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The Dragon Cave

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    Originally posted by Isolde View Post
    Did think about it, but thought it looked a wee bit stalkerish, especially as he was in the seats on the opposite side of the aisle. And young. With a very fine ass.
    Yeah... stalkerish! *pfft* You wanted to have him all for yourself, just admit it!
    "Are you like, a crazy person?"
    "I am quite sure they will say so."


      Me is back, somehow
      Iz, sounds like you had fun on the train And hrm hrm smile me loves Haensel and Gretel.... maybe due to Jeremy Renner....

      now goes to click a lot
      Last edited by harsesis; 23 October 2013, 09:55 PM.


        Good you´re feeling better, SGF.

        Welcome back, harsesis.

        Still got a Silver Shimmer to gift: : Claim my egg!
        And also this Blue Dino : Claim my egg! Seems it´s not worth enough a CB Copper or Green Lindwurm.

        And new trinkets were released on VoU.
        Last edited by Gatecat; 23 October 2013, 05:05 AM.


          I took the little Shimmer girl, thanks Cat! Female lineages seem to be more rare than males, aren't they?

          Iz, that sounds amazing! *wishes too for photographic evidence*
          Welcome back, SGF and harsesis!

          *clicks and huggles*


            New eggs on ToD...

            @ es!: Nah... I'd share. *crosses heart* Honest.

            I wish I'd been brave enough, but just remember ladies, up in Sheffield there's a young bloke walking the streets looking like RD. When you all get here one day, we could go and hunt him down.

            @ Cat: Took the dino, hon, thanks.




                Thinking of a bunch of girlz hunting the poor guy in Sheffield

                edit: got a shimmer to give claim the shimmer
                Last edited by harsesis; 23 October 2013, 10:18 PM.


                  Took the shimmer, h, ta.


                    There´s something wrong with the new ToD eggs. Instead of gendering they reset back to egg stage. It was thought to be a yarold´s problem, but I just had two hatchlings reseting without using yarold´s.


                      That sounds like a major glitch, Cat. Someone didn't get the coding right, eh?


                        It´s a bit annoying. I wasted some yarolds creds for nothing, so did others. Doesn´t really bother me though, I have enough creds... but I´d like to see my dragons grow up...

                        Last edited by Gatecat; 28 October 2013, 02:57 AM.


                          That sounds like I have to stop clicking at yarolds at the moment to avoid more clicks for my dragons Thanks for the hint Cat!

                          Welcome Iz!

                          edit: Oi! Halloween on DC started!!!! *laughs a lot* okay me is quite amused!

                          Last edited by harsesis; 24 October 2013, 10:54 PM.


                            Halloween breeding has begun. Does anyone need some past-Halloween eggs? If not I´ll breed mine and dump them on the AP.

                            Last edited by Gatecat; 25 October 2013, 01:50 AM.


                              Originally posted by harsesis View Post
                              That sounds like I have to stop clicking at yarolds at the moment to avoid more clicks for my dragons Thanks for the hint Cat!

                              Welcome Iz!

                              edit: Oi! Halloween on DC started!!!! *laughs a lot* okay me is quite amused!

                              guess that answers my question of halloween eggs

                              best get breeding

                              My Dragons

                              Last edited by stargatefan234; 26 October 2013, 02:50 PM.
                              People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


                                Interestingly, there's a thread devoted to the ToD issue over on VoU, and there's a lot of very disgruntled folk out there. Sounds as if it's def a coding issue, but the site won't admit to that. Which is just plain bizarre, if you ask me. Anyhoo, the upshot of it is that they won't gender, and you're prolly best to freeze them till the site gets it right though there's also speculation about 'drama' and other political stuff I cannot be bothered with. Imo, I reckon the site will disappear forever shortly. Which is a shame as I love the dragons.
                                Last edited by Isolde; 29 October 2013, 10:14 AM.

