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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

    To: Jigger & Cupcake
    From: ECam

    I'm taking Val away Valentine's weekend, so we'll have our special get together with you on the Sunday before?

    To: ECam
    From: Cupcake

    Sounds good to me.
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post


      To: Sheppy
      From: Sam

      My clan was going to have a party as well and I thought maybe you would like to be my date. xxoo

      To: Sam
      From: Sheppy

      I would like that very much. I'm giving Mer and RSam command of the Mitchell that day, so they can run some experiments. What time do you want me to come over? xx


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

        Kali: With your laptop?
        Cammie: Checking us in and beaming over my luggage...then checking the weather conditions.
        Addy: He's too efficient sometimes. *giggles*
        Kali: *giggles*
        *Cupcake and Wendy beam in*

        Cupcake: Afternoon, everybody. *sets Wendy's bags down, kisses her, then nods to Cammie, goes over kisses Kali and Addy*

        Wendy: Howdy all! *hugs Kali and Addy, bounces over to Cammie* Hi, Angel Eyes. *runs her hands over his hoodie as she kisses*
        Sig made by me


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

          To: Sam
          From: Sheppy

          I would like that very much. I'm giving Mer and RSam command of the Mitchell that day, so they can run some experiments. What time do you want me to come over? xx

          To: Sheppy
          From: Sam

          How about you come over whenever you are up and ready for the day. We can have brunch and spend some alone time together before the game starts. xxoo
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            *Cupcake and Wendy beam in*

            Cupcake: Afternoon, everybody. *sets Wendy's bags down, kisses her, then nods to Cammie, goes over kisses Kali and Addy*

            Wendy: Howdy all! *hugs Kali and Addy, bounces over to Cammie* Hi, Angel Eyes. *runs her hands over his hoodie as she kisses*
            Kali: Hi, Cupcake. *kisses* It won't take me long to beat Mom here. *winks*
            Addy: Thanks for the vote of confidence. *rolls eyes* Hello, Cuddly. *kisses* How was patrol?

            Cammie: Hey, Sweet Lips. *kisses* Be sure you have a jacket. It's going to dip into the low 50s there tonight. *shuts down laptop*


              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

              To: Sheppy
              From: Sam

              How about you come over whenever you are up and ready for the day. We can have brunch and spend some alone time together before the game starts. xxoo


              To: Sam
              From: Sheppy

              That will work. I'll aim for 07:00 my time. With Cammie out of town I won't have to wait to use the shower. xx


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                Kali: Hi, Cupcake. *kisses* It won't take me long to beat Mom here. *winks*
                Addy: Thanks for the vote of confidence. *rolls eyes* Hello, Cuddly. *kisses* How was patrol?

                Cammie: Hey, Sweet Lips. *kisses* Be sure you have a jacket. It's going to dip into the low 50s there tonight. *shuts down laptop*

                Cupcake: Patrols went very well and the paperwork was light today. That always helps. *winks*

                Wendy: I am pretty sure I packed one, so I should be all set. *grins, kisses*
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                  Cupcake: Patrols went very well and the paperwork was light today. That always helps. *winks*

                  Wendy: I am pretty sure I packed one, so I should be all set. *grins, kisses*
                  Addy: Good. *nuzzles his neck briefly*
                  Kali: Eight ball in the side pocket. *points cue, takes aim, shoots, makes it*

                  Cammie: Nice work, Kali. *blows kiss, stands, takes Wendy's bag* Later, lounge. *beams them out*


                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post


                    To: Sam
                    From: Sheppy

                    That will work. I'll aim for 07:00 my time. With Cammie out of town I won't have to wait to use the shower. xx

                    To: Sheppy
                    From: Sam

                    Sounds great. I'm looking forward to it. xxoo
                    Sig made by me


                      Sheraton Suites...Tampa, FL...

                      *Cammie and Wendy beam in*

                      Cammie: *sets her bag down* Preference of what to do first, Sweet Lips?


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        Addy: Good. *nuzzles his neck briefly*
                        Kali: Eight ball in the side pocket. *points cue, takes aim, shoots, makes it*

                        Cammie: Nice work, Kali. *blows kiss, stands, takes Wendy's bag* Later, lounge. *beams them out*

                        Cupcake: Nicely done, Kali. *looks at Addy* Are you going to go for a rematch, Beleza? *pulls Addy close, kisses*
                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          Cupcake: Nicely done, Kali. *looks at Addy* Are you going to go for a rematch, Beleza? *pulls Addy close, kisses*

                          Kali: Maybe another day. *sets cue down* I want to go to the poker night. *winks*

                          Addy: She knows she got lucky. *giggles*


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                            Sheraton Suites...Tampa, FL...

                            *Cammie and Wendy beam in*

                            Cammie: *sets her bag down* Preference of what to do first, Sweet Lips?
                            Sheraton Suites...Tampa, FL...

                            Wendy: *looks around* This place is so nice. *grins, goes back over to Cammie* Thank you. *plays with his hoodie* I don't really have a preference as to what to do first. I am just excited that we are on vacation together. *kisses*
                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                              Kali: Maybe another day. *sets cue down* I want to go to the poker night. *winks*

                              Addy: She knows she got lucky. *giggles*

                              Cupcake: *to Kali* If your luck holds up, you should have a real good night, Kali. *chuckles, looks back at Addy, smiles* So, what would you like to do this evening, Beleza?
                              Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                                Sheraton Suites...Tampa, FL...

                                Wendy: *looks around* This place is so nice. *grins, goes back over to Cammie* Thank you. *plays with his hoodie* I don't really have a preference as to what to do first. I am just excited that we are on vacation together. *kisses*

                                Cammie: Yeah...I'm glad, too. *kisses* Let's go try out the indoor pool before dinner then we can go dancing after. *smiles*

