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The Dragon Cave

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    *stumbles in*
    I am back from my team building, and in one piece!
    Thank you Cat for managing my scroll in my absence!
    *blacks out*
    "Are you like, a crazy person?"
    "I am quite sure they will say so."


      Welcome back es!

      This CB Pink is looking for a new home. Claim my egg!


        Hope you had a reasonably good time, es! Btw, how's the cold?


          I don´t know why I got 30000 dragon coins on ToD. I didn´t sell anything. I had about 2000 coins.


            Maybe someone gifted you the coins. That's what happened to me a couple of days ago. A generous person gave coins to random people. Check your e-mail, you should've gotten a notification about it.

            @es: Welcome back!

            @Cat: the ToD forum glitched and everyone had to register anew.

            Last edited by Draco-Stellaris; 03 February 2013, 09:43 AM.


              Holy cow. I just checked my ToD account and I have about 30 more clicks per egg/hatchling. They all seem to be from "vistors". Thanks mysterious clickers!

              EDIT: And massive visitor clicks strike again. I only got those eggs a few hours ago!

              New Eggs:
              Last edited by Seahen; 03 February 2013, 12:40 PM.


                I just checked and somebody give me donation. It`s very nice.

                Btw I`m on list for 2nd gen common from Prize. List is very long.


                  Thank you, Iz. It's better now, altho I fear I managed to infect two colleagues What about yourself? Better yet?

                  I wonder when did I become such a wimp.
                  I was so glad that I didn't have to participate in Austrian national sport of skiing that I caved to the peer pressure and partook in Austrian national folly - sledding down a mountain in the middle of a night.
                  Imagine a 4 km long serpentine that connects a mountain hut with the village in the valley. It is travelled up and down buy a huge tractor taxi only. The tractor needs chains over all of its wheels to make sure it doesn't slide into the snowy rock on one side of the narrow road, or down the foresty abyss on its other side.
                  Everybody got a sled at the hut. It is middle of the night and the visibility under pines is minimal. All of the head lamps were taken by the regular party. We were too late so we had the frikkin traktor driving behind us, providing us with light.
                  So we are sledding down. The icy patches throughout were a nice surprise every time Little chance to brake on ice, and the choice between slamming into the rock or tumbling down the other side was less than appealing. If you are too fast, you are in darkness. If you are too slow, there is the tractor's ginormous dipper behind your back.
                  By the time we arrived at the mountain's foot I was *very* warm despite the temperatures My muscles are still sore from all the braking.
                  I think I enjoyed the adventure least of the group. I was also the one to ask for the head count in the end
                  To put all that in perspective - there was a 12 yo kid with us (who squealed when he couldn't brake, but still).
                  So I wonder. When did I become such a pansy. I used to be more O'Neil a couple of years back. Now I am a Woolsey
                  "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                  "I am quite sure they will say so."


                    I've had a shock too when I went to check on my ToD lair, and found nearly all my dragons grown up. A nice surprise, I hasten to add, though, cos it meant I could try for new eggsies.

                    @ es!: Wow, what an epic trip. Scary, to say the least.


                      It is a nice surprise to come on and see that so many of my hatches all grown up and most all my eggs hatched



                        Five more new babies.


                          morning clicks

                          I´m having a LotR-day today with my friend. We want to watch the whole SEE. We´ll start at about 10am.

                          btw, I don´t know what they did to the site but ToD is so much faster now, clicking others eggs is real fun. Yesterday I clicked the whole coin lair, all 27 pages, in about 2 hours.

                          CB Pink still up for grabs: Claim my egg!
                          Last edited by Gatecat; 04 February 2013, 12:00 AM.


                            Ooh, Cat, that sounds fab. All those pretty men to look at...

                            Also took the pink.


                              Agreed, ToD is much faster all of a sudden! And thanks to these mysterious clicking visitors!




