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    Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
    LOL! *hugs Loki*
    I'll pass that along.

    He actually purrs when you hug him for long enough. He grew up with cats before we took him.

    Am I going to need one of these guns to protect myself?

    No. Just don't get in my way when I want to spend time with Addy.


      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
      Oh, bring your friend, too.
      Wouldn't want to be rude.

      Bring Duncan? Not a good idea. He's involved with Amanda.


        Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
        what happened to Chewy's tail?
        He gets very excited and bangs his tail on anything and everything and ends up splitting the end of it open periodically, so we wrap it.


          JJEDC: Alright, alright I'm getting up!*THUD*

          JJEDC: Okay maybe I'm not....
          What's wrong with you
          JJEDC: I was out patrolling all night, your Rourke clone has gone missing
          Lovely! *rolls eyes* I gain a clone and then one disappears! Speaking of which where is Jack?


          sig by chlex


            Originally posted by CKO View Post
            pretty dogs ya got there Addy
            Thanks. There's actually a part 3 but I forgot to upload the pics. It was Marley's first trip to the dog park and my first time using the digital camera there.


              Originally posted by cute_az_can_be View Post
              JJJCC: *groans* what a night! And not in the good way!!!
              Just because you had to stay up with me and I ended up being up until 3am working on my computer science assignment......quit whining it's over until next week lol.
              JJJCC: Daniel is staying up with you next time
              Fine then


              Problems with the new clone, JJ, hon?


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                Problems with the new clone, JJ, hon?
                Nah he'll get used to the hours soon enough I can't help the fact that I'm up all night all the time working on school stuff. No one should get used to that lol.

                JJJCC: It's all good AQOJaC no problem!!
                Chill Crichton it's okay lol


                sig by chlex


                  piccy of my silly kitty.. after she got back from the groomer.




                    Originally posted by cute_az_can_be View Post
                    Nah he'll get used to the hours soon enough I can't help the fact that I'm up all night all the time working on school stuff. No one should get used to that lol.

                    JJJCC: It's all good AQOJaC no problem!!
                    Chill Crichton it's okay lol


                    Yep, those Crichton's are a feisty bunch.

                    *searching for JJ's Jack*


                      Dan you awake yet?

                      JJEDC: *zzzz*
                      I take that as a no!
                      *yells* JACK WHERE ARE YOU?!


                      sig by chlex


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        (still looks like Jack is using the binoculars backwards even though I know he isn't lol)
                        I only have a few clones accounted for and I have to go to class in about 15 minutes grrr!

                        JJJJC: *yawn*
                        Quit that you make me yawn ....*yawn* lol


                        sig by chlex


                          Originally posted by CKO View Post
                          piccy of my silly kitty.. after she got back from the groomer.


                          Adorable! Does she have blue eyes? Angora?


                            Originally posted by cute_az_can_be View Post
                            (still looks like Jack is using the binoculars backwards even though I know he isn't lol)
                            I only have a few clones accounted for and I have to go to class in about 15 minutes grrr!

                            JJJJC: *yawn*
                            Quit that you make me yawn ....*yawn* lol


                            I'll keep an eye out for them.


                              JJJCC: *pokes JJEDC*

                              JJEDC: OW! yeah I'm up I'm up *zzzz*
                              JJJCC: I guess I wasn't up as long as he was....
                              I suppose not hmm


                              sig by chlex


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                                Thanks I appreciate that AQOJaC I'll be leaving soon but I'll be back and maybe you'll have found him by then. I haven't seen him since last night but he was sleeping then hmmm.


                                sig by chlex

