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    Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
    Jack O'Neill: Colonel I've had enough coffee in the past few hours to flood the Stargate. I don't need any more.
    CJ: Sir, a piece of advice. Relax a little.
    Jack O'Neill: *sarcastically* Thank you, Colonel.
    CJ: *holds back from smirking* Yes sir.

    Addy: *shuffles in fixing hair* Hello...welcome, General. I see Sheppy offered you coffee. I saw your text message on the way...I doubt Ares would harm Doc. He had me locked up in his lair for days...
    MasterJack: And now you've had your genetic structure altered.
    Addy: He said the gene therapy was a gift. He meant well.
    MasterJack: And the healing thing?
    Addy: He didn't mention that, but I'm certain he would hurt me...intentionally...*yawns*
    MasterJack: You got questions for Addy, General? I'm not sure she's thinking too clearly at the moment.


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      Addy: *shuffles in fixing hair* Hello...welcome, General. I see Sheppy offered you coffee. I saw your text message on the way...I doubt Ares would harm Doc. He had me locked up in his lair for days...
      MasterJack: And now you've had your genetic structure altered.
      Addy: He said the gene therapy was a gift. He meant well.
      MasterJack: And the healing thing?
      Addy: He didn't mention that, but I'm certain he would hurt me...intentionally...*yawns*
      MasterJack: You got questions for Addy, General? I'm not sure she's thinking too clearly at the moment.

      Jack O'Neill: I do apologize, Ma'am, for having to wake you. However, I have been placed in temperary command of Atlantis, until Dr.J returns.
      CJ: *clears throat* Master Jack, Addy. We can't even be sure the doc is in Ares' lair. We only know that she transported there, wheather it was willing or not.
      Jack O'Neill: I need to know if you felt at anytime that you were being control or you felt threatened by Ares?
      CJ: And if your hormones have been out of wack. The doc had been, before she disappeard, pacing her quarters like a caged tiger. She was hyperactive, emotional, she couldn't rest and she felt slightly out of control. And. *pauses* She was in Ares' quarters when you were present, Addy. She managed to do so using a cloaking device. She did a scan of you, to tell how strong your ATA gene is. This is the information she recieved. *hands over medical scaner*



        Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
        Jack O'Neill: I do apologize, Ma'am, for having to wake you. However, I have been placed in temperary command of Atlantis, until Dr.J returns.
        CJ: *clears throat* Master Jack, Addy. We can't even be sure the doc is in Ares' lair. We only know that she transported there, wheather it was willing or not.
        Jack O'Neill: I need to know if you felt at anytime that you were being control or you felt threatened by Ares?
        CJ: And if your hormones have been out of wack. The doc had been, before she disappeard, pacing her quarters like a caged tiger. She was hyperactive, emotional, she couldn't rest and she felt slightly out of control. And. *pauses* She was in Ares' quarters when you were present, Addy. She managed to do so using a cloaking device. She did a scan of you, to tell how strong your ATA gene is. This is the information she recieved. *hands over medical scaner*

        Addy: Thanks, CJ. *reads scanner* Wow. My reading's strong?
        MasterJack: *looks at scanner* It's nearly as strong as Doc's.
        Addy: How do you know that?
        MasterJack: I had EDaniel scan her last time she was here. She was asking about my ATA gene and if Cammie had it, so I was being cautious.
        Addy: Oh. *looks at CJ* Sorry...we don't usually scan without permission. *looks at General* Threatened? No...not really. Controlled? Uhm...he's quite persuasive...but I wouldn't call it controlling...I got a little drunk a couple of times...but I thoroughly enjoyed what happened...*bites lower lip*


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
          Addy: Thanks, CJ. *reads scanner* Wow. My reading's strong?
          MasterJack: *looks at scanner* It's nearly as strong as Doc's.
          Addy: How do you know that?
          MasterJack: I had EDaniel scan her last time she was here. She was asking about my ATA gene and if Cammie had it, so I was being cautious.
          Addy: Oh. *looks at CJ* Sorry...we don't usually scan without permission. *looks at General* Threatened? No...not really. Controlled? Uhm...he's quite persuasive...but I wouldn't call it controlling...I got a little drunk a couple of times...but I thoroughly enjoyed what happened...*bites lower lip*

          Jack O'Neill: Drunk? Ma'am, do you think it's possible Ares could have slipped a drug into your drink?
          CJ: We don't believe Ares would hurt the doc, but she also would stay if she felt threatened. Nick and I have both trained her in different forms of hand to hand combat. She would have been able to defend herself, if she was thinking clearly.
          Jack O'Neill: We don't believe she was. Nor from the feeds I've been reviewing, has she been for the past few days. *glances at Master Jack* She had a rather nasty alergic reation while in your company and not long after you compained of a headache.



            Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
            Jack O'Neill: Drunk? Ma'am, do you think it's possible Ares could have slipped a drug into your drink?
            CJ: We don't believe Ares would hurt the doc, but she also would stay if she felt threatened. Nick and I have both trained her in different forms of hand to hand combat. She would have been able to defend herself, if she was thinking clearly.
            Jack O'Neill: We don't believe she was. Nor from the feeds I've been reviewing, has she been for the past few days. *glances at Master Jack* She had a rather nasty alergic reation while in your company and not long after you compained of a headache.

            Addy: Call me, Addy. *winks* A drug into my drink? Maybe, but I didn't gray out or anything. I knew what was happening the entire time...uh...almost the entire time. I got pretty loopy at one point, but he laid me down and I was fine. I felt really good...*scrunches nose*

            Oy...uhm, Doc...yeah...she had that allergic reaction to the tequilla and I got her settled...I thought. She'd been quietly talking with me...testing the strength of my ATA gene...then she got flirty and climbed onto my lap so we went to the private futon area. After she left, I had a mild kept getting worse until I passed out from it. Addy came home and touched went...*snaps fingers* just like that.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Addy: Call me, Addy. *winks* A drug into my drink? Maybe, but I didn't gray out or anything. I knew what was happening the entire time...uh...almost the entire time. I got pretty loopy at one point, but he laid me down and I was fine. I felt really good...*scrunches nose*

              Oy...uhm, Doc...yeah...she had that allergic reaction to the tequilla and I got her settled...I thought. She'd been quietly talking with me...testing the strength of my ATA gene...then she got flirty and climbed onto my lap so we went to the private futon area. After she left, I had a mild kept getting worse until I passed out from it. Addy came home and touched went...*snaps fingers* just like that.

              CJ: It's was probably a feed aback effect sir, if the doc was trying to test your ATA gene, it sounds like it back fired on her and you. And no offense, sir, but the doc's actions around you, don't sound like the doc at all. She likes you and such, but getting flirty and climbing onto your lab. You have to admite, that's unusal. You and the doc haven't excately had a flirty kind of relationship. It's been more of the domance kind, you two seemed to try and out wit each other, more then flirt. In fact, if you recall, sir. We came and got her at once, because it looked like the situation was getting a little tense.



                Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                CJ: It's was probably a feed aback effect sir, if the doc was trying to test your ATA gene, it sounds like it back fired on her and you. And no offense, sir, but the doc's actions around you, don't sound like the doc at all. She likes you and such, but getting flirty and climbing onto your lab. You have to admite, that's unusal. You and the doc haven't excately had a flirty kind of relationship. It's been more of the domance kind, you two seemed to try and out wit each other, more then flirt. In fact, if you recall, sir. We came and got her at once, because it looked like the situation was getting a little tense.

       did seem odd...but it was a pleasant interlude. Was there anything else we could help you with?
                I should get Addy to bed.


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
         did seem odd...but it was a pleasant interlude. Was there anything else we could help you with?
                  I should get Addy to bed.
                  Jack O'Neill: *look sternly at his counterpart* No, thank you for your time, Master Jack. Addy. We'll keep you posted.
                  CJ: It might be an idea for you to pass along the information on the medical scaner to Dr. Lam, it maybe of some use until Mac returns from Anna's, then he can be of some help if you need it.



                    Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                    Jack O'Neill: *look sternly at his counterpart* No, thank you for your time, Master Jack. Addy. We'll keep you posted.
                    CJ: It might be an idea for you to pass along the information on the medical scaner to Dr. Lam, it maybe of some use until Mac returns from Anna's, then he can be of some help if you need it.

                    Addy: Thanks, CJ. We'll do that. *kisses* You are so dashing in the dress blues. *sighs*
                    MasterJack: Come on, Addy. Time for you to sleep.
                    Addy: Maybe. *squeezes Jack's bum*
                    MasterJack: Sheppard have Dr. Lam bring a sedative to Addy's room.
                    Sheppy: Yes, sir.


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      Addy: Thanks, CJ. We'll do that. *kisses* You are so dashing in the dress blues. *sighs*
                      MasterJack: Come on, Addy. Time for you to sleep.
                      Addy: Maybe. *squeezes Jack's bum*
                      MasterJack: Sheppard have Dr. Lam bring a sedative to Addy's room.
                      Sheppy: Yes, sir.
                      Jack O'Neill: *watches as they leave* Is she always like that, Mitchell?
                      CJ: Yes, Sir. That's Addy. *smirks* You're married sir.
                      Jack O'Neill: Yes. *agrees wholeheartedly* Very married. Let's go.
                      CJ: Yes sir.
                      *Both beam out*



                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        I think that is a great name. I have not heard that it was taken.

                        All of my clone bios are now up. I am sure I have forgotten things and they will need to be edited as I think of them
                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        I am not aware of a clone with that name and it is most appropriate for a Shep clone. He could change his flavor with his mood...Lemon Smoothie when sour, Cherry Smoothie when sweet...I know, I've lost my mind long ago.
                        That's brilliant! I never thought of that, here I was thinking peanut butter! *me thinks I make a poor thunker*

                        Thanks for your input. My Shep clone is now officially named "Smoothie" and I will post thier bios as soon as I have them straight and the time.


                        Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                          Hello lounge!
                          How's everyone doing today? I'm all alone right now... Nibbles is still resting, but he said that he might be up for bartending later tonight. And Zane is doing target practise. He saw Nibbles doing some target practise the other night and got a teensy bit jealous... Then again Nibbles's gun blows a big fat hole in a target, Zane's not as much...
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post


                              Addy - Johnny should be back anytime now. He was talking to Walter during brekkie and he doesn't want to run in to Kit and Kat. Thanks for letting me borrow him


                                Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                                Addy - Johnny should be back anytime now. He was talking to Walter during brekkie and he doesn't want to run in to Kit and Kat. Thanks for letting me borrow him

                                Cammie: He just beamed in. Thanks, Iffy. Next time you're Goa'uld free and want him to drop over, let us know. *blows kiss*

