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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    Morning Lounge!!

    Arrom: Good morning, GLD!
    Hello there sweetie. Got everything ready to go?
    Arrom: Yeah I think so. I was just checking on the others. Hotbuns and Chafty are arguing on what exactly they need to bring with them to Addy's, and ST and Buttercup are ready to head out to Anna's when she gets in here!
    Thank you for checking on that for me. Now I have to go pack up the kids' clothes then I'll tackle what I'm taking with me.

    Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

    My Clones!

    My PhotoBucket
    Snurch if you want!


      StudMuffin: GLD, am I going with you to Chicago?
      Well that depends. Musckles and Arrom are already going with me. If anyone in here would like to take you for the weekend that'll be fine with me.
      StudMuffin: Any takers out there?

      Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

      My Clones!

      My PhotoBucket
      Snurch if you want!


        Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
        StudMuffin: GLD, am I going with you to Chicago?
        Well that depends. Musckles and Arrom are already going with me. If anyone in here would like to take you for the weekend that'll be fine with me.
        StudMuffin: Any takers out there?
        I'd like to GLD, but I'm a little busy this weekend, StudMuffin can hang out at my lab if no one takes him, I'm sure the boys won't mind the extra company and there is plenty of rooms at Atlantis.



          Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
          *Dr.J wanders in with CJ draging Sheppy by the back of his shirt, CJ dumps Sheppy to floor.*

          Dr.J: ECam, hon, next time you give orders, try to make them a little clearer. I found Sheppy here in my Atlantis chair room. Not that I don't mind finding him there, but he set off the intruder alarm and CJ zatted him. Sorry.

          CJ: Yeah, sorry about that.

          Sheppy: *gets up, rubbing shoulder* No problem, my fault. Sorry Dr.J.

          Dr.J: No problem. *kisses his cheek* Oh and ECam, I'm on your approved list now, huh. Does that mean I get to smack you around more and then kiss all you boo boos better? *smirks*

          EDSam: You put her on his approved list?
          ECVala: Yes...seems this will be even more fun than I thought. Just be sure you don't knock him out, love. I need him conscious most of the time.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

            EDSam: You put her on his approved list?
            ECVala: Yes...seems this will be even more fun than I thought. Just be sure you don't knock him out, love. I need him conscious most of the time.
            Dr.J: Honey, keeping him conscious is my speciality. Do you want him with brusies or without? I can do both. My boys have been showing me some really good moves since my snake incident.



              HotBuns and Chafty are coming over?

              Addy: Con weekend, remember?
              MasterJack: Obviously not. Oy...and we have that clone Sam brought back.
              Addy: I'll check in on him in a few. *kisses*


                Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                Dr.J: Honey, keeping him conscious is my speciality. Do you want him with brusies or without? I can do both. My boys have been showing me some really good moves since my snake incident.

                No bruises is preferred.


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Okay. *makes note, not to bruise ECam when he comes to vist* Anything else. Handcuffs, ties, whipcream? Painball?



                    Addy: Good morning, blue eyes.

                    Hello. Where am I?

                    Addy: You're safe. My Sam received your distress signal and brought you here.
                    SDaniel: Distress signal? What happened?
                    Addy: You don't know?
                    SDaniel: No. Uh...could you answer a question for me?
                    Addy: I can try.
                    SDaniel: What's my name?
                    Addy: I don't know.
                    SDaniel: That makes two of us.


                      Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                      Okay. *makes note, not to bruise ECam when he comes to vist* Anything else. Handcuffs, ties, whipcream? Painball?

                      I'll leave that to you, my dear. But beware, my evil man fights back.


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        I'll leave that to you, my dear. But beware, my evil man fights back.
                        I certain hope he does, hon, or where would the fun be.

                        CJ: Doc, it's after midnight, you should be in bed.
                        Dr.J: I know *sighs* Always the way.
                        CJ: Hey, EVala, looking good babe.
                        Dr.J: She's taken, hon.
                        CJ: So am I, by you hon, but I can look.
                        Dr.J: Looking's okay. Oh and EVala, can you let Addy know, I have my Daniel clone and Mrs. Caldwalls. So I'm not missing one.



                          MasterJack: Amnesia? Please...couldn't you come up with a better story?
                          SDaniel: Story?
                          MasterJack: It's me...Jack...I know my Daniel won't fool me.
                          SDaniel: Daniel? Is that my name?
                          MasterJack: Oy...


                            Fruitie: *wakes up* Where are you going?
                            Johnny: I slept in. Master Jack is home and I have to leave.
                            Fruitie: Bummer. Oh well, until next time. *gets up, gives a kiss*
                            *Johnny beams home*
                            Sig made by me


                              Cupcake: No, don't get up, Wendy, love. You look adorable in Danny's bed. Uh...Cammie wants to take me fishing for the weekend. That okay or do you need me to escort you on your little journey?

                              Danny: I'll escort her if she likes. *nibbles Wendy's shoulder*


                                Well since it's Saturday here in down under land. Hock damn another 12 mintues and it'll be 0100. I really need to get to bed. So EVala, hon, we'll talk later about ECam visiting. I really need to get to sleep. Night all. See you all later.


