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    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
    LOL (((thanks)))
    My pleasure!!
    You know, I can't remember! My memory is not too good at remembering canon, storylines, little details etc.. in fact my memory's not too good overall

    Anyway, I'm going to go offline for a bit, and read, need to get off this computer, been on it most of the day! 'Night (((Liz))) and (((Shipper Family)))
    That's what my brain tells me. In Between Two Fires? He comes running through the gate?

    Okay. Have fun reading!!

    Nighty night!! *hugs*


      ya know i think i am seriously hormonal at the mo! My mate was supposed to come over to cut my hair, i finished work early so she could do it and then her car breaks down and so couldnt do it. Now normally i would be absolutely fine about it all, but tonight, god i was so mad and angry about it, not to her but just stomping around snapping at family and then wanting to cry! Why do we get like this (i have calmed down now by the way) Its almost like we develop a split personallity, i feel like there is someone that takes over while i laugh at what i am doing on the inside....does that make sense? Also an old friend of mine is mad at me cause i have been ignoring his texts for the last few days, i was supposed to be going to his tonight for 'pizza and dvd' while his g friend is away! Is it my fault i developed a conscience?

      Sorry rant over.

      All in vanc at the mo, i hope every one is ok after the storms, i have just heard about the devestation to stanley park. Thoughts are there always!

      AH i cant wait till boxing day just so i have a day off of work!

      Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

      Help me get to film school

      One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


        Originally posted by Bex Calo View Post
        ya know i think i am seriously hormonal at the mo! My mate was supposed to come over to cut my hair, i finished work early so she could do it and then her car breaks down and so couldnt do it. Now normally i would be absolutely fine about it all, but tonight, god i was so mad and angry about it, not to her but just stomping around snapping at family and then wanting to cry! Why do we get like this (i have calmed down now by the way) Its almost like we develop a split personallity, i feel like there is someone that takes over while i laugh at what i am doing on the inside....does that make sense? Also an old friend of mine is mad at me cause i have been ignoring his texts for the last few days, i was supposed to be going to his tonight for 'pizza and dvd' while his g friend is away! Is it my fault i developed a conscience?

        Sorry rant over.

        All in vanc at the mo, i hope every one is ok after the storms, i have just heard about the devestation to stanley park. Thoughts are there always!

        AH i cant wait till boxing day just so i have a day off of work!
        Awwww! It's okay to be hormonal from time to time. Helps to clear the mind. *hugs*
        And about your friend? Maybe you should just warn him that you don't want to go or that you're busy or something. Just talk it out. Leaving him hanging could lead to worse. Anyway, hope you'll be better soon!

        I can be snappy and angry for stupid things too, but after that I always feel better so no worries!!

        And welcome


          Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
          Awwww! It's okay to be hormonal from time to time. Helps to clear the mind. *hugs*
          And about your friend? Maybe you should just warn him that you don't want to go or that you're busy or something. Just talk it out. Leaving him hanging could lead to worse. Anyway, hope you'll be better soon!

          I can be snappy and angry for stupid things too, but after that I always feel better so no worries!!

          And welcome
          lol thanks and ((((HUGS)))) as well, as for the guy thing its a long story one that isnt a good thing and is in fact very bad, but thats for another time!

          I really fancy a pizza now so i may order one, make me feel better but then i have started having nightmares if i have cheese before i go to bed, really weird!

          ANd i am homesick for vanc at the mo, onlt 12 months and 1 week

          Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

          Help me get to film school

          One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


            Originally posted by Bex Calo View Post
            lol thanks and ((((HUGS)))) as well, as for the guy thing its a long story one that isnt a good thing and is in fact very bad, but thats for another time!

            I really fancy a pizza now so i may order one, make me feel better but then i have started having nightmares if i have cheese before i go to bed, really weird!

            ANd i am homesick for vanc at the mo, onlt 12 months and 1 week
            You're welcome!

            I really do hope everything will end up fine for the guy thing.

            You have nightmares if you eat cheese before you go to bed?!?
            That's weird, maybe you can choose one without too much cheese? Or at least try to find one!


            You'll be there before you know it!


              Oh no Shroedinger!!! I think the Goa'uld killed him! The Tolan... okay yeah whatever bye , but Shroedinger! Nooooooooo!!!!


                Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                Oh no Shroedinger!!! I think the Goa'uld killed him! The Tolan... okay yeah whatever bye , but Shroedinger! Nooooooooo!!!!
                So he didn't came back through the gate?!?
                I really must have dreamed that even if I remember Sam hugging a cat before the Stargate very clearly.


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  I have vitiligo also, what a coincedence, I know nobody else who has it. But I have it only on my lower right leg, but the spots are getting bigger there, I just hope I don't get it anywhere else. Do you have it only on your head?
                  yup i think only on my head...can't see my back but no i don't have it anywhere else...but that is really coincidence...and i hope the spot doesn't get bigger if that happens i have to go to the doctor and i hate that!


                    Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                    So he didn't came back through the gate?!?
                    I really must have dreamed that even if I remember Sam hugging a cat before the Stargate very clearly.
                    Did he look like this?

                    Because this is my beautiful darlin'.


                      Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                      Did he look like this?

                      Because this is my beautiful darlin'.
                      Am i just that stupid or do i just don't understand this...this happend real...or with your cat or on stargate or not?!?!?!?!


                        Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                        Did he look like this?

                        Because this is my beautiful darlin'.
                        He really does lot a lot like Schroe. His tummy is just that bit lighter

                        What don't you understand Star?


                          Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                          He really does lot a lot like Schroe. His tummy is just that bit lighter

                          What don't you understand Star?
                          what happenend with that the cat on SG or not...and how did he disapeared....was that an episode or not


                            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                            what happenend with that the cat on SG or not...and how did he disapeared....was that an episode or not
                            Oh, well we don't seem to know where he is at the moment

                            Schroedinger was Sam's cat. (name is from Schroedinger's experiment with the cat in the box, that when injected a poison the cat would be alive and dead at the same time. Simply theory, he never actually did it. Or at least that's what I gathered from the ep ) She gave him to Narim when he left at the end of Enigma.

                            But when the Tollan were wiped out by the Goa'ulds Schroe must have died along with everyone on the planet.

                            But I clearly remember a cat running through the gate in Sam's arms. But I wonder if this happened for real or not. The only possibility would have been in the ep Between Two Fires. So, when they were wiped out.
                            But I think I dreamed that.

                            Got it?


                              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                              what happenend with that the cat on SG or not...and how did he disapeared....was that an episode or not
                              Star, the pic is my cat named "The Naboo". The Tolan were wiped out in season 5. I really can't remember what happened to Shroe. Anyone?


                                oh gals you so really need me eh...Luckily I know all the eps... and I know what you are all talking about eh...

                                Ok we first meet Shroedinger in the ep enigma where Sam gives it to Narim...then he takes Shroedinger with him to Tolan...then the cat does step through the gate and Sam really pick Shroedinger up in the ep: Pretense(that is the ep with Ska'ara)...there Narim lets Shroedinger through the gate with that device to tell SGC that they are friendly people...then we never see Shroedinger again...but we know they are destroyed in the ep: between 2 fires...So I think Shroedinger is also killed

                                And way to go Megyn...You are already confusing people...Granted confusing Jann isn't hard lol

