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Are you afraid of Cotton Wool?

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    Infedelity in a relationship is the only good reason I can think of to be violent. :/ Even afterwards I feel horrible about it.


      Originally posted by aschen
      Infedelity in a relationship is the only good reason I can think of to be violent. :/ Even afterwards I feel horrible about it.
      I can think of a whole bunch more. Self-defence, for example. And, not that I'm judging, or trying to invoke guilt, but infedelity isn't really a reason to get violent with somebody who may not have know that their partner was actually somebody elses partner. Not that I'm suggesting violence to women solves anything either.


        See that's a pretty common double standard though. People will argue that violence can solve things, yet look down upon violence towards women.


          Well, to avoid the idea that I have double-standards, let the records show that I don't think violence to men helps anything either. Although, not that I'm being mean, but technically you chose to beat up a man over a woman...


            I have aracniphobia probably to most comon phobia.

            I also know a guy who is afread of clowns and migits. the was a clown at our school once it came into lunch and he wouldn't sit at the same table with it.

            Hellenologophobia- Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology um mabe it is me but isn't Hellenologophobia a comples sientific term. and it cold be greek but it is probably latin.
            Last edited by Gorthaur; 12 October 2004, 01:44 PM.
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              Originally posted by aligater
              YOU DO?!?! Really??? SERIOUSLY???????? You're not pulling my leg? You actually know someone who FEARS COTTON WOOL?!?!?!?!
              It's true. Her name's Jo. She can't bear to touch it, and even seeing it makes her think of how it feels to touch it, so it does actually - well, not scare her, but she did retch when someone was using some to remove their mascara.



                Could this thread please stick to the theme of phobias and not turn into a boasting place for episodes of thuggery or a discussion on the relative merits of beating different people up.


                Madeleine W



                  I don't really like social situations either. Maybe that's because I've hardly been to anything. I think the last one was one of my cousins funeral a few years ago. I don't really count birthday parties (though I don't like those either)...

                  I don't get out much. We (meaning us as a family) don't go to parties or weddings or anything the like. We mostly stay to ourselves and indoors. Watch TV or go on the computer. Or do stuff outside like take walks.

                  I just don't like sociallizing. When someone comes over, I usually hang out down here (here is the basement. That's IF I wasn't here before ). If my loud cousins come over, they're down here playing the Gamecube or on the computer or darts. I go upstairs to the living room and watch TV with my dad.

                  I don't like telephones either... I don't like talking on the phone. I especially don't like answering the phone. That's why I kind of liked Dial-Up... Only the 'no one can call us, leave a message' part... No one ever phones me anyways. If someone else is in the house, I don't answer the phone, I leave it for them.

                  And I don't really like kids either.

                  I don't really talk to people much in real-life. I have nothing in common with them.

                  And I don't like getting my picture taken. Today in the middle of chemistry some people pulled us grade 11 girls out for a picture. Because I was tall, I had to go in the front kneeling. I refused to look at the camera, so they told me to just go back to class. I don't really see why they need to take my picture because it never ends up in the yearbook anyway. Not that mind...

                  Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                  Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                    I can't believe I got neg points for being honest. W/e.

                    I feel you though, Marty. It doesn't matter who calls my cell phone, I still get erked out. x_x People are like "Call me" and I'm like "Uh. No." Answering the house phone is scary cuz you never know who it is. O_O


                      Originally posted by aschen
                      I can't believe I got neg points for being honest. W/e.

                      I feel you though, Marty. It doesn't matter who calls my cell phone, I still get erked out. x_x People are like "Call me" and I'm like "Uh. No." Answering the house phone is scary cuz you never know who it is. O_O
                      I just don't really like talking to people lol.

                      I don't really every know what to say. I'm not up in the latest gossip and what-not...

                      As I said, I don't get out much. I think I've said this before somewhere but, most of the people I know at school like to go out to parties and get drunk and what-not. They prefer the sappy shows like The O.C. or Everword or One Tree Hill.

                      I watch Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Dead Like Me, Queer as Folk, Tru Calling, the Sopranos, Six Feet Under, love NASCAR and action movies. They like stupid funny movies and romantic comedies.

                      Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                      Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                        Agreed. It's almost impossible to avoid those awkward silences, ya know?


                          Cotton wool huh? Are you guys talking about whay I call 'cotton balls'? I think so.

                          Anyway. I have this fear of being late for things. I don't like to be late. oooh and I REALLY don't like ceramic things. eh *cringe*
                          Jack: Daniel?
                          Daniel: He just asked me if we were Soviet Spies. I just...
                          Jack: Nyet???


                            You gotta admit...cotton balls are pretty scary. Especially on q-tips. >_< I'm always afraid they'll get stuck in my ears. One was, actually, for quite some time. A couple of months. I had a horrible ear infection because of it. :/


                              Originally posted by aschen
                              Agreed. It's almost impossible to avoid those awkward silences, ya know?
                              Yeah. On the phone especially when I'm talking to my grandma. I have this sweet innocent voice on for no apparent reason. I mainly end up saying, 'Yeah... yeah... okay... yeah'. But I still end up nodding lol.

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                                Originally posted by aschen
                                You gotta admit...cotton balls are pretty scary. Especially on q-tips. >_< I'm always afraid they'll get stuck in my ears. One was, actually, for quite some time. A couple of months. I had a horrible ear infection because of it. :/
                                really??? it got stuck in your ear? I've never heard of that before. really though the things have never scared me...i kinda like them..they are useful.
                                Jack: Daniel?
                                Daniel: He just asked me if we were Soviet Spies. I just...
                                Jack: Nyet???

