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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
    Danny: I'm sorry, Fruitie, honey, but the beam isn't working. I'll have to escort you home.
    Cupcake: What about us?

    Danny: You guys are free to go...just don't walk too closely to Fruitie and me.

    FruitieCake: That would be lovely Danny, thank you. *looks back at the Cakes and whispers* Don't you boys ruin this for me.
    Sig made by me


      Well Musckles was with me all day yesterday and we didn't have time to see anything else, but I will ask the rest of the guys.

      Chafty dear, Cammie wants to know if you happened to see MasterJack at all yesterday?
      Chafty: Nope. Me and the guys were hanging out in here. You can ask Hotbuns though, he was the only one off with someone.

      Hotbuns: Let me think. Nope, I was a little busy yesterday to notice anything other then Cajn!

      Sorry Cammie, don't look like any of my guys seen anything. I'm sure they'll be willing to help if you need it!

      Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

      My Clones!

      My PhotoBucket
      Snurch if you want!


        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        FruitieCake: That would be lovely Danny, thank you. *looks back at the Cakes and whispers* Don't you boys ruin this for me.

        *takes hold of Fruitie's hand*


          Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
          Well Musckles was with me all day yesterday and we didn't have time to see anything else, but I will ask the rest of the guys.

          Chafty dear, Cammie wants to know if you happened to see MasterJack at all yesterday?
          Chafty: Nope. Me and the guys were hanging out in here. You can ask Hotbuns though, he was the only one off with someone.

          Hotbuns: Let me think. Nope, I was a little busy yesterday to notice anything other then Cajn!

          Sorry Cammie, don't look like any of my guys seen anything. I'm sure they'll be willing to help if you need it!

          Thanks. We've ruled out the Goa'uld as being his attackers. They would have been gloating by now. What was Sweet Thang doing yesterday? Did you have him in your sights all day, Chafty?


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
            Thanks. We've ruled out the Goa'uld as being his attackers. They would have been gloating by now. What was Sweet Thang doing yesterday? Did you have him in your sights all day, Chafty?

            Wendy: Kev, you didn't do anything to MasterJack yesterday night, did you?
            Kev: Nope. He is on our "Don't mess with" list per your request.
            Sig made by me


              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
              Wendy: Kev, you didn't do anything to MasterJack yesterday night, did you?
              Kev: Nope. He is on our "Don't mess with" list per your request.

              That's comforting...I think. What about Mer and Sam? What were they doing yesterday?
              I know Darling was busy with Aeryn.


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                That's comforting...I think. What about Mer and Sam? What were they doing yesterday?
                I know Darling was busy with Aeryn.

                I will go see Cammie, hold on.

                Wendy: *taps on Mer's shoulder* Mer, wake up.
                Mer: *wakes up* Wendy....what time is it?
                Wendy: 10:30. Did you and or Sam happen to do something to MasterJack last night?
                Mer: Define something.
                Wendy: *sarcastically* Great. I think we have found the culprit Cammie.
                Sig made by me


                  Chafty: Cammie, SweetThang was here with us all day as well. He know's better then to mess with MasterJack anyways.

                  Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

                  My Clones!

                  My PhotoBucket
                  Snurch if you want!


                    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                    I will go see Cammie, hold on.


                    Wendy: *taps on Mer's shoulder* Mer, wake up.
                    Mer: *wakes up* Wendy....what time is it?
                    Wendy: 10:30. Did you and or Sam happen to do something to MasterJack last night?
                    Mer: Define something.
                    Wendy: *sarcastically* Great. I think we have found the culprit Cammie.

                    Thanks, Wendy. *blows kisses*
                    What did you do, Mer?


                      Stupid transport beam...just has to break down when I have a hangover...
                      Crichton, stop your whining and focus. What the frell is going on?

                      Dang...first all those weird dreams about Methos last night and now I'm hearing Jack's voice.
                      This is the worst hangover ever.


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        Thanks, Wendy. *blows kisses*
                        What did you do, Mer?

                        Mer: Funny story...Sam wouldn't stop talking about MasterJack and I sort of got upset, so I just kind of used one of the Ancient technologies I just acquired, I won't get into it because you wouldn't understand...
                        Wendy: *interrupts* will you get to the point already.
                        Mer: Fine. It put him in a coma like state. I was hoping that it would make him less attractive to Sam that way.
                        Wendy: That might be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. You better fix!
                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          Mer: Funny story...Sam wouldn't stop talking about MasterJack and I sort of got upset, so I just kind of used one of the Ancient technologies I just acquired, I won't get into it because you wouldn't understand...
                          Wendy: *interrupts* will you get to the point already.
                          Mer: Fine. It put him in a coma like state. I was hoping that it would make him less attractive to Sam that way.
                          Wendy: That might be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. You better fix!

                          And you thought Addy wanted to shoot you before.

                          Addy: Where's my transport beam? I'll teach Mer to mess with my Jack!

                          Fruit Loops...yeah, I could go for those right about now...


                            Mer: *pleading* But she is going to seriously hurt me. You have to help.
                            Sam: I most certainly do not. That is one of the meanest things I have ever heard. I didn't know I was dating an evil clone.
                            Mer: Okay, that was below the belt.
                            Sam: He's right here Addy. Take him.
                            Sig made by me


                              Addy: Let me out!

                              Sorry, Addy. I'm keeping you locked up until you calm down. Trust me. It's for your own good.
                              Crichton, any progress on that transport beam?

                              Still workin' on it. Looks like there was a power surge. Darn thing sparked me yesterday...if I remember right...I was kinda drunk at the time. *chuckles*
                              Not funny, Crichton. Is that my boy I hear? Where is he? Tell him to get me out of here!

                              Ow...darn hangover...need more aspirin.


                                Crichton, listen very carefully. I am not a hangover. It's me, Jack.
                                Jack's in stasis.
                                I'm where? For cryin' out loud, how'd I end up there?

                                Ah, frell. Looks like the stasis chamber is gone wonky, too.
                                I'll make you wonky if you don't get things fixed!

