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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post


    To: Sheppy
    From: RSal

    I could do Friday. I'm all free that day. But if you prefer next week I can do that too. xx

    To: RSal
    From: Sheppy

    Let's try for Friday and see if we can connect. I should be able to drop into the lounge for breakfast. xx


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

      To: RSal
      From: Sheppy

      Let's try for Friday and see if we can connect. I should be able to drop into the lounge for breakfast. xx

      To: Sheppy
      From: RSal

      I'll try my very best to get out of bed early on Friday. xx
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



        To: Cub
        From: EDaniel

        I hereby officially request in writing that I be granted scheduled leave from patrol duties from May 17 to May 26, 2009. I will trust you to convey my request to Gen. Mitchell once you have given it your approval.


          Sparky: Time for bed, Hot Lips.

          Addy: Yes, sir, Yummy Bear. *giggles*
          Sparky: *smiles*

          *Addy and Sparky beam out*


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

            To: Cub
            From: EDaniel

            I hereby officially request in writing that I be granted scheduled leave from patrol duties from May 17 to May 26, 2009. I will trust you to convey my request to Gen. Mitchell once you have given it your approval.

            To EDaniel
            From Cub

            I don't know why you assume I'll give my approval, but I will discuss it with Gen. Mitchell. I'll let you know what we decide.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

              To: Cub
              From: EDaniel

              I hereby officially request in writing that I be granted scheduled leave from patrol duties from May 17 to May 26, 2009. I will trust you to convey my request to Gen. Mitchell once you have given it your approval.
              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

              To EDaniel
              From Cub

              I don't know why you assume I'll give my approval, but I will discuss it with Gen. Mitchell. I'll let you know what we decide.

              To: Gen. C. Mitchell
              From: Cub

              Please advise when you would be available to discuss this. Thank you.


                Addy's place...control room...

                RMJack: *beams in* What's up?
                CamSyn: All vid feeds just died and communications have been down for over an messages in or out.
                RMJack: Terrific...what else could go wrong?

                *all audio feeds from Addy's place abruptly cut out*


                  over intercom...

                  This is RMJack. Can anyone hear me?


                    feed from furnace...

                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                    Cammie: *beams in* Hello, furnace. *checks self, phones home* I'm in. Transport system checks ok.

                    RMJack: (on phone) Copy that, General. Thanks. Attempting to re-establish intercom.
                    Cammie: Copy that. I'll be here for the time being. Mitchell out. *hangs up, pockets phone*
                    end feed


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      over intercom...

                      This is RMJack. Can anyone hear me?
                      RSal: (intercom) I can hear you just fine.
                      Awesome sig by Laura
                      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                      The randomess that is me
                      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        RSal: (intercom) I can hear you just fine.
                        RMJack: (on intercom) Excellent. Thank you, beautiful.


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                          RMJack: (on intercom) Excellent. Thank you, beautiful.
                          RSal: (intercom) You're so very welcome.
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            feed from furnace...

                            Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post

                            MacCam: Sorry, sometimes I'm stuuuuupid. *grins*
                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                            Cammie: No need to be sorry. *smiles*

                            RMJack: (on intercom) Got the com back. Heading to the lounge to work on the feeds.
                            Cammie: Good luck.
                            RMJack: (on intercom) Thanks.
                            end feed


                              RMJack: *beams in* Howdy, lounge. *grabs beer, phone's Addy's place* I'm in place.

                              CamSyn: (on phone) Johnny just got home from patrol. He's taking over...will try to get the feeds working again.
                              RMJack: Tell him they are working fine between the threads just not with Addy's place.
                              CamSyn: (on phone) Yes, sir. *hangs up*
                              RMJack: *hangs up phone, settles in*


                                Done re-reading the readings! Yay!

                                edit: Okay...WHY do my off topic posts always end up at the top of the page?!
                                Awesome sig by Laura
                                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                                The randomess that is me
                                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty

