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    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
    Movies? I must totally agree with Ali.......WOLVERINE in X-Men! Especially on the Statue of Liberty. Good Lord.....and Hugh Jackman......*fans self* I'm sure when my brain returns to normal I can think of more films.
    Oh heck yes! Damn I love that film! My tummy still flips when he roars and unsheathes his claws right through his chest and then just falls and lies still and Jean is yelling, "Logan!!!"

    I absolutely fell hook line and sinker for Hugh Jackman in that film... for a good long while he was my number 1 thunk! I remember being probably more excited waiting for the release of X-Men 2 than I am for Season 4 of SGA - and that's pretty darn excited!

    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
    And Tom Paris.....Warp 10, anyone? Lizard man? Ripping his tongue out?
    Ooooh or Tom Paris having repeated playbacks of a crime he didn't commit that, because the alien technology doesn't work properly in human brains, gives him terrible pain and makes him pass out and is slowly killing him. I think that was one of the first eps of ST:VOY I ever saw!


      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Does anyone have any fave whumpy movies that they enjoy?????
      It is funny that when I read what you wrote, my mind went to Indianna Jones/Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was the scene when they are on the boat with the Ark and he is just trying to get a bit of rest and Marion is trying to be all sexy. She keeps hitting sore spots and he keeps wincing. I have to laugh every time she asks if there is any place that doesn't hurt and he points to his elbow. Of course she gives it a little kiss.

      **wanders back to Shep whump thread with dreams of helping him relieve his soreness**


        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        *sees Whumpaholics* *salivates*

        Oh yesssss.....I am a Whumper from waaaaay back. Before there was even a word for it, I suffered from it!

        Movies? I must totally agree with Ali.......WOLVERINE in X-Men! Especially on the Statue of Liberty. Good Lord.....and Hugh Jackman......*fans self* I'm sure when my brain returns to normal I can think of more films.

        TV.....Aw....c'mon.....Shep is the latest. From "38 Minutes" to "Conversion" to "Common Ground".......I mean......John Sheppard rocks.

        Before Shep, there was Trip from "Enterprise" and Tom Paris from "Voyager". I can you not love Trip the pregnant man or Trip who was cloned to save his life or Trip in "Desert Crossing"? And Tom Paris.....Warp 10, anyone? Lizard man? Ripping his tongue out?

        John Crichton from "Farscape".....dude, he got whumped a lot.

        I'm fairly new to "Smallville" but love when Clark Kent gets whumped by green, red, or black kryptonite.

        I remember seeing that NCIS with DiNozzo! I just didn't know what the episode was titled. That was a good one.

        Any western just screamed whump!

        This thread is great! Let me think of more.

        Oh yes kryptonite is my friend *happy sigh* I am very fond of Clark whump!!!!

        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        It is funny that when I read what you wrote, my mind went to Indianna Jones/Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was the scene when they are on the boat with the Ark and he is just trying to get a bit of rest and Marion is trying to be all sexy. She keeps hitting sore spots and he keeps wincing. I have to laugh every time she asks if there is any place that doesn't hurt and he points to his elbow. Of course she gives it a little kiss.

        **wanders back to Shep whump thread with dreams of helping him relieve his soreness**
        I am rather partial to some Harrison Ford character whump myself.
        Last edited by Sheppard's Delight; 18 September 2007, 10:10 AM.


          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
          Does anyone have any fave whumpy movies that they enjoy?????
          I'm actually having a hard time coming up with any films!

          Weirdly, the only one i remember enjoying the whump in was Die Hard - and i don't even like Bruce Willis!

          Must think harder!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Ooooh or Tom Paris having repeated playbacks of a crime he didn't commit that, because the alien technology doesn't work properly in human brains, gives him terrible pain and makes him pass out and is slowly killing him. I think that was one of the first eps of ST:VOY I ever saw!
          I think that was possibly the best Paris episode. That and The Chute were great whumpy eps. It's been said before, but i'll say it again, we need an ep like that in SGA!
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            Oh yes kryptonite is my friend *happy sigh* I am very fond of Clark whump!!!!
            Clark whump! How could I forget that? The humming of a kryptonite is like music to my ears! Superman Returns had a nice whump and Smallville has plenty of it.

            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
            I am rather partial to some Harrison Ford whump myself.
            Loved Raiders whump!
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              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              Does anyone have any fave whumpy movies that they enjoy?????
              I have lots of fave whumpy movies, but my brain has gone blank the only one that keeps popping into my head is Navy Seals (its a pretty old movie with Charlie Sheen in it but some good whump!!)

              A bit of 007 whump never hurts either

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              I gave in and made use of the lovely full 9-season DVD boxset hubby bought me and watched Folie a Deux tonight. Fab ep. Hadn't watched it in years! I really wanna watch Due South but I only have it on VHS and I'm not sure the video player is even still connected to the TV!

              I have the Season one DVDs... hubby got me them as a present! Would like to get around to getting the rest but there's been other DVDs and stuff that have taken precedence... (SGA, SPN, Dr Who etc.. )

              First ones that come to mind:

              X-Men (the first movie).
              Wolverine got some serious whump in that movie (and Hugh Jackman - hubba hubba! ). I have to admit that I've seen the movie so many times that a) I can recite most of the script along with the film (hey, if hubby and his brother can do it to Star Wars, for crying out loud! ) and b) these days I mostly fast-forward and watch just the bits with Wolverine in... particularly the whumpy bits!

              Let's see now... he gets... punched and kicked in a cage fight (which he ultimately wins, of course), attacked with a knife, thrown through the windscreen in a car crash and slid a coupla hundred yards along the road, hit upside the head with a log and flown through the air to land on the car bonnet and knocked unconscious. Wakes up (bare-chested! yum!) in a lab and freaks out, snapping off a needle in his arm as he escapes and then pulls the broken bit of needle out. Has terrible nightmares and accidentally stabs Rogue as she tries to wake him, leading her to touch him and drain his life/power, leaving him convulsing on the floor and waking up feeling "like she almost killed me". Gets flung the length of a train car by Magneto and knocked unconscious. Gets his ass thoroughly kicked by Mystique. Gets pinned to the inside of the Statue of Liberty my metal bands and stabs himself through the chest to free himself. Has a knock-down, drag-out fight with Sabretooth. And finally lets Rogue drain his life/powers again to save her life and in the process reopens all the healed wounds from all the fights he's had that day and collapses and ends up in the infirmary and isn't healing like he usually does and is tired and in pain when he finally awakes. Oh and don't forget the ongoing mental angst!

              DAyum, I love that film!

              Also, Desperado. Antonio Banderas (yum!) being dark and brooding and angsty and getting shot in the arm (and being operated on by a bookshop-owner!) and then getting attacked by a knife-throwing bad guy and ending up with knives in his arm, back etc and staggering along the street, leaving a smear of blood on the wall and collapsing in the bookshop and having to struggle to climb back onto the counter to let the bookshop-owner fix him up again!

              I really gotta get me an iPod or something so I can watch movies like this when I am e.g. flying to France tomorrow!
              ooh I have the x-files boxset, it was well worth the cash I don't have any of the Macgyver ones, I will have to wander to Amazon and check out the price of them and then wait until I get paid seen as car insurance is due (do they not realise I have stargate atlantis dvd's to buy and other wonderful whump dvd's to purchase - ever so rude)

              X-Men whump was good!! I like the wolverine whump I have never seen desperado... hmmm do you think blockbuster will start to see a pattern in my rentals from now on, wonder if any of them are whumpers

              I love my ipod it goes everywhere with me like a security blanket


                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                A bit of 007 whump never hurts either

                I love my ipod it goes everywhere with me like a security blanket
                007 whump!! How could i forget that!?! And Daniel Craig does it so well

                I love my iPod too. I've not been able to use it cos i've had bad ears and i've been in withdrawal!! Lol
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  If we are talking non Stargate whump, I admit to having a soft spot for any of Harrison Fords characters whump.


                    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                    007 whump!! How could i forget that!?! And Daniel Craig does it so well

                    I love my iPod too. I've not been able to use it cos i've had bad ears and i've been in withdrawal!! Lol

                    I love my whump - pod!!!

                    Originally posted by Verona View Post
                    If we are talking non Stargate whump, I admit to having a soft spot for any of Harrison Fords characters whump.
                    Oh yes he whumps very well!!!!

                    Oh and yes this is for any and all whump!!!!! - welcome!!!!


                      SheppyD you are brilliant!

                      I am an absolute whump addict. I have been so from my earliest memory! Of course I did not know what it was called then or that there were others like me out there - imagine how wonderful it was to discover there were loads of other people out there just like me!!!! In fact it was the lovely SD who told me it was called whump, We first got together a long long time ago through Starsky and Hutch fandom - I see no-one has mentioned S&H whump!! Goodness me there was some utterly tingling inducing, flip flopping eps in that I can tell you!!!! I think one of my all time favourite eps was The Plague - oh the hospital scenes and sweaty moles - SD you know what I mean!!! But of course we had Survival where he is on a mountainside trapped under a car following a crash, The Fix where he has been give drugs to make him an addict, oh gosh he is shot, poisoned, stabbed, beaten - just fabberlus!!! Hutch was my fave but I enjoyed Starsky whump too as Hutch was soooo angsty. Now you all know I am not a slasher but I think the thing that made S&H whump so special was the friendship between the 2 characters and how they cared so much when the other was hurting.

                      As you probably all know McKay whump has me a quivering wreck and I would love to see some more (platonic!) angst and caring between Shep and McKay in SGA as far as whump is concerned. I adore Sheppie whump too - infact as SD quite rightly says I am a complete whump tart!!! I enjoy any whump as long as the character being whumped is fanciable! Lady whump is absolute poo pants!!!!!

                      I agree with loads of the recommendations - I love NCIS and SWAK is gobsmackingly brilliant! I also love Due South (thanks sooo much Ali et al for the clear and precise ep details - you are all stars!) and the Star Treks - I agree that Data whump was fab too as was Riker. I liked Bashir in DS9 and of course Paris in Voyager (I like the ep where the ship Alice took control of him as well as the others mentioned). I loved the Professionals too - some nice whumpy eps in that as well. And MASH! Radar and Hawkeye were my fave.

                      Hee hee this is fun remembering. What about Dan Tanner in Vegas? I am sure he got whumped? And Mal in Firefly? What about Alias Smith and Jones - any of you oldies remember that? And Northern Exposure - a few good eps in that where Joel is whumped! I also love ReGenesis - Sandstrom has brilliant whump in some of the eps in that series and the series is outstanding all round I think. And what about House with Hugh Laurie - he has come a long way since Jeeves and Wooster In SG-1 I love Daniel whump first and then Jack. Oh my gosh I am sure there are loads I am missing out. Sometimes just a couple of eps in a series are worth watching as they have whump - honestly I am awful!!!!!!

                      Films - now then I shall have to think about that. I have to say I really love the whump in LOTR!!! And I know it is only a little bit but in the Back to the Futures Marty always gets knocked out doesn't he! As far as a full blown whumpy film with loads of main character whump - I need to go and think about that! I hear Cube is good for a DH fan but I have not seen it yet.

                      Right better stop as this has turned out to be a novel length post!

                      Yours, in whump,
                      sig by SheppyD
                      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                      So he just looks crazy


                        Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                        SheppyD you are brilliant!

                        I am an absolute whump addict. I have been so from my earliest memory! Of course I did not know what it was called then or that there were others like me out there - imagine how wonderful it was to discover there were loads of other people out there just like me!!!! In fact it was the lovely SD who told me it was called whump, We first got together a long long time ago through Starsky and Hutch fandom - I see no-one has mentioned S&H whump!! Goodness me there was some utterly tingling inducing, flip flopping eps in that I can tell you!!!! I think one of my all time favourite eps was The Plague - oh the hospital scenes and sweaty moles - SD you know what I mean!!! But of course we had Survival where he is on a mountainside trapped under a car following a crash, The Fix where he has been give drugs to make him an addict, oh gosh he is shot, poisoned, stabbed, beaten - just fabberlus!!! Hutch was my fave but I enjoyed Starsky whump too as Hutch was soooo angsty. Now you all know I am not a slasher but I think the thing that made S&H whump so special was the friendship between the 2 characters and how they cared so much when the other was hurting.

                        As you probably all know McKay whump has me a quivering wreck and I would love to see some more (platonic!) angst and caring between Shep and McKay in SGA as far as whump is concerned. I adore Sheppie whump too - infact as SD quite rightly says I am a complete whump tart!!! I enjoy any whump as long as the character being whumped is fanciable! Lady whump is absolute poo pants!!!!!

                        I agree with loads of the recommendations - I love NCIS and SWAK is gobsmackingly brilliant! I also love Due South (thanks sooo much Ali et al for the clear and precise ep details - you are all stars!) and the Star Treks - I agree that Data whump was fab too as was Riker. I liked Bashir in DS9 and of course Paris in Voyager (I like the ep where the ship Alice took control of him as well as the others mentioned). I loved the Professionals too - some nice whumpy eps in that as well. And MASH! Radar and Hawkeye were my fave.

                        Hee hee this is fun remembering. What about Dan Tanner in Vegas? I am sure he got whumped? And Mal in Firefly? What about Alias Smith and Jones - any of you oldies remember that? And Northern Exposure - a few good eps in that where Joel is whumped! I also love ReGenesis - Sandstrom has brilliant whump in some of the eps in that series and the series is outstanding all round I think. And what about House with Hugh Laurie - he has come a long way since Jeeves and Wooster In SG-1 I love Daniel whump first and then Jack. Oh my gosh I am sure there are loads I am missing out. Sometimes just a couple of eps in a series are worth watching as they have whump - honestly I am awful!!!!!!

                        Films - now then I shall have to think about that. I have to say I really love the whump in LOTR!!! And I know it is only a little bit but in the Back to the Futures Marty always gets knocked out doesn't he! As far as a full blown whumpy film with loads of main character whump - I need to go and think about that! I hear Cube is good for a DH fan but I have not seen it yet.

                        Right better stop as this has turned out to be a novel length post!

                        Yours, in whump,

                        OMG Mx you are a total whump tart!!!!!!!!! I think that you can sniff out whump - you have a talent for it!

                        Yes Starsky and Hutch whump really rocked. In fact there was fab whump in the late 70's. It didnt have to make sense they just whumped and you just accepted it even if the story was totally unrealistic.

                        I remember the ep of Vegas when Dan was blinded-( dont forget Mx that we were going to try and get hold of these eps)!!! The professionals whump was fab too!!!!! (wanted Bodie rather than Doyle whump though) Yummy!!!!!!

                        Oh yes...Alias Smith and Jones - that made me squee when I was a very young girl I had totally forgotten about that!!!!


                          Oh SD - I am such a naughty whumper!

                          I just remembered some fab ER eps where Carter is stabbed on Valentines Day - very sad as well as one of the main characters dies and I do not like it when that happens (I don't read deathfic for example - I like them to get better!)

                          You made me remember the film with John Travolta about the Boy in the Plastic Bubble and that made me remember Phenomenon (sp) which was a nice whumpy film. As was that one with Hugh Grant we watched a little while ago - Extreme Measures. I have been thinking about Harrison Ford and I must say Star Wars (I refuse to call it anything other than how it was first named - annoys my kids no end!), Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi all have some nice bits in it!

                          Oh and of course the recent Sawyer whump in LOST was simply fantastic!

                          I am a quivering whump wreck now!!!

                          sig by SheppyD
                          Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                          I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                          So he just looks crazy


                            Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                            Oh SD - I am such a naughty whumper!

                            I just remembered some fab ER eps where Carter is stabbed on Valentines Day - very sad as well as one of the main characters dies and I do not like it when that happens (I don't read deathfic for example - I like them to get better!)

                            You made me remember the film with John Travolta about the Boy in the Plastic Bubble and that made me remember Phenomenon (sp) which was a nice whumpy film. As was that one with Hugh Grant we watched a little while ago - Extreme Measures. I have been thinking about Harrison Ford and I must say Star Wars (I refuse to call it anything other than how it was first named - annoys my kids no end!), Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi all have some nice bits in it!

                            Oh and of course the recent Sawyer whump in LOST was simply fantastic!

                            I am a quivering whump wreck now!!!


                            Oh I must do some Carter whump caps!!!!! I love those eps to death!!!!!

                            Boy in a plastic bubble was fantastic *sniff*

                            Oh the joys of whumping!!! There is nothing better IMO!!!


                              Oh Mx you didnt mention Logan I know that nearly gave you whump squee overload!!! hehehehe!!


                                Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                                And Mal in Firefly?
                                Firefly!! Another one i forgot!!

                                Though i rather liked Wash whump.

                                Mini spoiler for Serenity - i'm sure every one knows, but i didn't and i got spoilered and i was really annoyed!
                                Though not when it got to Serenity - Wash kebab was too far *wails*

                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Oh I must do some Carter whump caps!!!!! I love those eps to death!!!!!
                                Ooooo yes, please do! That was agreat episode!
                                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                                l My LJ l

