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    Thanks, guys!


      Gah. Am attempting gluten and dairy free diet.

      Now where's that Cadbury chocolate? Oh that's right. GONE!
      The password is fishing...


        Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
        Gah. Am attempting gluten and dairy free diet.

        Now where's that Cadbury chocolate? Oh that's right. GONE!
        *huggles* If it helps, you can stuff yourself full of Haribo, still. I believe they're gluten and dairy free. Anyway, I applaud the restraint. I'd be on a diet if our own little 'Head of Household' stopped buying ever snack under the sun.

        Originally posted by brendini View Post
        I'll give it a try, but it's not a great pic. I can also post the necklace that is rather "Helen Magnus" that I posted on Twitter the other night.

        The earrings
        The necklace

        Okay, here are links to the pics. Let me know what you think.
        Aww, they're gorgeous... And you made them? Talent! I agree, they're definitely the right style.
        Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
        My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


          But, but, but... My Cadbury Snack block!
          The password is fishing...


            Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
            But, but, but... My Cadbury Snack block!
            *huggles again because you've no idea how unbelievably cute that is*
            What will it take to stop you crying? The Stargate handcuffs? My favourite straitjacket? My RDA and AT shaped pillows? (<---Before you ask where the hell they all came from, they're imaginary...)
            Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
            My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


              Originally posted by Simlead View Post
              *huggles again because you've no idea how unbelievably cute that is*
              What will it take to stop you crying?
              Gluten and dairy free Cadbury Snack that tastes as good as the original!
              The password is fishing...


                Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                Gluten and dairy free Cadbury Snack that tastes as good as the original!
                Sorry, Honorary Big Sister, no can do... Unless we pester a member of the company until they make one.
                Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
                My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


                  Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                  Gluten and dairy free Cadbury Snack that tastes as good as the original!
                  I wish that existed, I miss Cadbury.
                  Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                  If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                  Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                    Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                    I wish that existed, I miss Cadbury.
                    Why does everything have gluten in it?! The deprivation!...
                    The password is fishing...


                      Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                      Why does everything have gluten in it?! The deprivation!...
                      I honestly have no idea... *hunts Gluten down so she can stop it from getting into something* *tragically fails*
                      Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
                      My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


                        Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                        Why does everything have gluten in it?! The deprivation!...
                        Why are you cutting gluten and dairy out of your diet? If I could eat dairy without my tablets or getting ill, I would!
                        Sig made by Nola
                        Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                          Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                          Why does everything have gluten in it?! The deprivation!...
                          What I find more curious is how come so many people are now all allergic to gluten?! Or have gluten been added to more and more products that were previously gluten-free and therefore more people are realizing they have an allergy?
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by fems View Post
                            What I find more curious is how come so many people are now all allergic to gluten?! Or have gluten been added to more and more products that were previously gluten-free and therefore more people are realizing they have an allergy?
                            I have noticed that gluten free products have doubled at the supermarket in the past 5 years and there's a whole range of organic stuff they've bought in in the past year or so.
                            Honestly, I think people are getting sicker from all the unhealthy processed foods we've been eating and are forced to look for the underlying cause. I believe gluten is a huge contributor to ill health even if you don't have an 'allergy' and produce antibodies against it, it still has a detrimental effect even if it's subtle and takes a long time. Probably not bad for everyone, but a huge percent of people. Just my two cents.
                            The password is fishing...


                              Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                              I have noticed that gluten free products have doubled at the supermarket in the past 5 years and there's a whole range of organic stuff they've bought in in the past year or so.
                              Honestly, I think people are getting sicker from all the unhealthy processed foods we've been eating and are forced to look for the underlying cause. I believe gluten is a huge contributor to ill health even if you don't have an 'allergy' and produce antibodies against it, it still has a detrimental effect even if it's subtle and takes a long time. Probably not bad for everyone, but a huge percent of people. Just my two cents.
                              According to some studies, food today has about 50% less food value than it did in the 1940's and 50's - likely caused by all the chemicals dumped in the soil and used on the plants, as well as contributions from junk in the atmosphere.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                According to some studies, food today has about 50% less food value than it did in the 1940's and 50's - likely caused by all the chemicals dumped in the soil and used on the plants, as well as contributions from junk in the atmosphere.
                                Not to mention outright dangerous in the long run with the arrival of GMOs (controversial I know!). Did anyone hear about the march against Monsanto that happened a few days ago?
                                The password is fishing...

