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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

    To: Iffy
    From: Amaretti

    What male in his right mind does not want to hold you hostage? I will be there soon. Sweet Pea is reviewing my report.
    Iffy: *giggles*

    Mitchie: Amaretti?
    Iffy: *nods*


      Cabo San Lucas...

      CamSyn: Put your clothes on before they arrest you.
      Cuddles: *hands him digital camera* This is the perfect background. *gets into position, poses* Take the picture and we'll be gone before the cops get here. *flexes and smiles* Happy Birthday, Neelan!
      CamSyn: I am so gonna land my bum in jail with you one of these days. *takes picture* Done!

      *loud chorus of whistles and applause*

      Cuddles: Thank you! *takes a bow, grabs clothes, runs off with CamSyn*


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
        Cabo San Lucas...

        CamSyn: Put your clothes on before they arrest you.
        Cuddles: *hands him digital camera* This is the perfect background. *gets into position, poses* Take the picture and we'll be gone before the cops get here. *flexes and smiles* Happy Birthday, Neelan!
        CamSyn: I am so gonna land my bum in jail with you one of these days. *takes picture* Done!

        *loud chorus of whistles and applause*

        Cuddles: Thank you! *takes a bow, grabs clothes, runs off with CamSyn*
        Cuddles! Gotta love him.
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Boot Camp...Maui...Workout studio...

          Kyan: *walks in, putting his shirt on* Grab your mats, everyone. We'll be starting where we left off yesterday in the Powerpoint slides. *sets up screen and laptop*

          KAddy: *jaw drops*
          Kev: My torso is more impressive.
          KAddy: You've been working out? *blinks*
          RMJack: *chuckles* Score one for KAddy.
          BabyFace: *gets mat for Dane* Here. *nudges him awake*

          Dane: Thanks. *takes mat, promptly lies down on it*

          Marine Medic: *checks him, gives Kyan thumbs up* Reaction to the allergy medication. He'll be fine after a nap.

          Kyan: Thanks. Let's get started. *cues first slide*

          Roddy: He's not working out? That is so NOT fair! *crosses arms over, refuses to move*

          RMJack: He has a medical reason to be excused. Do you want one too? *glares*

          Roddy: *glares back*

          Kyan: Gentlemen! Enough!

          Roddy: *huffs, starts exercise, minimally moving*

          RMJack: *smiles, starts exercise, actively*


            Private Message

            To: Iffy
            From: Steven

            Would you like to join me for my leave from August 31 through September 13? MJack will understand with so much advance notice I'm sure. I was thinking we could make our way around Europe? xx


              Amaretti: *beams in* Hello, lounge. *nods to the guys, kisses Iffy*


                *Addy and Cammie beam in*

                Addy: Hello. *kisses the guys, hugs Iffy*

                her outfit...

                Cammie: Hey, everyone. *nods to the guys, kisses Iffy, grabs two beers, gives one to Addy*

                Addy: Thanks. *kisses*
                Cammie: You're welcome. *smiles*


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Private Message

                  To: Iffy
                  From: Steven

                  Would you like to join me for my leave from August 31 through September 13? MJack will understand with so much advance notice I'm sure. I was thinking we could make our way around Europe? xx
                  Iffy *screams*

                  Mitchie: *jumps* What do I need to.....*looks around* I don't see anything bad?
                  Iffy: Steven just asked me to spend his leave with him.

                  Private Message

                  To: Steven
                  From: Iffy

                  I would love that.


                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                    Amaretti: *beams in* Hello, lounge. *nods to the guys, kisses Iffy*
                    Iffy: *waves at everyone and gives Amaretti a quick kiss*

                    Mitchie: Good Luck Cheese boy. Gen. Sweater just messaged her.


                      Private Message

                      To: Master Jack
                      From: Iffy

                      Would you be terribly upset if I could not make August 31 and September 7? Steven has asked me to spend his leave with him. Of course I wold find some way to make it up to you. oxo


                        Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                        Iffy *screams*

                        Mitchie: *jumps* What do I need to.....*looks around* I don't see anything bad?
                        Iffy: Steven just asked me to spend his leave with him.

                        Private Message

                        To: Steven
                        From: Iffy

                        I would love that.
                        Private Message

                        To: Iffy
                        From: Steven

                        I'll make our reservations. When are you free for dinner? xx


                          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                          Iffy: *waves at everyone and gives Amaretti a quick kiss*

                          Mitchie: Good Luck Cheese boy. Gen. Sweater just messaged her.

                          Amaretti: I can wait. *grabs a beer* You want to get the lecture out of the way in the meantime?


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                            Private Message

                            To: Iffy
                            From: Steven

                            I'll make our reservations. When are you free for dinner? xx

                            Private Message

                            To: Steven
                            From: Iffy

                            I am free pretty much any evening except tonight and Sunday.


                              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                              Private Message

                              To: Master Jack
                              From: Iffy

                              Would you be terribly upset if I could not make August 31 and September 7? Steven has asked me to spend his leave with him. Of course I wold find some way to make it up to you. oxo
                              San Francisco...

                              *BlackBerry plays the song: Legs by ZZ Top*

                              Master Jack: Excuse me. I should take this one. *kisses Sal, checks message, chuckles, replies* Did you decide on the ocean or the bay for our afternoon outing? I need to get the Ariel in position for us. *smiles, pockets BlackBerry*

                              Private Message

                              To: Iffy
                              From: Master Jack

                              That will be fine. Have fun and make sure he spoils you. I do outrank him. xx


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                                Amaretti: I can wait. *grabs a beer* You want to get the lecture out of the way in the meantime?

                                Mitchie: I do not lecture. You can keep her ovenight if you want. That is not a lecture.

