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The Dragon Cave

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    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
    *still feeling sick clicks*
    Get well soon DS

    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    OMG Both of my V-day dragons are alts!!!!!!!! Guess who is a happy DC member
    Congratulations DG.

    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    Congrats Morgan!!!
    Yeah well done Morgan

    Originally posted by harsesis View Post
    One of my Vs hatched and I am feeling a bit better than yesterday clicks
    Woo hoo on your V's nice to hear your feeling a bit better than yesterday.

    Got to have another operation, on my shoulder now in 3 months clicks. Oh well.

    Dragon Cave.


    Gotta go to work soon.
    Last edited by MCH; 18 February 2010, 07:59 AM.
    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      *huggles* Sorry to hear you need surgery MCH


        Cindy grew up

        interestingly he's called a sweetling, rather than a valentine
        People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


          Originally posted by stargatefan234 View Post
          Cindy grew up

          interestingly he's called a sweetling, rather than a valentine
 don´t know what I should think of this sprite. And the name anyway...
          IMO, it´s not really one of the best sprites I´ve seen.



            Thanks for the good wishes and
            congrats, Morgan and DG.


              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                Oh MCH that does not sound good! Hope everything will be fine in 3 month! *fingers crossed*

                *is just a liiiiiiiitle bit jealous on the chocolate Vs* Will you breed yours dragongirl? *raises hand to get an egg* *thinks it looks nice in the linage*

                evening - tired but finally better again - clicks

                edit: me really likes the V sprites!


                  I will breed them (well the one that grows up the other will be a frozen hatchling although I can't get a v-day egg until next year (like with last years)


                    Originally posted by stargatefan234 View Post
                    Cindy grew up


                    interestingly he's called a sweetling, rather than a valentine
                    OMG it's MALE! O.o

                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    I will breed them (well the one that grows up the other will be a frozen hatchling although I can't get a v-day egg until next year (like with last years)
                    I can't have another 2010 Valentine anyway, but like everybody here, I'd love to have a second gen egg from your chocolate sweetling (lol) with any other CB dragon Sign me up for the waiting list, please, if you have one
                    "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                    "I am quite sure they will say so."


                      So Haresis and ws at least want an egg bron from my Sweetling


                        could you sign me to the waiting list too, DG?



                          I would also like an egg, please.

                          watching Continuum-clicks


                            okay let me write everyone down *grabs notebook* Haresis, es, Shan, and WC so far


                              Thank you DG!

                              I have a general question. Is there a way to gift eggs from a multi clutch individually? I had this problem with the bred eggs from my old V. All eggs would be abandoned as soon as I click on one and choose "Keep the egg". There's no way I can abandon them one by one, right? So the only way to gift these eggs is to tell the time of keeping one egg (= the time when the others will be abandoned), right? Or would it work for another person to go to the "get code" link?
                              *I hope my rambling makes sense*
                              "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                              "I am quite sure they will say so."


                                what you do with a multi clutch is click to keep no eggs they will be held in you scroll. when you hover your mouse over the egg the bottom left side of the screen will give the code. tell someone the code and go through like a normal trade but then click to keep an egg you are not giving away. Example you get 2 eggs from breeding you want to keep one and give the other away. Hovver over the egg to be given away it will say at the bottom left tell that code to the person when they have the right page and are refreshing click to keep the other egg then you can give it away to a 2nd person or keep it for yourself. Does that make since? I have done it a couple times before and it works now if it is 3-4 eggs I have never tired. Of course this all has to be done in the hour they were breed or you will lose all but one of the breed eggs.

