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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    RSal: (intercom) Now everything makes sense! I was starting to wonder why red wine wasn't making me so sleepy anymore...
    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    Fruitie: *beams in* Afternoon, Lounge. *kisses RMJack, waves to camera* Hi, RSal.

    RMJack: *ogles Fruitie* Yep, RSal. Our replicant matrix makes us immune to the alcohol downside. *kisses Fruitie* Howdy, gorgeous. Excuse me. *yells at camera* Crichton! Can you see me?

    Johnny: (from Addy's place) Yes, sir. We can receive incoming feeds now, but we cannot send out anything more than audio feed and intercom chatter.
    RMJack: Pesky virus. *grumbles, nods to Nibbles*


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      RMJack: *ogles Fruitie* Yep, RSal. Our replicant matrix makes us immune to the alcohol downside. *kisses Fruitie* Howdy, gorgeous. Excuse me. *yells at camera* Crichton! Can you see me?

      Johnny: (from Addy's place) Yes, sir. We can receive incoming feeds now, but we cannot send out anything more than audio feed and intercom chatter.
      RMJack: Pesky virus. *grumbles*
      RSal: (intercom) Oooooookay. Yay for no more hangovers.
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


        Kev and EAddy's beach house...

        EAddy: *walks in from their lair* Kev, my evil sweetie, I need to talk to

        Kev: Yeah, DFC, I'm gonna have to call you back. *hangs up, looks at EAddy* What's wrong?

        EAddy: I was fiddling with that new computer virus of ours and it sort of had an interesting side effect.
        Kev: *concerned look spreads across his face* What kind of side effect?
        EAddy: I was trying to test the virus on RDarling's system...
        Kev: Yes, that would make sense, but....
        EAddy: But somehow Addy's system got infected instead.
        Kev: Are you kidding me?
        EAddy: Nope and I don't know how to reverse it.
        Kev: *thinks for a few moments, kisses EAddy* Okay...we can see if my healing program works. Think you will be able to sweet talk your way out of it if it doesn't?
        EAddy: Of course I can. *smirks, rushes off with Kev to the lair*
        Sig made by me


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post

          Nibbles: *beams in* Hello, Lounge. *nods to RMJack, kisses Fruitie* Hi, beautiful.

          RSal: (intercom) Hi Fruitie!

          Fruitie: Hello, darling. *kisses again* You look extra sexy today.
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Fruitie: Hello, darling. *kisses again* You look extra sexy today.

            Nibbles: So do you. *smirks* How does a movie in the hot tub sound and then dinner out?
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              Nibbles: So do you. *smirks* How does a movie in the hot tub sound and then dinner out?

              Fruitie: Sounds wonderful. *sets code* Later, Lounge! *waves to camera, blows kiss to RMJack*

              Nibbles: Later, Lounge. *wraps his arms around Fruitie, beams them out*
              Sig made by me


                feed from furnace...

                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                at Addy's place...

                Johnny: Can you see me now?

                in furnace...

                Cammie: Yep. Got it all fixed?

                Johnny: (via interactive feed) Message system is still down...otherwise, we're up and running again.
                Cammie: Good work.
                Johnny: (via interactive feed) Thanks.
                end feed


                  RMJack: do know that I am in charge right now?

                  Johnny: (on intercom) Sorry, sir. Habit. Uhm...I'll let you know as soon as the message system is back on line.
                  RMJack: do that. *swigs*


                    RCupcake: *beams in* Afternoon, Lounge...RMJack. *nods, grabs a beer* So I hear things are starting to get better with your communications.
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      RCupcake: *beams in* Afternoon, Lounge...RMJack. *nods, grabs a beer* So I hear things are starting to get better with your communications.

                      RMJack: Com and messages yet.

                      Addy: (on intercom) *wolf whistle* Hey, sexy. I'm working in my home office if you want to join me. *kissy noise*


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        RMJack: Com and messages yet.

                        Addy: (on intercom) *wolf whistle* Hey, sexy. I'm working in my home office if you want to join me. *kissy noise*

                        RCupcake: Hi, Addy. *blows kisses to camera* I'll be right there. *finishes beer, tosses bottle* Have a good evening, RMJack. Hope everything gets back up and running soon. *smiles, beams out*

                        Addy's place...

                        RCupcake: *beams in* Hello there, beautiful. *kisses*
                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          RCupcake: Hi, Addy. *blows kisses to camera* I'll be right there. *finishes beer, tosses bottle* Have a good evening, RMJack. Hope everything gets back up and running soon. *smiles, beams out*

                          Addy's place...

                          RCupcake: *beams in* Hello there, beautiful. *kisses*
                          Addy: Hello, sexy. *kisses* How's your day been?


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                            Addy: Hello, sexy. *kisses* How's your day been?
                            Addy's place...

                            RCupcake: No where near as eventful as it has been around here it sounds. *chuckles* I've had a very nice day. *smiles* You got a lot of work left? *rubs her shoulders*
                            Sig made by me


                              Gamma Station...

                              Vala: It was an absolute joy to fly with you today, Danny. *smiles*

                              Danny: Thanks. can you be dressed already?

                              Vala: The TDF runs at a higher ratio in the ladies' locker room. *smirks*
                              Danny: Ah...and you just walk into the men's whenever you want?
                              Vala: No one's ever complained. *smiles* Plans for dinner? Sheppy is taking some of us to try the new Mexican place. Interested?
                              Danny: No plans...sure. *smiles* Are you going to stay while I dress?
                              Vala: I'll be so quiet you won't know I'm here. *settles in on bench*


                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                                Addy's place...

                                RCupcake: No where near as eventful as it has been around here it sounds. *chuckles* I've had a very nice day. *smiles* You got a lot of work left? *rubs her shoulders*
                                Addy: *relaxes at his touch* I'm thinking of handing off to AddyAv.

