yogurt, strawberry flavored. I had a hard boiled egg....for some reason I have been really egg happy lately. And I had a small bowl of fresh berries that I mix up and keep in my fridge for when I'm being good.

            I've seen you over there doing that "Let it Snow" dance! (Does it involve juggling fresh fruit too??? )

            We'll have to see about that there.... MMMMmhhhmmmm..... I'll just have to think up some kind of 'Anti-Snow' Dance to do. And get a couple of the JackClones to join in with me.....
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Critter
              Breakfast....hmmmmm... I generally start the day just fine but about 10:00 or so...or even now would be good I start my nibbling. I even have a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter to tempt me but the cookies in the drawer are so much more appealing...don't you agree?

              So far today I've had a cup of hot's cold out there finally **snow**snow**snow** but not on ShimmeringStar's house** . I had a low fat yogurt, strawberry flavored. I had a hard boiled egg....for some reason I have been really egg happy lately. And I had a small bowl of fresh berries that I mix up and keep in my fridge for when I'm being good.

              But....and I am embarassed to say this....that Dr. Pepper is really calling me. My oldest went back to college on Monday and I have a few left. I keep them on hand when she is home, as any good mother would, right??? But now I have about six left and I must get rid of right back!

              My mother-in-law once said to me that it doesn't matter if you eat it or dump it down the drain, it goes to waste either way. I'd rather drink that Dr. Pepper than have it corrode my house pipes!!!! Who cares about my own pipes anyway?????
              We're getting lots of snow tonight in the central Indiana region. Oh boy! I'm ok with it as long as the satellite works and I get to see the lowdown since I missed it. Then there's Gemini....which of course I have not seen yet since it hasn't aired in the US...*whistles* , and then Atlantis.
              Yum! Dr. fav. Liquid gold I say. Generally I will have a cup of Kona coffee with a slice of wheat toast w/butter for breakfast. For lunch I will have a cup of brown rice.....keeps things normal. For dinner I'll eat just about anything...try to stay healty and it is fairly low fat.


                Originally posted by Ruralstar
                It's who we are on the inside that is the most important.
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by Critter
                  <snipped> ONLY because it has been quoted a couple of times -
                  I hope you enjoyed my little "me" story....Tame, smoker or not, I do know that you are one person I am proud to call friend and I wouldn't hesitate for one second to meet you.....just not at a bar!!!!
                  (((((((Critter)))))))) thank you for sharing your story of *you* and I will say that my son has the same feelings about the smell and all so we compromised - I spray all sorts of Fabreeze EVERYWHERE, no smoking near his room or his clothes and if I smoke when he is in the car I keep my cigarette ACTUALLY hanging out the window. So I do try to *hear* others and be as polite as possible if it bothers a person I am in contact with.

                  and since I don't drink very often you won't ever have to worry that I will drag you to a Bar....although when DJFavorite and I met last weekend we did go to the International House of Pancakes (aka IHOP) and eat away so I would drag you to a food place in a heartbeat

                  Now maybe we could get *Jack* to invite us over for that Omelette
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                    I've seen you over there doing that "Let it Snow" dance! (Does it involve juggling fresh fruit too??? )

                    We'll have to see about that there.... MMMMmhhhmmmm..... I'll just have to think up some kind of 'Anti-Snow' Dance to do. And get a couple of the JackClones to join in with me.....
                    Down here in southern Virginia, we've got snow, barely enough to cover the ground. School was cancelled yesterday but it ended up being clear and warmer so they jumped the gun in cancelling.

                    I don't like the cold. I want warm sunshine, windows open, sitting by the pool with a cool drink.
                    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                      Originally posted by Critter
                      Good morning campers....


                      Which leads me to my next, and final, step on my soapbox. I feel very strongly that each of us has that one thing or things that help us calm down and/or cope with a stressful time. It may only be a minute of stress but it can also be a lifetime. I feel that I have an addictive personality and I am so grateful that I was able to stay away from smoking, alcohol and drugs. I know that if any of those things had been my drug of choice...I would have been doomed. I understand that you can't just stop because an addiction goes beyond the physical part to the emotional part. My drug of choice is food...I love to eat and I eat at any time for any reason. I am a Lifetime Member of WeightWatchers and I struggle with my weight every single day of my life. So I know that it's not as easy as some think to "just stop" smoking/eating/drinking.
                      Hey Mala Fans!

                      I've never smoked either and I'm glad. A year ago a doctor asked me some questions prior to surgery and one of them was about smoking. She started to ask me if I ever had; then she interrupted herself and said, "No, you've never smoked - your skin's too good." Not smoking does pay off in a lot of ways!

                      My dad died of an agressive form of lung cancer and he NEVER smoked. They were going to give him chemo but determined that his kidneys couldn't tolerate the platinum (this was 15 years ago), so there was nothing they could do other than comfort measures. It is a horrible way to go, both for the patient and his family. Tame, please, we LOVE you and want you with us for a long long time. I can't imagine the shipper thread or M'sW without you!

                      My weakness is the same as Critter's. However, in the last two years, I've lost 70 lbs. and kept it off! I'd like to lose another 20, but since I had my surgery, it's been harder. It's been easy to keep if off though, so at least there's that! Thank goodness for Ship Nana's fat free, carb free, calorie free but definitely NOT taste free SHIPPER COOKIES!!

                      s u g a r s h a k e r


                        Originally posted by sgt.siler
                        We're getting lots of snow tonight in the central Indiana region. Oh boy! I'm ok with it as long as the satellite works and I get to see the lowdown since I missed it. Then there's Gemini....which of course I have not seen yet since it hasn't aired in the US...*whistles* , and then Atlantis.
                        (waves to Siler!) Whatever you guys get, we get a day or two later. Our snow is supposed to start tomorow morning and stop Sunday morning. I guess all that shoveling will help me work off some more pounds!

                        My first winter in Philly we got 30.7 inches in one big storm!!

                        s u g a r s h a k e r


                          Tame, MeiMei I have to say, I appreciate the courtesy you have towards non-smokers. It's a bit refreshing from the smokers I know in person. My in-laws for example. When they come to visit, they complain because we ask them not to smoke in the house or cars, or near the kids. The husband is kind enough to set them up a place on the deck when the visit in the summer and the garage in the winter. It's very frustrating to constantly remind them of our rules. If we didn't have kids, we'd probably be a little different about our attitude towards the rules (perhaps not even have them at all), but the concern for our kids is health is #1 over anyone's comfort.
                          No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            Critter I agree. We all have our little coping mechanisms. I've struggled with my weight my whole life as well. I recently decided that I need to make a lifestyle change for the sake of my health and my family's health. Hubs is also overweight, thankfully our children are not and we want to keep it that way.

                            My rant was not meant to disparage anyone's lifestyle or life choices. It's my opinion only and I hope MeiMei, Tame and others who smoke took it that way. I've enjoyed getting to know alot of people on GW and whether they smoke or not does not impact my perceptions, just as I hope my being overweight does not offend anyone else. It's who we are on the inside that is the most important.
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by meimei
                              Speaking of shipping... LOL! I was playing around with Paint Ship... I mean, Paint Shop...
                              Nice, meimei! Paint Ship? LOL! I guess my weapon of choice should be called Photoship, then!

                              Oh, here's something I've been fooling around with!



                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Nice, meimei! Paint Ship? LOL! I guess my weapon of choice should be called Photoship, then!

                                Oh, here's something I've been fooling around with!

                                That is cool...I can see pictures today again... I LOVE when that happens

                                (((((Mala's World))))) even in the midst of drooling we STILL can carry on a discussion, drool over Jack's various *porn* shots, Ship AND care about each other....What a group
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

