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The Dragon Cave

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    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.


      Hm, I have a question...

      There is that person with whom I traded last time... when I missed the pink hatchie, and that person missed the Cheese... I *thought* that the Pink might have come from another scroll that time but I wasn't sure.

      Now that person is offering me a Pink hatchie again altho I have nothing to give in return. I've checked better this time - this Pink is definitely not on that person's scroll.

      I think that person plays with multiple scrolls.

      The question is, do I have to report that? I kinda feel uncomfortable about it because the person is nice and is asking nothing for the second Pink... altho I'm locked now
      "Are you like, a crazy person?"
      "I am quite sure they will say so."


        CB Spring!!

        And I'm locked again.
        Well, at least until pinkie hatches, and then I can abandon the horse.


          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          *New Page Clicks*

          Don't forget to click the eggs in Girlbot's sig.
          Thanks Tood ((hugs))and everyone ((forum hug)) who helped my eggs hatch and kept them going while I was too sick to come online. Feeling slightly better and can handle them now. Thanks again everyone

          Oh and Sunday afternoon clicks for everyone elses' eggs
          no means no, and so does pepper spray
          Sig by The Carpenter


            Originally posted by es! View Post
            Hm, I have a question...

            There is that person with whom I traded last time... when I missed the pink hatchie, and that person missed the Cheese... I *thought* that the Pink might have come from another scroll that time but I wasn't sure.

            Now that person is offering me a Pink hatchie again altho I have nothing to give in return. I've checked better this time - this Pink is definitely not on that person's scroll.

            I think that person plays with multiple scrolls.

            The question is, do I have to report that? I kinda feel uncomfortable about it because the person is nice and is asking nothing for the second Pink... altho I'm locked now
            Interesting problem is the hatchling gendered? I know that I have scroll-sitted people's scrolls and they have said if this egg/hatchling ends up being _____ then ________ that could be what this is. Or a friend who doesn't play much they are using the other scroll for overflow till the player comes back. It is hard to be 100% sure that the person has multiple scrolls without them actually saying it. That is just my opinion though


              Originally posted by es! View Post
              Hm, I have a question...

              There is that person with whom I traded last time... when I missed the pink hatchie, and that person missed the Cheese... I *thought* that the Pink might have come from another scroll that time but I wasn't sure.

              Now that person is offering me a Pink hatchie again altho I have nothing to give in return. I've checked better this time - this Pink is definitely not on that person's scroll.

              I think that person plays with multiple scrolls.

              The question is, do I have to report that? I kinda feel uncomfortable about it because the person is nice and is asking nothing for the second Pink... altho I'm locked now
              not necassarily - some people do trades for the whole family, some have acess to friends scrolls for sitting purposes, but if the scroll names are very simmilar or have the same naming scheme then I would consier reporting it



                Thank you, DG and Shan!

                I can't see the name of the second scroll, but the names of the dragons are all totally different... And that hatchie hasn't gendered yet.

                I think I'll just forget about it. Don't want to be a wet blanket, especially with people who seem to be really nice.

                PS: congrats on your sitting alt, Shan!
                "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                "I am quite sure they will say so."


                  i heard that alt black hatchlings are going to be both sitting and curled now,
                  female - curled,
                  male - sitting.
                  can anyone verify?
                  please click the dragons. help them grow. sig made by jasminaGo. thank you! dragons rule!


                    * evening clicks *


                      Originally posted by Stella View Post
                      i heard that alt black hatchlings are going to be both sitting and curled now,
                      female - curled,
                      male - sitting.
                      can anyone verify?
                      have not heard anything about it



                        The regular blacks have a different hatchling for male and female but I have not heard if alt hatchlings will depend on their gender


                          "While God waits for his temple to be built of love, men bring stones." -Rabindranath Tagore


                            Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.


                              *New page clicks*


                                I haven't heard that either, but my curled alt gendered female.

                                EDIT: my paper grew up!
                                *huggles the Paper*
                                What should I name it?..
                                "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                                "I am quite sure they will say so."

