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Are you afraid of Cotton Wool?

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    Are you afraid of Cotton Wool?

    Hey guys! I was just wondering, do any of you have any unusual fears you'd like to discuss? I seem to have loads and want to know if anyone else has the same problems. Okay, so. I fear:

    The Rice Krispies Men (they are out to get me)
    Shovels (If you've seen 'Intermission', you know why)
    Colin Fahrel (see above)
    Jonas (no points for guessing why)
    Avril Lavigne (she's a great singer, but I fear her)
    Pete (I'm a shipper, and that's all there is to it)
    Pete covered in chocolate fondue (the visual is too much)

    But my NO 1 of ALL TIME FEAR IS:

    Pete when he does that pouty thing (it's beyond fear!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!

    Not only this, but I know a woman who fears matching socks, and another who fears balloons. I know somebody who clamed to be afraid of stairs and chandeliers, and somebody else who said they were afraid of the colour orange, but these both were hoaxes. But, probably the oddest fear I've known is a girl afraid of tin-foil. It's seriously wiggy to her.

    Anyway, I'm on a search for somebody, ANYBODY who fears cotton wool. To me, it's the oddest possible fear, and I've never met anyone with it. Come forward! I want to know, if you fear it, if your friend fears it, if you read about a guy whose parents' gardener feared it. The search is on!

    i'm not afraid of cotton wool...what is cotton wool anyway?

    i am afraid of falling down staircases and things flying out open car windows.


      Clowns. A little bit of enclosed spaces... Heights. A little bit afraid of flying. If I'm on a plane I'll be griping the seat for about half the flight so I always try to sit by the window to get over it quicker.

      Not really a fear but a little bit of hate for disorganisation. Some of my stuff seems a little disorganized, but it's organized for me.

      A phobia could be a great fear or hatred of something.

      A list of technical names for fears.

      Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
      Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


        Nylon, or any synthetic sort of cloth. I can't stand it when my sons wear the football shirts my in-laws got them cos it becomes a torture to cuddle or even touch them.

        That's all, but I do know a cotton-wool-phobe.



          Originally posted by Greesha
          i'm not afraid of cotton wool...what is cotton wool anyway?

          i am afraid of falling down staircases and things flying out open car windows.
          Cotton wool is this fluffy wooly stuff that looks like a ball of white fur. People use it to soak up blood on cuts, or to clean out ears. But it's really soft and feels really nice, so being afraid of it would be so rare.

          I know what you mean about stairs. I fell down twice as a little kid. I wouldn't call it a phobia, but it is something I wouldn't like happening.


            Do you recon those guys can sure a phobia of Pete...? Hmm...can anyone?


              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
              Nylon, or any synthetic sort of cloth. I can't stand it when my sons wear the football shirts my in-laws got them cos it becomes a torture to cuddle or even touch them.

              That's all, but I do know a cotton-wool-phobe.
              YOU DO?!?! Really??? SERIOUSLY???????? You're not pulling my leg? You actually know someone who FEARS COTTON WOOL?!?!?!?!


                I'm deathly afraid of clowns. At a fair once, one wouldn't leave me alone and he got a fist in his face. :/ I'm also of social situations... x_x


                  Originally posted by aschen
                  I'm deathly afraid of clowns. At a fair once, one wouldn't leave me alone and he got a fist in his face. :/ I'm also of social situations... x_x
                  Well, if the clown wouldn't leave you alone, he deserved it!

                  Just tell many teeth did you knock out?


                    None. I hate violence, but when I'm brought to it I go for the upper eye and upper eye brow. Here's a funny story. On time in HS my gf at the time cheated on me. So I went after the guy and socked him once on the upper left part of his face. That made his back go against the garage door. Then I threw 3 more punches, and his frikkin head kept rebounding against the garage door and right back into my fist. I then proceeded to wipe off the blood and run away from his rather angry friends. He had to get stitched. ;x


                      Originally posted by aschen
                      None. I hate violence, but when I'm brought to it I go for the upper eye and upper eye brow. Here's a funny story. On time in HS my gf at the time cheated on me. So I went after the guy and socked him once on the upper left part of his face. That made his back go against the garage door. Then I threw 3 more punches, and his frikkin head kept rebounding against the garage door and right back into my fist. I then proceeded to wipe off the blood and run away from his rather angry friends. He had to get stitched. ;x
                      [Jaw drops open] You're not serious, are you? Geez, I sure hope that guy wasn't afraid of cotton wool. I recon he'd need a whole lot in order to mop up the blood after that one... You really didn't do that, did you?


                        I sure did. :/ I was about 17. The gods have most graciously blessed me with a violence free life since that point though.


                          That's good! I seriously don't believe you did that! Were you hurt?


                            Nope, I wans't hurt at all. I'm 6' @ 220 lbs... What's not to believe?


                              Not at all? Okay, I guess if you went for the eyebrow... But seriously! I mean, not that you didn't have the right to be mad or anything. You did, but... well, it's violence! I guess it was pretty merited, though.

