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    Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
    Alpha: *nods to Doc* Hello again. Good to see you out and about. *turns to Cammie, squats near his chair, lowers his voice* You guys do a flyover of Palomar today? 'Cause I thought I head a 302 whine when we were on our way down the mountain.

    *watching feeds over Jay's head*

    *laughs* He's just jealous because he didn't think ahead enough to install a winch!

    Cammie: You know we don't discuss those things in public. Geesh!


      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Such a sweetie. *sips drink* Perfect. *smiles* Hey, have you got company coming over tonight? *raises eyebrow*

      Alveus: Not that I'm aware of.


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
        Cammie: Excuse me. *turns* Hey, there. *blows kiss*
        Wendy: *blows kiss back* Hi, Angel Eyes! How was your day? *sees Doc and Addy* Hiya, guys!
        Sig made by me


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

          Cammie: You know we don't discuss those things in public. Geesh!
          Alpha: Then I'll send you a memo. *rises, walks to bar*


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
            Cammie: That's guys have an Aurora-class ship now. Uh...Kali showed it to Addy.

            Addy: From a distance only. *smiles*
            Doc: Well when you have time, I'll give you a tour, it needs work, but it's good to go.

            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
            Alpha: *nods to Doc* Hello again. Good to see you out and about. *turns to Cammie, squats near his chair, lowers his voice* You guys do a flyover of Palomar today? 'Cause I thought I head a 302 whine when we were on our way down the mountain.
            Doc: Sorry to interupt and to earsdrop, but that was one of mine, we had a navigation malfuntion on one of our F-302's. It happened around the same time as our comminications went down. We're experiencing problems with the storme we're having at the moment.


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Erin: Okay. *ducks head* Better question: Would you like company this evening? After your shift here at the bar, of course.
              Alveus: I think I might like company. Yours?
              Erin: *rolls eyes* I suppose I'm not being forward enough. *smiles* Yes, mine, silly. You don't have to answer now. I just wanted to be sure to ask. *sips drink, pops a pretzel*


                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                Wendy: *blows kiss back* Hi, Angel Eyes! How was your day? *sees Doc and Addy* Hiya, guys!
                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                Alpha: Then I'll send you a memo. *rises, walks to bar*
                Addy: *stands* I need to go. I'll see you all later. *looks toward the bar* No kiss for you then, Alpha! Later! *waves, beams out*


                  Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                  Wendy: *beams in* Evening Lounge!
                  Ooh, hey, Wendy! *shakes head* Sorry, I missed you before.


                    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                    Wendy: *blows kiss back* Hi, Angel Eyes! How was your day? *sees Doc and Addy* Hiya, guys!
                    Doc: Hi Wendy. *gives a wave*

                    Addy: *stands* I need to go. I'll see you all later. *looks toward the bar* No kiss for you then, Alpha! Later! *waves, beams out*
                    Doc: Bye Addy, thanks for the chat.


                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Ooh, hey, Wendy! *shakes head* Sorry, I missed you before.
                      Hi Erin! It's okay. It gets crazy in here sometimes. *smiles*
                      Sig made by me


                        Cammie: My day went well. How was yours?

                        Wendy: It was good. Had a great workout. *smiles*
                        Last edited by DJgirl; 14 January 2008, 04:01 PM.
                        Sig made by me


                          Doc: *suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.* I think I'd better go. It was nice meeting you again, Cammie. Bye everyone. *puts her drink down, stands and beams out*


                            Erin: *pops another pretzel* Hey, Al, is there stuff for salads in the fridge or just food for garnishes?
                            Alveus: Maybe, I don't always keep track of the food groceries. Wanna come around and look?
                            Erin: Oh, yes, thank you. *goes around bar, opens fridge, sees nothing on the top shelves, leans over to look in bottom drawers*
                            Alveus: *steps back and stares as she leans over*
                            Erin: You'd think some of these things could be put toward the top. *stands up, puts lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and black olives on the counter*
                            Alveus: *helps clear a clean space* Well, most of those items need to stay in the 'crisper' drawer on the bottom anyway.
                            Erin: *starts fixing salad* Oh, good point.
                            Alveus: Want another Amaretto sour with your salad?
                            Erin: That would be great. Thanks, Al. *kisses*


                              Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                              Doc: *suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.* I think I'd better go. It was nice meeting you again, Cammie. Bye everyone. *puts her drink down, stands and beams out*

                              Cammie: See you later, Doc.

                              Wendy: *waves as she beams out* Well now I feel like crap. I'm getting a drink, want anything?
                              Cammie: I'll go over with you. *they both head to the bar*
                              Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                                Wendy: *waves as she beams out* Well now I feel like crap. I'm getting a drink, want anything?
                                Cammie: I'll go over with you. *they both head to the bar*
                                Hey, you okay, Wendy? I can make you a salad if you want?

