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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    Sorry am I really the only one who can stand that I actually love watching that I love watching operation and that kind of stuff...I know I am crazy lol
    as long as you don't start talking about it while I am eating I don't mind...
    LOL no, my boyfriend Sean loves all those crime dramas, he watches too many to count.

    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
    I love "Bones"!

    Oh, I can watch it just fine. Everyone once in awhile I get gross out. But gross stuff like that makes me hungry. I spent alot of time in health class in highschool being hungry. Luckily for me, lunch was right after the class. At least I found out I wasn't the only one that felt hungry looking at those disgusting and gross pics. There was a boy several seats away from me that told the whole class that he was hungry after watching some slides. I kept quiet.
    Hmmm can't say I get hungry myself when I've seen something like that Wonder why other people do?

    Originally posted by Goddess View Post
    Oooh pyramids! That's annoying. The Egyptians were so freakin smart!

    I love Bones though! It's better than a lot of crimes shows because the characters have interesting personalities. And they have the whole UST thing going on.
    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    I actually never tuned in for Bones...I know they are airing it here on Sunday evening but I never have done I missing something now?!? and can I watch it even if I haven't seen the beginning?!?
    Originally posted by Goddess View Post
    Cause its amazing!! And how hot is DB now? He was not so hot at the end of Angel but he's looking way good again.
    I've never watched it myself, but I see the odd ep now and again, when Sean's watching it! But what I've seen it is good, so I would recommend it As for DB being hot, I've never personally found him thunk-worthy, not to say that he isn't good-looking cos he is! Anyway m'dears, I must get off and go to bed now, got to be a good girl and get some proper sleep! ((((huggles))))

    Avatar Signature by eLouai,
    TekTek, & Gaia Online


      Originally posted by Goddess View Post
      Oooh pyramids! That's annoying. The Egyptians were so freakin smart!

      I love Bones though! It's better than a lot of crimes shows because the characters have interesting personalities. And they have the whole UST thing going on.
      So I'm guessing you're also a Bones/Booth shipper? I'm hoping my brother got me the first season for Christmas. I didn't really tell him anything else.

      My all time favorite scene in Bones is when there's a bomb in Bones house. Can't think of the episode, but Booth opens the refrig. door and it blows up. But right before that, they're listening to music, Foreigner's Hot Blooded, and Bones just kicks out and dances. Love it.

      This reminds me. I haven't seen the lastest episode yet. **goes off to watch it**

      EDIT: Oh, Eve, or anyone else, you can watch some of the newest episode online here:

      This is how I now watch Bones, because I keep forgetting to set my VCR. I also watch "Standoff" this way. I don't even know when "Standoff" is on except that it's on Tues. (I think).


        Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
        I haven't travelled much either, been to Spain, Gran Canaria, the states, France, and Morocco, but want to do more!
        Well, you ever get to come around here never hesitate to come and say hi
        Hey you, you should post your fic!

        Hmmm I like the idea of both, sorry LOLOL
        I'll see about that...

        And both? Well I think I'll do both
        Woohoo, (((Goddess and Poz))))

        Hey Admiral, great to see you here! *waves* And thanks for the lovely capture too
        I couldn't agree more. It's cool to see you here guys!
        Yay another nutty shipper! Cos all shippers are nuts, it's official
        We are and I'm damn proud about it!!

        Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
        *puts on stern mum-face* Stop putting yourself down young lady!
        Well, I really did suck on that exam, and don't even ask me about German. But I'll have all results back Friday *bites nails* *hugs*
        Awww squeeeeeee kitties! *melts*
        I love them! I love cats, do you think it's obvious with 4 of them at home?
        Yay Chelle's here! I agree with you about never being satisfied with your own hair, I give up straightening mine though, it takes hours. Aand it grows so fast grrrrr.
        I quite... enjoy my hair, even more so now ^_^
        Eve..always behaves?! I think I better sit down, I'm feeling faint from the shock
        Yeah! Stop shocking us like that!
        You've got more stamina than me! I only had a couple and my lips went numb, I nearly passed out on my mum-in-law's sofa, she thought it was hilaroius btw LOL. Mind you, I don't really drink, just a few glasses of wine now and then.
        It was cool and I'm totally not tipsy. I'm good with four anyway. I think more with my tiredness aren't a good idea.
        at the scene though
        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
        And your still lucky that it was english better then something else
        And putting up the tree now...that's a little bit late but still on time
        Yes, I'm lucky I had English. At least it was easy and rapidly done. Till I saw the 20 pages of Dutch *groans*
        It's late but that's because life has been so hectic. Living with 4 when you're not used to it can be a difficult adaptation
        Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
        And ewwwww! Just watchin CSI, and they showed skin (and blood and muscles) melting and decomposing off a body. That looked so gross.
        Oh come on!!! I love CSI, mainly because of the gross things you can see there. I suck for all the flesh details
        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
        I actually never tuned in for Bones...I know they are airing it here on Sunday evening but I never have done I missing something now?!? and can I watch it even if I haven't seen the beginning?!?
        Well.... normally you only missed the 8 first episodes. It should be okay to watch if you gathered a bit of information of the first episodes beforehand


          Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
          So I'm guessing you're also a Bones/Booth shipper? I'm hoping my brother got me the first season for Christmas. I didn't really tell him anything else.

          My all time favorite scene in Bones is when there's a bomb in Bones house. Can't think of the episode, but Booth opens the refrig. door and it blows up. But right before that, they're listening to music, Foreigner's Hot Blooded, and Bones just kicks out and dances. Love it.
          Of course I'm a Bone/Booth shipper. I ADORE that episode as well. It's one of the few that I saved the tape to rather than taping something else over it. Those two are adorable together. They remind me of the good old X-Files days with Mulder and Scully.


            Never watched Bones...but sometimes i watch CSI: that show.

            And shouldn't be here...shouldn't be....but still i'm here.

            Having Netherlands/Dutch atm...and writing a recensie(hope that's the same word in English) and it's sooo boring...
            Luckely the hour is almost over


              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
              Never watched Bones...but sometimes i watch CSI: that show.

              And shouldn't be here...shouldn't be....but still i'm here.

              Having Netherlands/Dutch atm...and writing a recensie(hope that's the same word in English) and it's sooo boring...
              Luckely the hour is almost over
              Just one thing.... Your sig is amazing Star! Fell in love with it


                Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                Good luck Eve on your first day, I'm so chuffed for ya!
                Yeah...good luck Eve...although I'm probably a bit late on that...but still...we're all "chuffed" for ya!!
                Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                Yay Chelle's here! I agree with you about never being satisfied with your own hair, I give up straightening mine though, it takes hours. Aand it grows so fast grrrrr.
                Eve..always behaves?! I think I better sit down, I'm feeling faint from the shock
                Yes...I am bow to your God...ess!!!
                I'm actually quite happy with my hair...even though I had some highlights put in the other day...but generally speaking, I like my hair as natural as I can get it!!
                And did I hear right?? Eve behaving??
                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                Sorry am I really the only one who can stand that I actually love watching that I love watching operation and that kind of stuff...I know I am crazy lol
                as long as you don't start talking about it while I am eating I don't mind...
                I love all that stuff too fascinates me...I could watch surgeries and autopsies and all that gory stuff but I cannot stand to watch or listen to people spitting or being in's just too much for me...but blood and sweat!!
                Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                Just one thing.... Your sig is amazing Star! Fell in love with it
                Yeah I second that...when I first saw that sig i thought it was beautiful..where did the pics come from though?

                Night all...take care and all that stuff....see you tomorrow...I was absoluetly mad today and tomorrow is gonna be worse...hopefully thigs will get back to normal by the weekend...cheers everyone...have a great day!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                  Just one thing.... Your sig is amazing Star! Fell in love with it

                  In the beginning i was a little bit unsure about it...but i think it's okay

                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  Yeah I second that...when I first saw that sig i thought it was beautiful..where did the pics come from though?

                  Night all...take care and all that stuff....see you tomorrow...I was absoluetly mad today and tomorrow is gonna be worse...hopefully thigs will get back to normal by the weekend...cheers everyone...have a great day!!
                  Also thanx Chelle
                  And the pics are from hhtp:// That was the only place i have found them and i started looking for them after i got the left pic from Liz...So again thanx Liz...


                    Originally posted by Lizlove View Post
                    Well, you ever get to come around here never hesitate to come and say hi
                    It just won't be you I'll be pestering if I ever come across the pond again, muahahaha!!

                    I'll see about that...

                    And both? Well I think I'll do both
                    Yay! What can I say? I'm greedy

                    Well, I really did suck on that exam, and don't even ask me about German. But I'll have all results back Friday *bites nails* *hugs*
                    Awwww I'm sure you'll do fine lass, I know how nerve-racking it is though (((hugs))))

                    I love them! I love cats, do you think it's obvious with 4 of them at home?
                    I've got two, I would love more but we haven't got the room, two are enough of a handful I love them to bits, and so does my boyfriend now, after four years of being together, they've adopted him as their "daddy" LOL! Sherekhan absolutely adores him, she doesn't have time for me any more

                    ROFL I've had a great idea! We should do a sig with Sam, Jack, and our kitties in!

                    It was cool and I'm totally not tipsy. I'm good with four anyway. I think more with my tiredness aren't a good idea.
                    at the scene though
                    Yeah it was a bit embarrassing, but I could see the funny side! Oh having alcohol when you're tired makes you drunk so quickly LOL, especially if you're jet lagged too.

                    Oh come on!!! I love CSI, mainly because of the gross things you can see there. I suck for all the flesh details
                    LMAO Liz is such a delicate little flower, aren't ya Liz?!

                    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                    Yes...I am bow to your God...ess!!!
                    I'm actually quite happy with my hair...even though I had some highlights put in the other day...but generally speaking, I like my hair as natural as I can get it!!
                    Oi you, no bowing involved! ROFL! I haven't died my hair in ages, should do really because it's a horrible boring brown colour booooo! (You wouldn't think I was 32 the way I type sometimes would you? LMAO!)

                    And did I hear right?? Eve behaving??
                    I know!! Personally I think she's sickening for something

                    Night all...take care and all that stuff....see you tomorrow...I was absoluetly mad today and tomorrow is gonna be worse...hopefully thigs will get back to normal by the weekend...cheers everyone...have a great day!!
                    I hope things ease up soon for you Chelle, especially at this time of year, it gets absolutely mad doesn't it? Take care lass (((huggles)))

                    Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                    TekTek, & Gaia Online


                      Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                      Awwww I'm sure you'll do fine lass, I know how nerve-racking it is though (((hugs))))
                      You had German and you find that difficult but not French??
                      I love that language after english ofcourse...

                      Oi you, no bowing involved! ROFL! I haven't died my hair in ages, should do really because it's a horrible boring brown colour booooo! (You wouldn't think I was 32 the way I type sometimes would you? LMAO!)
                      I dye(or sort of) my hair every 6/8 weeks, but that's also 'cause i have a skin desease(sp?) that my skin doesn't has any pigment left and so also in my hair(just a little piece of it) and i get a little bit of grey hair were i have that 'spot' But it's i'm still lucky...oh yeah for the ones who are wondering how this is called, it's fitiligo(sp?)
                      Very strange example, but Micheal Jackson had it in a very bad way...and you can see the result now and okay he has done plastic churiory(sp?) but he was dark and now he is white...sort of...owkay that was a weird thingie

                      And still one day of school and then holiday YAY


                        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                        You had German and you find that difficult
                        I dye(or sort of) my hair every 6/8 weeks, but that's also 'cause i have a skin desease(sp?) that my skin doesn't has any pigment left and so also in my hair(just a little piece of it) and i get a little bit of grey hair were i have that 'spot' But it's i'm still lucky...oh yeah for the ones who are wondering how this is called, it's fitiligo(sp?)
                        Very strange example, but Micheal Jackson had it in a very bad way...and you can see the result now and okay he has done plastic churiory(sp?) but he was dark and now he is white...sort of...owkay that was a weird thingie

                        And still one day of school and then holiday YAY
                        What colour do you dye your hair? I usually do mine red, I did blonde once but it didn't suit me. Do you use foundation/blusher to give your skin some colour? Yes, I'm nosy LOL. Thanks for sharing (((huggles))) I must admit I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to skin conditions, I used to have bad acne when I was a teenager, and still get spots now, darn it!

                        School's out soon then? *does a happy dance for Starlover* I still get excited about Christmas, and there are a lot of pressies under the tree already, I've already been told to leave them alone and no poking!

                        Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                        TekTek, & Gaia Online


                          Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                          What colour do you dye your hair? I usually do mine red, I did blonde once but it didn't suit me. Do you use foundation/blusher to give your skin some colour? Yes, I'm nosy LOL. Thanks for sharing (((huggles))) I must admit I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to skin conditions, I used to have bad acne when I was a teenager, and still get spots now, darn it!

                          School's out soon then? *does a happy dance for Starlover* I still get excited about Christmas, and there are a lot of pressies under the tree already, I've already been told to leave them alone and no poking!
                          uhm i dye it almost the same colour as my original and blonde is not my thing...if you want i can (if you are very very sweet) show ya a almost can't see it...and i don't dye it blonde, it doesn't suit me...i keep it to brown

                          And for the rest my skin is okay...i think...and my mom who is a beautican(sp?) always looks good at my she sees every thingie i have on it...luckely not i'm rambling again

                          And yep...i don't have to go to school on friday... YAY


                            Ok what do you all think of me?!? I am really a nice girl... I always behave believe me... I am a real angel

                            Btw Stef thanks for the package I love it I am doing all kinds of stuf with it now and I will try to send it back to you as soon as possible...


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              Ok what do you all think of me?!? I am really a nice girl... I always behave believe me... I am a real angel

                              Btw Stef thanks for the package I love it I am doing all kinds of stuf with it now and I will try to send it back to you as soon as possible...
                              you?!?!? i thought you were napoleon...and i was the nice girl you know that

                              And what package...i get very guttery thoughts now...and don't blame me for that, but it was the first thing i thought about


                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                you?!?!? i thought you were napoleon...and i was the nice girl you know that

                                And what package...i get very guttery thoughts now...and don't blame me for that, but it was the first thing i thought about
                                not that kind of package...and as for the other stuff you are way to curious

