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    Day 2, cont...

    McKay: I don’t see why I couldn’t have gone to the gun shooting range. Methos and Davis did.
    AQOSC: Davis doesn’t fire rifles and Methos gets to do whatever he wants at the ranges. Besides, we know how well he handles a weapon…we needed to see how well you could handle the big guns.
    McKay: Yes, well, thanks to your curiosity, I got blisters on both hands.
    AQOSC: And Daniel gave you some of the good healing balm he uses.
    McKay: I shouldn’t need it.
    AQOSC: Stop whining about your blisters, you’re just upset that you were disqualified in the first round.
    McKay: Well, I do try to excel at everything I attempt.
    AQOSC: So I’ve noticed. Don’t worry. I’ll give you some private lessons before next time.
    McKay: Next time? *shudder*


      Day 2, cont...

      In the second round, Jonas, Ronon and I took an early lead against the Mitchells. Ended up beating both of them.

      Then Ford got disqualified for being too thorough in his shooting...took out the targets on both his row and the one next to him.

      AQOJCC: He almost got arrested. *snort*
      Ford: Somebody could have told me the Sheriff’s deputies were using the row on the end before they dared me to take out both…saying that I couldn’t do it with just one clip. *glares at Ronon*
      Ronon: You didn’t ask. *shrugs*


        Day 2, cont...

        I was really impressed at Crichton’s shooting abilities…far better than I’d expect from a geek. Glad Shep and Ronon beat out both him and Jonas, though.

        Yeah…wouldn’t want a geek winning the contest.

        AQOCC: Nope. Bad enough we had to throw the second round to keep Crichton from being eliminated.
        AQOECC: Yeah, but it was worth it to see him land on his butt from the kickback on the 50-cal…Jonas, too.
        AQOCC: Yeah…then the way they both bounced right back...priceless.
        AQOECC: They’re incredibly flexible for geeks.
        AQO: I could have told you that.

        Final results:
        1. Sheppy
        2. Ronon
        3. Crichton
        4. Jonas
        5. Ford
        6. Cammie
        7. Evil Cam
        8. Evil Daniel
        9. McKay


          Day 2, cont...

          At the model homes, there was one that had a door reminiscent of a castle with a black iron peephole…looked like something from Avalon.

          They had a lot of nice furniture too…and decorating ideas.

          MJack: I know what you’re thinking…why did I go shopping with the girls instead of target shooting with the guys since I like shooting those big guns so much. *glances at the two Sams, Vala, and Teyla*
          *sighs* The girls were all dressed in tank tops with shorts and sandals. Any other questions?
          Last edited by Admiral Q O; 08 August 2008, 08:55 AM.


            The retreat actually sounds like it was very busy!! LOL

            Here is a little funny for Danny fans...*still laughing*


              Originally posted by purpletoo1
              The retreat actually sounds like it was very busy!! LOL

              Here is a little funny for Danny fans...*still laughing*

              It was only busy for the clones. I was a happy spectator.


                Report: Clone Retreat – Day 3

                The day started out with a bit of excitement. A grasshopper was in the kitchen threatening to blockade us from the morning coffee.

                I was going to stomp on it, but Jonas wouldn’t let me.

                The poor thing was lost. I helped it to find its way outside.

                AQOJaC: Took him twenty minutes.
                AQOCC: Yeah, by the time he got back the first pot of coffee was history.


                  Day 3, cont...

                  Then we had a really nice drive out to Lake Lodi for a peaceful picnic lunch.

                  After lunch, Paul wandered off into the trees with his Sam and most of the rest of us relaxed. Methos, Crichton, the General and I did, anyway…sat on the shoreline, casting into the water…

                  Didn’t catch anything, but as the General says, it’s the act of fishing that matters.


                    Day 3, cont...

                    Over at the recreation part of the lake, McKay and I won the pedal boat race. He calculated the necessary vector and speed we needed to take maximum advantage of the current so that we reached the shore long before the others.

                    AQOEDC: Sam and I weren’t racing.
                    AQOECC: Vala and I weren’t either.

                    Teyla and I weren’t racing either…though I think Ford and Ronon might have been trying to. Maybe if they’d stopped arguing long enough about who was in charge of the boat, they might have had a chance.


                      Day 3, cont...

                      AQOVC: Then in the late afternoon, we went wine tasting. A simply delightful activity, one I highly recommend.
                      AQOEDC: Of course you do…you don’t have to be the designated driver.
                      AQOVC: It’s not my fault that Jack won’t let me get a driver’s license.

                      Then we picked up some Chinese food on the way home and settled in for a killer double feature – Animal House and Starship Troopers. Laughed and snuggled our way to bed.


                        Aw. I haven't shot guns or gone fishing in so long.
                        Esp. with a big crowd of guys who either love you or hate you for shooting
                        better and catching more fish.


                          Originally posted by cajnjirl
                          Aw. I haven't shot guns or gone fishing in so long.
                          Esp. with a big crowd of guys who either love you or hate you for shooting
                          better and catching more fish.
                          Yeah, I haven't been to the range in a while either. Got a nice one though about 20 miles from home. Both gun and rifle...lots of open space.

                          Fishing I haven't tried since I was a kid. Just don't have the patience.

                          Hubs and I really did have a nice picnic at Lake Lodi. Very quiet there on a Monday.


                            Report: Clone Retreat – Day 4

                            CMuse: Addy started her day with me. I got her mostly undivided attention for two hours. Would have been more, but the spaniel kept walking around under her desk, stepping on her toes so that she’d pay attention to him.

                            After we rescued her from the muse…

                            CMuse: I take offense at that.
                            AQOJaC: Good. Now, as I was saying, after that, we went to Russian River for a video scavenger hunt.

                            The General and I divided the others into teams, gave them each a video recorder, a list of items to find and record, and a set of inner-tubes then took the trucks down to the far end of the river and waited for them to work their way downstream.

                            AQOJaC: Met some really nice ladies there.
                            AQOCC: Yeah…they made the best lemonade.
                            AQOJaC: Gave good shoulder rubs, too.
                            AQOCC: Oh, yeah…


                              Day 4, cont...
                              Video Scavenger Hunt – Categories and Points

                              (only one counts)
                              10 for any
                              20 if kissing
                              30 if unconventional and kissing

                              (only one counts)
                              10 for any
                              20 if black and white
                              30 if black and white female

                              (counts up to three times)
                              10 for any on the riverbank
                              10 points extra for each animal out front

                              (counts only once for fishing, unlimited for bikinis)
                              10 for any person fishing
                              20 if actually catching a fish
                              30 points for each woman wearing a bikini, fishing or not

                              (counts only once)
                              10 for any
                              20 if on a woman
                              30 if located between the navel and the kneecap


                                Day 4, cont...

                                AQOECC: I led Team A with Vala, Crichton, Paul and his Sam. We got the most points in the ‘dog’ category – 30 for a black and white female.

                                It was a little tricky getting the proof that it was a female, but luckily it wasn’t afraid of the water and was a sucker for belly rubs.

                                We had 10 for the couple, 30 for the dog, 100 in the house category, six bikinis for another 180, and then zip on the tattoo, so our total was 320.

