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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

    To: Sam
    From: Sheppy

    Nice thought, but I still have patrol on Fridays and Sundays for a couple of weeks. Let's try for next week. You can get back to me after the patrol schedule is posted?


    To: Sheppy
    From: Sam

    That works for me. We'll be in touch. xxoo
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Imp's place...

      Imp: *returns kiss, pulls off towel* You have the best timing. *walks her towards shower, kissing all the way*

      She'll be home in a few hours. She's gonna help him with some invitations after the very long shower.
      No worries.


        Originally posted by Iffy View Post
        Stronghold works. Pages are loading like sludge for me He's going to annoy her tonight and complain about boot camp the whole time.
        Kit's Stronghold...

        KAddy: *beams in* Hello. *kisses*

        She's yours for the evening. I'll check in later.


          A gift is beamed into RVal's room

          To: RVal
          From: A Secret Admirer

          Enjoy ox



            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post


            To: Sami
            From: RGH

            I would like that very much. I'll let you know as soon as the schedule comes out for next week. xxoo

            To: RGH
            From: Sami

            Okay! xoxo


              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
              Private Message

              To: Jay
              From: Sam

              Of course it sounds good. I am looking forward to it. Love you. xxooxxoo
              Private Message

              To Sam
              From Jay

              Love you, too. See you soon.


                Kit's Stronghold

                Kit: Hello. *kisses KAddy* Do you know what they did to me in that "boot camp"? As if I, a god needed such a thing, ridiculous. That Sweet Pea, kept Iffy from visiting saying it was punishment for the nanites.
                KAddy: *sighs* You didn't visit me when I was there
                Kit: * ignores KAddy* Sweet Pea takes too many liberties he needs to be put in his place. *keeps ranting and raving*


                  Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                  Kit's Stronghold

                  Kit: Hello. *kisses KAddy* Do you know what they did to me in that "boot camp"? As if I, a god needed such a thing, ridiculous. That Sweet Pea, kept Iffy from visiting saying it was punishment for the nanites.
                  KAddy: *sighs* You didn't visit me when I was there
                  Kit: * ignores KAddy* Sweet Pea takes too many liberties he needs to be put in his place. *keeps ranting and raving*
                  ...somewhere at ONTLL's house..

                  ONTLL: If he so help me lays one finger on Sweet Pea, he is... Oh he is.. *starts to turn red in the face*
                  ONTLLJS: Okay, guys, um.. Sweetie, calm down. General sir, some help here, she is mad about something
                  ONTLLJC: What is going on here? *looks at computer screen* Oh, Kit is threatening Sweet Pea again!
                  ONTLL: So help me, if he touches on hair on his head...
                  ONTLLJC: Sweetie, calm down, Iffy won't let it happen
                  ONTLLCC: Uh, General I just wanted to say, we are gonna need a re-match on that paintball game. Oh and *looks at computer screen and sees what is happening* I wonder what Valeryn is doing tonight *heads to the basement*
                  ONTLL: Uh oh! John wait *runs after him*
                  ONTLLJC: *grabs laptop* Well that is done with *hits submit reply button, and wanders to another area*
                  Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                    Imp's place... bedroom....

                    Imp: *looks up from the pile of towels* Why am I surprised we never made it to the bed? *smirks*
                    Aeryn: I have no idea. *hops up, heads to kitchen* Would you like anything while I'm up?
                    Imp: Could you see if those beers are chilled yet?

                    Aeryn: (from kitchen) Nope!

                    Imp: Water's fine then. *lays back, sighs*
                    Aeryn: *returns with two bottles of water, pulls Imp up* I think we should set the TDF. The beer should be chilled in, ohhh, another two hours or so. *sips water, pulls down sheets*
                    Imp: It's like you read my mind. *chugs water, sets TDF*


                      Fox's Lair

                      Fox: *viewing feeds from Kit's* He's such a jerk.
                      Dumpling: Try working for him, he's impossible. *shoves popcorn in mouth* I thought you said they would be interesting.
                      Fox: Not today. He hasn't responded to anything KAddy's said.


                        Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                        A gift is beamed into RVal's room

                        To: RVal
                        From: A Secret Admirer

                        Enjoy ox

                        Replicant House West...

                        RSam: Chocolates this time?
                        RVal: Yes. Do you want them? Godiva is so over-rated. I don't get it, personally.
                        RSam: I'll use them on Mitchie. *gigglesnort*


                          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                          Kit's Stronghold

                          Kit: Hello. *kisses KAddy* Do you know what they did to me in that "boot camp"? As if I, a god needed such a thing, ridiculous. That Sweet Pea, kept Iffy from visiting saying it was punishment for the nanites.
                          KAddy: *sighs* You didn't visit me when I was there
                          Kit: * ignores KAddy* Sweet Pea takes too many liberties he needs to be put in his place. *keeps ranting and raving*


                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                            Imp's place... bedroom....

                            Imp: *looks up from the pile of towels* Why am I surprised we never made it to the bed? *smirks*
                            Aeryn: I have no idea. *hops up, heads to kitchen* Would you like anything while I'm up?
                            Imp: Could you see if those beers are chilled yet?

                            Aeryn: (from kitchen) Nope!

                            Imp: Water's fine then. *lays back, sighs*
                            Aeryn: *returns with two bottles of water, pulls Imp up* I think we should set the TDF. The beer should be chilled in, ohhh, another two hours or so. *sips water, pulls down sheets*
                            Imp: It's like you read my mind. *chugs water, sets TDF*


                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                              Replicant House West...

                              RSam: Chocolates this time?
                              RVal: Yes. Do you want them? Godiva is so over-rated. I don't get it, personally.
                              RSam: I'll use them on Mitchie. *gigglesnort*
                              Kit's Stronghold

                              Kat: No Godiva. Should have listened to Iffy.

                              Another Box of Chocolate beams into RVal's room


                              Or do you prefer Belgian chocolate? oxo
                              Last edited by Iffy; 26 August 2009, 07:40 PM.


                                Kit's Stronghold

                                KAddy: Are you going to kiss me or not?!
                                Kit: Are you listening to me? Really now, you should understand, you had to go through that awful experience, but I am sure they did not use a wraith stunner.....*keeps going on and on*

                                Kit: You hit me? Ow.
                                KAddy: *looks at Blackberry* I suddenly have another engagement. *beams out*

                                Fox's Lair
                                Fox: You know Dumpling? Dumpling, KAddy. *kisses her* Kit's no good for you sugar.
                                Dumpling: He's really mean to me. Hungry? We were going to eat before Fox goes on duty. *dashes over and kisses KAddy's cheek quickly.
                                KAddy: Food would be great.
                                Fox: *to KAddy* Dumpling's shy. *grins*

