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    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    I just leave one up, even if it's grown up. I don't know about other ones, but The Mob dynasty doesn't really care how recent it is, as long as it's a link. Even if I have no eggs, I keep one of the links from the last bunch posted. Lately I've been leaving a VoU link, as they seem to need the most clicks to grow up.
    Sure, I can do that..... but that would probably eat up all my creds. I don´t click for nothing.

    Originally posted by harsesis View Post
    Cat! Guess that is the reason I left the dynasty I'm more the lonely wolf rather than a pack
    Yeah, me too. I guess when they kick me out again, I won´t join again. I don´t like being forced to click...

    Aaaaaaand, I won the first prize for being stupid like hell! I am again looking like a vampire... worst case scenario! Simple reason: I ate a lot of tomatoes yesterday (because I LOVE tomatoes!) I totally forgot that this is maybe the cause for the red eyes.... now I know IT IS!!!
    So you´re not only allergic to tomato pollen, but to tomatoes in general? Did you ever do an allergy test? Might be enlightening.
    Last edited by Gatecat; 05 June 2013, 02:39 AM.


      I will have this allergy test end of July because I am just 2nd class.... it takes some time to get an appointment....

      Middle of the weeks clicks


        Good to hear that.

        My beloved SNAPLINKS is working again!!!! Yay!!!


          RE Role play Covention: I didn't make any photos myself but here's this one of me. It's rather dark though.

          RE yarolds dynasties: I always leave a VoU link online, even if it's grown up, because they don't eat up the credits so fast. And I always have it visible only for the dynasty.

          Hm, seven new breeds on DC, and all I see is the same old cave-blockers like always. Sometimes I wonder if TJ uses dice to calculate the breed ratios, it seems so illogical.


            Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
            Good to hear that.

            My beloved SNAPLINKS is working again!!!! Yay!!!
            Thanks for hint.
            I can finally clicking horsies on VoD. Clicking one by one was hard.
            Btw all my Spring Fairy are still eggs and have morr than 100 clicks. It can be bug.


              Sorry, I have to quote normally I don't do that hahaha
              Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
              RE Role play Covention: I didn't make any photos myself but here's this one of me. It's rather dark though.
              I love that picture!!! yehaw *smiles*

              RE yarolds dynasties: I always leave a VoU link online, even if it's grown up, because they don't eat up the credits so fast. And I always have it visible only for the dynasty.
              Normally I would do the same. But if someone is telling it is a MUST than me believes in anarchy... Which leads to the fact that I don't do what someone is telling me. A nice asked question would definately help more

              Hm, seven new breeds on DC, and all I see is the same old cave-blockers like always. Sometimes I wonder if TJ uses dice to calculate the breed ratios, it seems so illogical.
              Oh yesssssssssss, me feelz the same! I never sah a reddish one since the release day! All those I've got are rom trades. *offers new dice to TJ*


                Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
                Btw all my Spring Fairy are still eggs and have morr than 100 clicks. It can be bug.
                No bug, the Spring fairies don´t have a foal sprite, so they stay egg till they're adult.

                DS, that´s a great pic of you.

                Re DC: The Coppers and Bloodscales are supposed to be rarer I think. Haven´t seen a Copper since the day they were released, but I managed to grab two Bloodscales today.
                I finished my quota of Seragammas, Black Tea and Black Caps, and I only need one more Blacktip.

                btw, anyone else think the head of the female Seragamma resemble somewhat Yautyas (the Predator-Aliens)?

                Last edited by Gatecat; 07 June 2013, 07:07 AM.


                  I didn't realize it before, but apparently the egg limit differs on ToD depending on if you are catching eggs or obtaining from other means...The limit is 8 if you are catching, but 5 if you are breeding/trading/buying...It sucks...

                  Also, in order to get the blue Iliyas, they still haven't figured out the correct time...They do know it is at least 32+ hours...Yellow is 3-30 at least, and Red is less than 3 hours...

                  That means I've got at least 18 hours left before I can hatch all my eggs for blues, and I can't even try to breed for Mysteries, since I've got 7 eggs...

                  I just realized I have 3 on VoU that hav Eternal Youth!!
                  Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                    Take me home



                        This Shimmer is now mine


                          Originally posted by stargatefan234 View Post
                          hmmm... no internet at home, hopefully it's fixed tonight
                          no internet at home still... hopefully we will get a phone call today or tomorrow and it will be fixed then. but im guessing the "tier 2" technician will just send an engineer round and that that will take another 3 working days :/
                          People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


                            Originally posted by stargatefan234 View Post
                            no internet at home still... hopefully we will get a phone call today or tomorrow and it will be fixed then. but im guessing the "tier 2" technician will just send an engineer round and that that will take another 3 working days :/
                            My condolences
                            "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                            "I am quite sure they will say so."


                              I'm BACK!!! *massive glomp* So what's been happening, medears? Owt or nowt?

                              Last edited by Isolde; 06 June 2013, 09:18 AM.


                                *waves Hello Iz*

                                *hugs SGF*

                                *jumps mad up n down* because I am on vacation now

