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    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
    Private Message:
    To Sweet Pea
    From: ONTLL's

    Sounds great, you want to meet before the BBQ? or?
    Private Message

    To: ONTLL's
    From: Sweet Pea

    BQ starts at 15:00. I'll see you than, just beam over to Iffy's.


      Originally posted by Iffy View Post

      To: RVal
      From: Kat

      I am glad. Have dinner with me after I get out of Boot Camp?


      To: Kat
      From: RVal

      Sure. As long as you pay and Lilith doesn't mind.


        Hai Reef Cruise...Bali...

        Ace: *returns with snorkelin equipment* Got them.
        RVal: *kisses* Thank you. *looks around* Where should we leave our things?
        Ace: Got us a locker, too. *smiles*
        RVal: Perfect. *grins* I will be back in a minute. *bounces to change*
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Sal's Dorm...

          Bunny: Why are you making the bed even if you're spending the night at the house?

          Bunny: Everyone knows you're on the lazy side, no one will judge you.
          I don't want to have to do this when I come back. *tosses pillow onto the bed*
          Bunny: Oh. Would you like help?
          Awesome sig by Laura
          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

          The randomess that is me
          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


            Originally posted by salamas View Post
            hai reef cruise...bali...

            ace: *returns with snorkelin equipment* got them.
            rval: *kisses* thank you. *looks around* where should we leave our things?
            ace: Got us a locker, too. *smiles*
            rval: Perfect. *grins* i will be back in a minute. *bounces to change*


              over the Bahamas...

              Wendy: *looking out window* How did you ever get access to a private plane for the day?
              Cammie: I'm a general, remember? *kisses*
              Wendy: True. *giggles, kisses*
              Cammie: *smiles, takes them for a closer look at the reef*


                BC House...Sal's room...

                Kyan: *beams in, quietly spoons in behind Sal, drifts back to sleep*


                  RL vacation report...

                  We saw the movie Extract. It is fun, but not spectacular. Ben Affleck does a great job with his character.

                  We went to the factory outlets. I have three new sweaters, nice for photo ops in November.

                  We got some yard work done...not all yet...saw a lake we had only driven by before and now I know we should have just kept driving.

                  Today or tomorrow, I think we are going to the ocean. It's going to get hot again at home for the rest of the week.


                    Salzach River...Salzburg, Germany...

                    Iffy: This is so beautiful. *kisses*
                    Caldwell: Yes, it is. *smiles* This is my favorite view of the city.
                    Iffy: I can see why. *snuggles close*
                    Caldwell: *casually rests his hand on her bum*


                      BC House...Sal's Room...

                      *rolls over, snuggles close to Kyan and throws an arm and a leg over him, squeezes tight*
                      Kyan: *kisses top of her head* Morning.
                      Hi. *looks up, blinks rapidly*
                      Kyan: Go back to sleep.
                      *shakes her head* Nope. I missed you...*kisses*
                      Kyan: I missed you, too. *caresses her cheek* Do you want to get up?
                      Nope. *rests her head on his chest* Just wanna lie here.
                      Kyan: *gently rubs her back* Sounds like a plan.
                      Awesome sig by Laura
                      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                      The randomess that is me
                      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



                        Ducky: *beams in with DRD* Morning. *nods to Sweet Pea* Here you go. *motions at DRD* Name and preferred gender are up to you. *smiles*

                        Sweet Pea: Cool. How do we do that?
                        Ducky: Just start calling him or her by any name, consistently and it'll respond. *nods* Comes with a lifetime warranty and free upgrades when necessary.
                        Sweet Pea: Nice, thanks. *smiles* We'll figure that out later. Bella's this way. *leads Ducky down the hall*
                        DRD: *whistles, follows*
                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post


                          To: Kat
                          From: RVal

                          Sure. As long as you pay and Lilith doesn't mind.

                          To: RVal
                          From: Kat

                          Of course I'm paying and Lilith does not mind. I shall contact you after boot camp.
                          Last edited by Iffy; 07 September 2009, 08:13 PM.


                            Cicero.......Mitchies room

                            Mitchie: I've got the pop corn, you have the drinks. We are good.
                            RSam: I'll start the movie. What is it?
                            Mitchie: Some film Iffy suggested, it's Australian. Starstruck.
                            They snuggle up togther


                              Iffy's place....... Dumpling's room

                              Dumpling: The real Iffy is going to kill me.
                              IffyAv; No she won't, I'll protect you now shut it. *pounces*


                                cruising the Caribbean...

                                Cammie: *jogs around the deck*

