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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Critter the Jack pics. But then who wouldn't! Thunks for thinking of your fellow Jack lovers and sharing them. Also loved your teacher note. You are actually quite right about that handwriting thing....messy, messy, messy!

    I am a bit under the weather today, started yesterday actually, so I'm feeling sorry for myself ...I'll just be wallowing in the gutter until I feel better . Anything you have to post to aid my cause will be most appreciated!

    As always (((((Mala)))))
    Well, this may be late, but I hope you're feeling better!





      *sends huggles Critter's way and berates self for missing earlier post about Critter's health*
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by Zoser
        Lucy, I'm home!
        Hope you all have had wonderful Holiays.
        Since before Christmas I was away with NO INTERNET. This must be against the Geneva Conventions - so glad to be back, desperately needing my RDA of RDA, and the funny banter. The National Enquirer was great!

        That picture of RDA from Pandora's Clock - WOW - I plan on printing that on photographic paper and frame it, then put it with the family photos (He is a lot better looking than the rest of us - but you knew that!)

        I feel like you read my mind - I don't want to be this obsessed over anything again. But Jack O'Neill will long live as my favorite fictional character.
        I am not Lucy.

        Zoser! I was about to write and see what happened to you! No internet for how long? It's good to see you've recovered and are back.

        So you're going to do the 'hide the Rick pic' amongst the family photos like Happy suggested?
        Btw, I've been told that putting poster-sized pics all over one's walls is too teen-like...

        Here's a nice welcome back Jack pic for you!

        Last edited by Mala50; 10 January 2005, 03:09 PM.


          Re: Wall sized pics - All I can say is...I LOVE my Stargate Calendar!

          ...think they can extend January for me???
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by SG1Happy
            If I read this post outloud to my family, they would think I had written it.

            I love the newness and sense of adventure of season 1. Even in reruns that feeling comes through. Seasons 2-4 are terrific shows, building more and more 'back' story for the characters. I felt season 5 was interaction flat. By that I mean, none of the characters seemed to care about each other. As much as I love Sam/Jack shippiness, I dearly love the team. Often in season 5, 6, & 7, I just felt like these were co-workers, not living life and death situations teammates. SG1 are the four musketeers to me. One for all and all for one!

            I also thought the only decent episodes in season six were Abyss and Paradise Lost. (Oh, Brad Wright why don't you write in OUR galaxy anymore.)

            I consider Lost City to be one the finest episodes filmed, even with the flat engine room scene (one touch is all I asked. One fingertip on her cheek or Jack grabbing her hand and holding it to his chest. One touch is not toooooo much to ask is it???? Obviously, yes it is.) But frankly, I was disappointed with New Order and that reflects back on LC.

            Like many of you, I'm not watching any of the reruns of season 8. Yawn. I'm eager for the second half, but wary.... The show needs a few new writers, just for freshness. I've volunteered, but they haven't called yet....

            As for reality TV....get real. I don't watch anything but SG, a bit of Atlantis and HGTV or movies on HBO/TCM. I never touch a network station. Too much blood, guts, immorality and sensationalism. I'm the mom of two adopted kids, that Who's your Daddy show burned a hole in my gut. Blech!

            Well, aren't you glad my chipper self popped in this morning? I promise to try to live up to my name later today.

            Due to an internet hiccup, I was offline three days this week. Do you KNOW how long three days are? Too, too long. I missed you guys!
            HAPPY! Well, I missed your chipper entrance, having taken a few days off for myself, but it's good to see you back!

            You know if we keep agreeing with each other, we're going to run out of things to say......

            Having read the latest interview with RDA

            I have to say that as much as I love his talent and I'll miss him, I hope he sticks to his guns and takes a break. He really hasn't been 'into' the show as much he could have for the past 2 years, anyway. Imagine how much better things could have been with his wholehearted participation.

            Of course, it's great that he's taking time off to be with his child. But having said that, I find it amazing the double standard that most of us accept and live with... You know that if a female star were to do what he's done for the past 3 years (commuting for extended weekends with one week off per month to raise his kid) there'd be a lot more outrage towards her as a parent. I just wish him and his child all the best.

            Anyway, IF he comes back for a few episodes, I can only hope that Brad Wright writes some good stories just for him. Then maybe I'd be happier to have him back as Jack. I don't have much faith in Season 9 being very good (or as good as the show was at its height). I'd rather see RDA end his TV career on a high note than see him and this terrific character dragged down any further.
            Last edited by Mala50; 10 January 2005, 01:34 PM.


              Re my new caps for IT'S GOOD TO BE KING: because I'm a S/J shipper, my caps aren't just pix of Jack, but there are plenty of 'looks' and smiles between Sam and Jack. Yes, the show wasn't terribly shippy, but it was fun seeing the two of them paired off and working together. Oh, Sam/AT looked very good!

              Specific J/S caps:

              pg. 1 - Mostly Jack; some of J and S in the briefing room
              pg. 2 - S/J on the puddlejumper - nice looks
              pg. 3 - J talking to Sam; Sam grabbing Jack's gun from the holster on his thigh...
              pg. 4 - J and S flying in the puddlejumper; BIG smile from Sam to Jack! I've never seen her with that kind of look for P.
              FCOL! Jack is a hero with Ancient powers! And P. is a....
              Oh, after this, how could she look at P. as her partner? The seeds of doubt have been sown...)
              pg. 5 - J and S reacting to the news of Harry's 'wives'; Jack checking Sam out as they go up the ramp (a good illustration why he's the master teacher of 'REARVIEW OBSERVATION' at the RDA Academy! )

              SPOILER WARNING - IT'S GOOD TO BE KING screencaps


                FYI: I just wanted to let you all know that I moved the RDA Academy of Lusty Wenching Course Catalogue to another address to make room for my IT'S GOOD TO BE KING screencaps.

                The page can now be found at:


                  A nice Jack and Sam pic just because......

                  6.22 Full Circle



                    thanx Mala!

                    A perfect end to a shippy day!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay

                      thanx Mala!

                      A perfect end to a shippy day!

                      You said it!!! I always smile when I come to this thread and it's all due to Mala!!!
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by sueKay

                        thanx Mala!

                        A perfect end to a shippy day!
                        I'm glad you like it!

                        Compare it to this pic of Sam and Jack in that I scrubbed and enlarged from MOEBIUS
                        (Sam has no gun/isn't military)...

                        SPOILER WARNING!

                        8.20 Moebius, Part 2



                          Thank you, Mala, for all the caps!!! I too enjoyed the ep very much because the TEAM and JACK were back in all their glory. It's sad there won't be many more like these, so I did revel in what I got in IGTBTK.

                          ship sistah

                          ETA: I love the
                          jungle jack pix! And Jack concentrating hard (!) is also titilating.
                          Last edited by sacme; 10 January 2005, 02:20 PM.

                          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            Well, this may be late, but I hope you're feeling better!

                            GET WELL, CRITTER!!!

                            Oh (((((MALA)))))!!!! Thank you. Doesn't it figure that this is my first stop since dragging myself out of my hollow??? I am feeling a bit better but am sick and tired of being tired and sick. My neck ache and sore throat are starting to ease, my sinuses are clearing.....Don't know what it was but am glad it's going.

                            These pictures of Jack and the team make me very anxious for the rest of the season to get underway. Jack.....deep honkin' sigh...every last bit of him!!!!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Hey Poz, I've got a ton of screencaps to share from IT'S GOOD TO BE KING. It was so nice seeing Jack back in the field actually doing something for a change! He's looking good in this episode, gals... So I ended up with five pages worth (I'm passionate about RDA/Jack, what can I say? ) Anyway, as I said before, I'm going to try to keep my whining down to a minimum and savor every moment we have left in S8 with him... (LONG LIVE JACK O'NEILL!)

                              SPOILER WARNING - IT'S GOOD TO BE KING screencaps
                              Thank you for letting us savor all that is Jack along with you. (And all that is Sam & Jack too.) I think one of the ones I liked best on the 3rd page was

                              where Sam grabs Jack's gun out of his holster.
                              Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 10 January 2005, 03:31 PM.
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                HERE'S TO ALL THE OBSESSED, FOCUSED
                                and PASSIONATE FANS of Jack O'Neill!

                                3.11 Past and Present
                                Ohhhh... nice eyes, nice eyes, nice eyes. Nice lips. Nice hair too. Nice pic.

                                Thunks for taking care of us Mala.

                                Hmmm... did I say nice eyes yet?
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

