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    Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
    A little boy and girl are playing in a sandbox.
    The little boy has to go to take a pee and he was told by his mother to always be polite and don't talk about private matters in public.
    At first he holds it in for a little while because he does not
    know what to say to the little girl to excuse himself.
    Then he remembers what his Mom had said at the restaurant to excuse herself from the table.
    So he turns to the little girl and says "Will you excuse me I have to go powder
    my nose".
    And saying that he leaps out of the sandbox and runs to the
    When he comes back the little girl looks up at him and asks
    "Did you powder your nose?"
    "Yes" said the little boy stepping back into the
    "Well then" says the little girl, "You'd better close your purse
    because your lipstick is hanging out."

    *blows kisses to CajnCam*

    Kyan: Jack, can you read me?

    Yes, Kyan. Or do I call you John?

    Kyan: I'll go with the name Addy gave me.
    MasterJack: Fine. Where are you? I'll come and get you.
    Kyan: We're safe in Selmak's private retreat. He doesn't want anyone to know where it is. Only Delek knows how to get here. He's the one who brought us here.
    MasterJack: So you're prisoners?
    Addy: No, Jack. Uh...Jacob would have sent us home, but I wouldn't give him the access code to beam us out and they don't have an al'kesh to spare at the moment.
    Kyan: I'm linking our feed to you...we should hear and see everything you do.
    MasterJack: Yeah, well, turn it off if I do a necessity.
    Kyan: Of course.


      in EDaniel's room...

      Wendy: *wakes up, looks around*
      EDaniel: *already awake* Good Morning hon.
      Wendy: Good Morning. *lifts head off of EDaniel's chest and leans up for a kiss* You seem to be feeling better.
      EDaniel: Yeah, the headache is completely gone.
      Wendy: Mine too.
      Sig made by me


        *comes in and screams*

        Anybody hungover?


          Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
          *comes in and screams*

          Anybody hungover?

          Addy: Hung over? Did we miss a party? Note that, Kyan.

          Kyan: He already has a long list of things to answer for...
          glad I'm not the one Addy's ready to beat the crap out of.

          Addy: Maybe I should just shoot him...
          Kyan: No. Hands on is much more fulfilling. *kisses*
          Addy: Good point.


            *rubs Walter's dome for good luck*


              Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
              A little boy and girl are playing in a sandbox.
              The little boy has to go to take a pee and he was told by his mother to always be polite and don't talk about private matters in public.
              At first he holds it in for a little while because he does not
              know what to say to the little girl to excuse himself.
              Then he remembers what his Mom had said at the restaurant to excuse herself from the table.
              So he turns to the little girl and says "Will you excuse me I have to go powder
              my nose".
              And saying that he leaps out of the sandbox and runs to the
              When he comes back the little girl looks up at him and asks
              "Did you powder your nose?"
              "Yes" said the little boy stepping back into the
              "Well then" says the little girl, "You'd better close your purse
              because your lipstick is hanging out."

              Good one!

              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
              in EDaniel's room...

              Wendy: *wakes up, looks around*
              EDaniel: *already awake* Good Morning hon.
              Wendy: Good Morning. *lifts head off of EDaniel's chest and leans up for a kiss* You seem to be feeling better.
              EDaniel: Yeah, the headache is completely gone.
              Wendy: Mine too.
              NLD: Thank god, 'cause I really gotta get home and change clothes. EDSam? You got this?


                Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                *rubs Walter's dome for good luck*

                I knew she always had a thing for me! *blushes*


                  Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                  Good one!

                  NLD: Thank god, 'cause I really gotta get home and change clothes. EDSam? You got this?
                  EDSam: Yes. Thanks again for all your help. *kisses*


                    NLCam: So, EDaniel and Wendy are back to normal?
                    NLD: I'm not sure, but their headaches are gone. I'm heading home to shower and change. If anything here changes, let me know.

                    NLCam: Will do. *watches NLD beam home* Damn... shoulda told him about the TV... hope he doesn't try to watch it.


                      MasterJack: Okay, Jacob. Give me the short version.
                      Jacob: Selmak created an operative who could be whomever we needed him to be.
                      MasterJack: why make him look like Daniel?
                      Jacob: We needed to model him after someone...
                      MasterJack: Yeah...well, he's part of our clan now.
                      Jacob: Yes. He said he was adopted. With the memory wipe, he's of no further use to the Tok'ra. We've cleared all traces of him from his assignment. No one will miss him.
                      MasterJack: Whoever tossed his place will. When we found him...his original distress signal...
                      Jacob: Yeah...sorry...that should have bounced to Delek, but when I first left on holiday, I'd accidentally set my message forwarding to Sam.


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        EDSam: Yes. Thanks again for all your help. *kisses*
                        Wendy: Today's what....Sunday?
                        EDSam: Monday.
                        Wendy: Monday? I have to go to work. I will be late.
                        EDSam: Now you are worried about work. You weren't last week.
                        Wendy: Last week? How long have I been here?
                        EDSam: Ten days.
                        EDaniel: Ten Days? Wow
                        Wendy: I really have to go then. I am so many questions, things to do. Will you let me out?
                        EDSam: I will have to contact Jack. I'll be back.
                        Sig made by me


                          NLCam: Selmak, Selmak, Selmak... *shakes head* "Accidentally" my a$$.

                          StrayShep: *beams into Lounge*

                          NLCam: Where did you spend the night? I thought we left you in here?

                          StrayShep: Yeah... did you see the way Vala was acting? I couldn't just let that slide, so... you know.

                          THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU to GLD and her PB


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Wendy: Today's what....Sunday?
                            EDSam: Monday.
                            Wendy: Monday? I have to go to work. I will be late.
                            EDSam: Now you are worried about work. You weren't last week.
                            Wendy: Last week? How long have I been here?
                            EDSam: Ten days.
                            EDaniel: Ten Days? Wow
                            Wendy: I really have to go then. I am so many questions, things to do. Will you let me out?
                            EDSam: I will have to contact Jack. I'll be back.

                            Cammie: Pops is busy with Jacob just now. I'm sure he'd say Wendy can go so long as Dr. Lam approves.


                              *Wanders in*
                              Howdy everyone! Morning, afternoon or evening depending on your timezone.

                              Ummm... What the heck did ya'll do to Nibbles after I left? Because he's been mumbling about 'one heck of a ride'... And nodding off


                              So he's asleep, and I still need a guide...
                              Awesome sig by Laura
                              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                              The randomess that is me
                              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                                *pokes in* nope not hung over.... *plomps down in one of her clones laps*

