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    Originally posted by cat
    addy did you have to say about Holby City, you mean I have to watch an hour of that dren just to see P 'sobs uncontrollably' Holby is pretty much a hospital set soap!
    That's what I get from what Peter's said. Something about his character is running away from his own love life or something like that.

    Check your PMs, babe.


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O
      Okay, but just once more. Don't want you gettin' spoiled. *slaps*
      You beast! How dare you hit me! *bites*


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O
        Addy, purple, mesa, rcarroll, Wolfe, eirenne, Neelan, shester, chi27, Tayla, cat, tsaxlady, Leviathan, CatherineBruce, Goober...if I forgot anyone it's Jackson's fault.
        ME! You forgot me!


          awwww poor shippy will this cheer you up

          banner by E.K.R
          If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie here with me and just forget the world, forget what we're told, before we get too old, show me a garden that's burstin into life, all that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see. I don't know where, confused about how as well, just know that these things will never change for us at all....
          "Snow Patrol - chasing cars"


            Originally posted by cajnjirl
            You beast! How dare you hit me! *bites*

            But you told me to!


              Originally posted by ShippyChick
              ME! You forgot me!

              Jackson said you changed your mind. Don't worry, I'll fix him.

              No...I said Jack changed his mind about ordering a stripper. Geesh! You need your ears checked, Cam.


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                DON'T YOU YELL AT ME! *kisses roughly*

                uh, i think we need to take this back to the corn



                    Originally posted by cajnjirl
                    DON'T YOU YELL AT ME! *kisses roughly*

                    uh, i think we need to take this back to the corn

                    Oh, really! *grabs by nearest appendage and drags off into the corn*


                      Hey, Critter!


                        What? She wanted to go fishing.


                          i would be lol if not otherwise occupied


                            banner by E.K.R
                            If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie here with me and just forget the world, forget what we're told, before we get too old, show me a garden that's burstin into life, all that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see. I don't know where, confused about how as well, just know that these things will never change for us at all....
                            "Snow Patrol - chasing cars"


                              banner by E.K.R
                              If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie here with me and just forget the world, forget what we're told, before we get too old, show me a garden that's burstin into life, all that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see. I don't know where, confused about how as well, just know that these things will never change for us at all....
                              "Snow Patrol - chasing cars"


                                You know...the more you think about it...

                                It's more plausible that Daniel is Cam's father from 1969. He was off in NYC with Sam and they could have been separated for a bit before they went back to hook up with Jack and Teal'c. Seriously, when did Jack have time other than at the clothing store? What did he do, go in the changing room with one of the hired help?

