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    Originally posted by trupi View Post
    Man hasn't lost his popularity and his has guts to wear that horrible wig on TV in front of millions of people.
    LOL!!! You're right about that!

    Wonder how much Pepsi donated to Sea Shepherd? 'Cause you know he didn't have to do it...

    EDIT: Ah. I see others have already asserted that theory. Great minds think alike.
    Originally posted by L-JADE View Post
    I met him in early December 2008 and I think he's leaner in person than that SNL skits..

    if those are the Superbowl commercials, that's pretty dissapointing comparing to the MasterCard ads which was pretty good & funny IMO.
    A. We all put on a little weight over the holidays.


    B. The vest he's wearing is anyone who put it on would look larger.
    Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 01 February 2009, 06:04 PM.


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      Ooooh! A dilemna! Desert camo or Comic Con sweetness? And Alpha Jack!

      Must. Think. Hard.

      You know I'm always grateful for the goodies you make us, Mala! of those MacGruber things just ran on the Super Bowl.

      Ok...they're ads...not bad product placement. I stand corrected.

      But they were just like all the other MacGruber bits before them in last night's show. They're always short...and lame.
      Which one did they show?


        Originally posted by trupi View Post
        Which one did they show?
        #2 Pepsuber


          Originally posted by trupi View Post
          Which one did they show?
          The second...on the "illegal supply ship."

          EDIT: Oops...nell beat me to it.
          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post

          You know, that wig kind of reminds me of another old TV icon... Marlo Thomas in 'THAT GIRL!'
          LOL!!! Me too!
          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
          You're welcome.

          I never watched MacGyver either when it originally aired. I only caught episodes on the internet and when they were on SpikeTV and Bravo (? can't remember if that was the channel) a few years ago. Anyway, no, they didn't advertise during the show with that kind of blatant product placement. I'm pretty sure that bit was just SNL being 'funny'...

          Anyway, as I said last night, some people still think they may be real commercials . Maybe they'll be on the Superbowl tonight - who knows? (I won't be watching).
          However, Mala and I now own every season of MacGyver plus the two movies.

          BIG FANS of RDA.

          I never watched MacGyver either...but I will now.
          Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 01 February 2009, 06:15 PM.


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            Maybe they want them to be a surprise?

            Hey, gals, I'm just grasping at straws... I know that The Man has a much better sense of humor than what was seen on SNL. I'm guessing he was flattered to be asked and didn't have a say in the scripts, anyway.

            I'll just chalk it up to temporary insanity.



              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
              Maybe they want them to be a surprise?

              Hey, gals, I'm just grasping at straws... I know that The Man has a much better sense of humor than what was seen on SNL. I'm guessing he was flattered to be asked and didn't have a say in the scripts, anyway.

              I'll just chalk it up to temporary insanity.
              I'll chalk it up to following the script he was given...


                OMG, Imagine my shock to see the MacGruber commercial during the Superbowl!

                Some great press for RDA and MacGyver, that's for sure!
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                  However, Mala and I now own every season of MacGyver plus the two movies.

                  BIG FANS of RDA.

                  I never watched MacGyver either...but I will now.
                  How do have the movies? They aren't out on dvd, are they?!

                  And I wonder if RDA knew one of the commercials was going to run during the Superbowl? Talk about great press!
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    HAH! So I see that one of those MacGruber skits turned out to be a Superbowl Commercial after all! I'm not as nutty as many of you think! So there!

                    Anyway, Hulu's letting viewers vote for the best Superbowl commercial:
                    Last edited by Mala50; 01 February 2009, 08:37 PM.


                      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                      How do have the movies? They aren't out on dvd, are they?!

                      And I wonder if RDA knew one of the commercials was going to run during the Superbowl? Talk about great press!
                      The movies are on DVD, but only as part of the 7 Season box set.



                        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                        The movies are on DVD, but only as part of the 7 Season box set.

                        Ugh. You mean I'd have to get some special box set to get them? I've got each season individually on dvd.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                          I'm not an Adama/Roslin shipper (or an anti-shipper either), but I do want to say how happy I am for those who are. As a long-time Sam and Jack shipper, it's great to get to see your favorite characters together the way you've always wanted to see them. And I agree with many of you that it's nice to see ship between a more mature couple (I just can't bring myself to say "older" ) So here's big heartfelt squeeeeeeee! for all the Adama/Roslin shippers.
                          Now why can't you say "older"? They are older than you, aren't they? Heck, they're older than I am and I'm older than you....

                          Anyway, I saw that Morjana posted this link in the S/J Ship thread to a TV Guide Online video with Mary McDonnell and Edward James Olmos discussing the evolution of their onscreen relationship:


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            Ooooh! A dilemna! Desert camo or Comic Con sweetness? And Alpha Jack!

                            Must. Think. Hard.

                            You know I'm always grateful for the goodies you make us, Mala!
                            Oh don't think so hard - there's really no dilemma. You can print as many as you like and just rotate them. (or put them all up on your wall - they make lovely wall decoration!)


                              Originally posted by trupi View Post
                              Man hasn't lost his popularity and his has guts to wear that horrible wig on TV in front of millions of people.
                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                              LOL!!! You're right about that!

                              Wonder how much Pepsi donated to Sea Shepherd? 'Cause you know he didn't have to do it...

                              EDIT: Ah. I see others have already asserted that theory. Great minds think alike.
                              I'm certain he got paid well by Pepsi. I doubt if they donated any money directly to Sea Shepherd. He's free to give his fee over to his favorite charities if he wants to and I'm sure he will.


                                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                                I was going to drop these off tomorrow, but since I'm here now...

                                OK, so it's FEBRUARY already!

                                Anyway, announcing my new 2009 Calendars for all you Mala Worlders and/or visitors. Right now, I've only made a few from my favorite manips and pics. I'm still thinking of maybe doing a horizontal calendar, perhaps based on the RDA Academy, but I'm not sure...

                                Btw, I haven't updated my Calendar page yet so you can only get the links to the new ones here for now. If you see anything that I don't have a 2009 version of that you'd like, let me know and I'll make it.

                                First, by request for Anakin and Melissa...(and anyone else who wants them):

                                Use the links below to DOWNLOAD the .PDF files for printing:

                                ((((((((((((MALA)))))))))))) I love you!!!!!!!
                                Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon

