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    Ginger: She said she left us the easy stuff.

    Bella: I know, makes you wonder what the hard stuff is.


      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
      Iffy: I had a feeling. *grins and ogles his bum*

      Fisherman's Wharf...San Francisco...

      MJack: The rain's coming in early. We'd best go to the indoor mall...downtown... Nordstrom has a nice piano bar and we can pick out a new dress for you? *kisses*


        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        Lets go then, Nero! *takes his hand, beams them out*

        Sal's Hideaway...Location Unknown...

        *Sal and Kyan beam in*

        Welcome to a place where it is just past 11.30pm. *grins* And *looks outside* it's drizzling. *runs outside to stand in the rain*
        Kyan: *stands outside with her, kisses* It's very nice here...and so convenient for when you are home. *smiles*


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post

          Ginger: She said she left us the easy stuff.

 I know, makes you wonder what the hard stuff is.
          Amaretti: (on radio) Got problems, ladies? I was going to take Mitchie for drinks, but I could send him home instead.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

            Fisherman's Wharf...San Francisco...

            MJack: The rain's coming in early. We'd best go to the indoor mall...downtown... Nordstrom has a nice piano bar and we can pick out a new dress for you? *kisses*
            Iffy: I adore Nordies. You are simply wonderful *kisses him*


              Sal's Hideaway...Location Unknown...

              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Kyan: *stands outside with her, kisses* It's very nice here...and so convenient for when you are home. *smiles*
              *grins, wraps arms around him* It's even nicer when it's daytime. *kicks off her shoes* It's not just for convenience, I well and truly love Europe. Can't and won't let it go. Wanna see the beach and then head inside to dry off?
              Awesome sig by Laura
              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

              The randomess that is me
              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                Amaretti: (on radio) Got problems, ladies? I was going to take Mitchie for drinks, but I could send him home instead.

                Bella: What makes you think there's a problem? *blows kisses*

                Ginger: *makes kissy noises* Iffy, would want us to inform you, Mitcihie has patrol tomorrow, so he has an early curfew.


                  Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                  Iffy: I adore Nordies. You are simply wonderful *kisses him*

                  MJack: Thanks. *kisses, takes them below deck then beams them to Nordstrom's underground parking lot* Pick any dress you want, Tigress. *escorts her to the elevator*


                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    Sal's Hideaway...Location Unknown...

                    *grins, wraps arms around him* It's even nicer when it's daytime. *kicks off her shoes* It's not just for convenience, I well and truly love Europe. Can't and won't let it go. Wanna see the beach and then head inside to dry off?
                    Kyan: Sure. *looks* It's not raining that hard. We could make a sandcastle first if you want. *kisses*


                      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                      Bella: What makes you think there's a problem? *blows kisses*

                      Ginger: *makes kissy noises* Iffy, would want us to inform you, Mitcihie has patrol tomorrow, so he has an early curfew.
                      Amaretti: (on radio) He didn't make that up, huh?
                      Mitchie: (in background) He's just ticked that I beat him at golf...twice.
                      Amaretti: (on radio) He'll be right home. *cuts radio* Later, dude.
                      Mitchie: Later, Cheese Boy. *beams home*


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        MJack: Thanks. *kisses, takes them below deck then beams them to Nordstrom's underground parking lot* Pick any dress you want, Tigress. *escorts her to the elevator*
                        Iffy: *giggles and whispers in MJack's ear*


                          Sal's Hideaway...Location Unknown...

                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                          Kyan: Sure. *looks* It's not raining that hard. We could make a sandcastle first if you want. *kisses*

                          *leads him to the beach* Or we could go swimming? *closes her eyes and turns her face upwards enjoying the rain* I love swimming when it's raining. *smiles*
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            Nordstrom, San Francisco...

                            Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                            Iffy: *giggles and whispers in MJack's ear*
                            MasterJack: Not here, Tigress...they'd arrest us. *kisses*


                              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                              Sal's Hideaway...Location Unknown...


                              *leads him to the beach* Or we could go swimming? *closes her eyes and turns her face upwards enjoying the rain* I love swimming when it's raining. *smiles*
                              Kyan: As the lady wishes. *kisses, strips off clothes*


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                                Amaretti: (on radio) He didn't make that up, huh?
                                Mitchie: (in background) He's just ticked that I beat him at golf...twice.
                                Amaretti: (on radio) He'll be right home. *cuts radio* Later, dude.
                                Mitchie: Later, Cheese Boy. *beams home*

                                Ginger: Bella and I are free for drinks, Stud.

