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Mala's World

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    Hey! I think I've finally got a song to do a s/j vid w/and NAZ gave me a few pointers so I can finally do one!



      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      Ha! I'll be menally prepared and ready! (I hope)

      I wanted to share a little RDA goodness tonight.

      Kate Ritter put some new pics from Comic Con up on tonight. Since you've already seen all the cute ones with Rick and Amanda, I won't repost any of them.

      But I loved these of Rick!

      They're all so good that I don't know which one I like best!!!

      Those are some of my favorites, too. I saw them the other night on (a photography community on the web), and scrubbed a couple of those same pics for myself. Anyway, I just looked at and noticed that the original photographers weren't given credit for their work. I've put their names below their photos.

      My scrubbed versions

      photos by mhuang

      My favorite RDA/AT pic

      photo by The Ugly One

      For more photos:

      Stargate: Continuum Premiere on the USS Midway (July 2008)

      For media coverage, blogs and photo links, go to this thread:

      San Diego Comic Con - July 24-27, 2008
      Last edited by Mala50; 27 July 2008, 02:49 PM.


        Originally posted by nell View Post

        My vote goes to photo number one. Yummy!!!
        Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
        My too... as i've already told somewhere
        That one's very nice (it's by ' The Ugly One', too).

        Just giving credit where credit is due!
        Last edited by Mala50; 27 July 2008, 02:51 PM.


          **creeps in**

          **clears throat**

          ummmmm.....anybody home?????

          I know, I's been a very long time but I am away from my "normal" abode for the summer and it took us FOREVER to get my laptop up and running with the Internet....but here I am....for just a moment.....hubs and littlest critter are asleep at the moment. You know what they say....when the cat's asleep the mouse will thunk....or something along those to thunk for as long as the snoring continues!!!!

          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
            I've just realised I'm only three away from a great big honkin' 23,000 posts.

            What should I do? Prepare a big speech? Sing a song? Tell a joke whilst tap-dancing? Give an insightful post about all 214 episodes of SG-1?

            Decisions, decisions. *sigh*

            If you would like to add your ideas to the above, please send your input to:

            "It's a Curse to be at a Crossroads whilst on the Threshold of reaching New Ground with Absolute Power to achieve Small Victories"@Mala's World.RDA

            I think I need to have a lie down now.
            Congrats you thunkin' hussy you! Why don't you just post a picture or twenty in celebration....ummmm, errrrrrr I could give you a suggestion if you can't decide what to post!
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
              Those are some of my favorites, too. I saw them the other night on (a photography community on the web), and scrubbed a couple of those same pics for myself. Anyway, I just looked at and noticed that the original photographers weren't given credit for their work. I've put their names below their photos.

              For more photos:

              Stargate: Continuum Premiere on the USS Midway (July 2008)

              For media coverage, blogs and photo links, go to this thread:

              San Diego Comic Con - July 24-27, 2008
              What a wonderful time to wade into Mala's World...most thunk worthy stuff that's for sure. RDA is SUCH a thunk.....surely have missed this place and it's hostest with the mostest...Mala!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                And more here
                Photo source:; photographer:Chris Hardy.

                THE MAN's in black! My favorite pic of them all...
                This picture just thunked me right off my chair Mala....oooooooo, and hubs quit his snoring....DANG IT! I made too much noise...shame on you! Gotta to do....building a house and it's up to me to hold the other end! Well, and make sure littlest critter doesn't get into too much trouble....hopefully I'll be back before long....looks like some good stuff to get into here!

                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by Critter View Post
                  **creeps in**

                  **clears throat**

                  ummmmm.....anybody home?????

                  I know, I's been a very long time but I am away from my "normal" abode for the summer and it took us FOREVER to get my laptop up and running with the Internet....but here I am....for just a moment.....hubs and littlest critter are asleep at the moment. You know what they say....when the cat's asleep the mouse will thunk....or something along those to thunk for as long as the snoring continues!!!!

                  IS THAT YOU?!?

                  So good to see you back! Unfortunately, I can't stay very long, either...


                    Last reminder (for those who may have been away):

                    Beginning less than one hour from now!!!


                      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                      Thanks for reminding me! I have a new pic that I made from that 200th celebration...

                      I love RDA in BLACK! (this one's for you too, Feli! )

                      Oh my, that's just, um, wow....


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                        Ok...good advice!

                        Adding to the list:

                        1. Must have something in head to say after first thing.

                        2. Must remember to lisen to his reply.

                        LOL! But you got a good picture! I know, because I've seen it. I just hope there's a box for me to stand on. I'm only 5'5".

                        And I'll probably just turn to goo...just like you said.
                        You're closer than me. I am only 5'2". I am going to need a podium.


                          Originally posted by penjab View Post
                          You're closer than me. I am only 5'2". I am going to need a podium.
                          I beat you, I'm 5'


                            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                            IS THAT YOU?!?

                            So good to see you back! Unfortunately, I can't stay very long, either...
                            HOLY HANNAH! That is close-up!! Um.. WOW!!

                            I know its for Critter.. but WOW!!
                            Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                              Originally Posted by Mala50
                              Thanks for reminding me! I have a new pic that I made from that 200th celebration...

                              I love RDA in BLACK! (this one's for you too, Feli! )

                              Holy mother of GUH!



                                Originally posted by tclothingw View Post
                                Holy mother of GUH!

                                (((Maria)))!! Where have you been?

