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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    Seoul...South Korea...

    Bunny: *beams in, sets bag down* And I am here. *grins*
    Hey Bun. *smiles*
    Nibbles: You know what the deal is, don't encourage her to do anything stupid.
    Bunny: I won't, don't worry, sexy. *kisses* You and Fruitie have a lovely weekend.
    Nibbles: I was talking to Sal.
    Bunny: Oh. Well...*snorts* How mature.
    Nibbles: You're one to talk. *kisses Sal* I'll see you Monday morning.
    Bright and early. *smiles* Tell Fruitie hi for me.
    Nibbles: Will do. *beams out*
    Bunny: So, darling, where are the handsome men? *grins and looks around*
    I thought Bunny was there with you since Sunday.


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      Addy's place...Kyan's room...
      Kyan: *wakes, checks message, smiles, replies*

      Private Message

      To: Sal
      From: Kyan

      I miss you, too, Kaunis. I'll see you when you get back. I love you. xoxo
      Private Message

      To: Kyan
      From: Sal

      I'll come by when the claws of jetlag release me next week. Remember the breaks. I love you, too, Nero. xoxox
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
        I thought Bunny was there with you since Sunday.
        She's been here, but not the entire time, she's been checking out the late night life and doing spa visits. Starting now she's on full duty.
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          Private Message

          To: Kyan
          From: Sal

          I'll come by when the claws of jetlag release me next week. Remember the breaks. I love you, too, Nero. xoxox
          Private Message

          To: Sal
          From: Kyan

          Not to worry. Kevin won't let me. xoxo


            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            She's been here, but not the entire time, she's been checking out the late night life and doing spa visits. Starting now she's on full duty.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Private Message

              To: Sal
              From: Kyan

              Not to worry. Kevin won't let me. xoxo
              Private Message

              To: Kyan
              From: Sal

              Goody. You're gonna have to start taking breaks out of your own will, or I may need to arrange an intervention. xoxoxox

              Seoul...South Korea...

              *puts phone away, smiles* Remind me to buy Kevin flowers...Or something...
              Bunny: *digs through Sal's shopping bags* Why don't you give him these pens? He does archival work or something...
              *snatches pencase from her* Those are for dad! *raps Bunny's fingers* Bad Bun.
              Awesome sig by Laura
              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

              The randomess that is me
              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



                To: All fight personnel
                From: Gen. C. Mitchell

                Re: Patrol Schedule May 18 - 24, 2009

                On Scheduled Leave:
                EDaniel, CamSyn, Ace, RFruitie, Alpha

                Note: Mer is relieved from patrol duties until further notice.

                All times listed are Pacific.

                Monday, May 18
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RCupcake)
                05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - Cupcake (Squadron Leader), RCam
                08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - DevilsFoodCake (2IC), RMJack
                12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Sam (Shift Leader), RScruffy
                15:30-19:30 Zephyr (Cammie, RMer) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Gen. Hottie commanding)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                Tuesday, May 19
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RCupcake)
                05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - ECam (Squadron Leader), RGH
                08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Johnny (2IC), RECam
                12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Jay (Shift Leader), Vala
                15:30-19:30 Malduran (EDSam, ECVala) on orbital patrol
                12:00-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Gen. Hottie commanding)
                Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                Wednesday, May 20
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RCupcake, REDan)
                05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Scruffy (acting Squadron Leader), Danny
                08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - Aeryn (acting 2IC), Mitchie
                12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - Cub (acting Shift Leader), Bubbles
                15:30-19:30 Zephyr (Cammie, RMer) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                Thursday, May 21
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RCupcake, REDan)
                05:00-08:30 Delta 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), Lucky
                08:30-12:00 Delta 2 - RVal (2IC), Bella
                12:00-15:30 Delta 3 - Sweet Pea (Shift Leader), Amaretti
                15:30-19:30 Malduran (EDSam, ECVala) on orbital patrol
                19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                Friday, May 22
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
                05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - Cupcake (Squadron Leader), RCam
                08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - DevilsFoodCake (2IC), RMJack
                12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Sam (Shift Leader), RScruffy
                15:30-19:30 Mitchell on orbital patrol (Sheppy, RJonas)
                19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, SpiceCake)
                Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                Saturday, May 23
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
                05:00-19:30 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Braga commanding)
                19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, SpiceCake)
                Gamma Station: Closed

                Sunday, May 24
                00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, RCupcake)
                05:00-19:30 O'Neill II (Master Jack commanding)
                19:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, SpiceCake)
                Gamma Station: Closed
                Last edited by Admiral Q O; 14 May 2009, 05:26 PM.


                  Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                  Private Message

                  To: Kyan
                  From: Sal

                  Goody. You're gonna have to start taking breaks out of your own will, or I may need to arrange an intervention. xoxoxox

                  Seoul...South Korea...

                  *puts phone away, smiles* Remind me to buy Kevin flowers...Or something...
                  Bunny: *digs through Sal's shopping bags* Why don't you give him these pens? He does archival work or something...
                  *snatches pencase from her* Those are for dad! *raps Bunny's fingers* Bad Bun.



                    To: Bella
                    From: Amaretti

                    Monday...your beach house or mine? xxx



                      To: Cupcake
                      From: Addy

                      The next bikini should arrive tomorrow. How about we have next weekend be our inspection weekend? You could meet me in the lounge on Friday after your patrol? xx



                        To: Wendy
                        From: Master Jack

                        Hey, Precious. I got the coordinates for your Florida location out of Snuggly Wuggly. I'll beam over first thing Friday morning. xx



                          To: Wendy
                          From: EDaniel

                          I will beam over to join you in Florida as soon as the old fart is out of the way. xxx


                            *Addy, Sparky and Cammie beam in*

                            Addy: Good morning, lounge. *starts coffee*

                            her outfit...

                            Sparky: Howdy, campers.

                            Cammie: Hello, lounge. *settles in with newspaper*



                              To: RJonas
                              From: Cammie and Sheppy

                              Mer is off active patrol duty until further notice. We want you to cover his duties on the Mitchell starting this Friday.


                              To: Cammie and Sheppy
                              From: RJonas

                              I would be honored. Thank you.



                                To: RFruitie
                                From: Kevin

                                I see you are on leave next week. Do you have plans? And might they possibly include me? xx

