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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    aww not fun addy


      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
      ugh. looks like the Time of Fire Ants in The House has begun.
      We don't get fire ants, but we do get the ants...I figure they're due just about any day now.


        Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
        LOL funny pic and sweet doggie!


          Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
          Jack with big bang bang.
          Where is that one from? Looks like behind the scenes from filming that ep in the hotel room.


            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post

            My eyes...Y-fronts...*hides*
            Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
            *stratagiecly manouvers to behind padawan*
            *whispers* is it gone yet?
            Be nice or I'll have the Daedelus open fire.


              Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
              to purge it from my mind:

              Scruffy: ewwwwwwww.....
              *takes Scruffy's beer and pours over his head*


                Congratulations, mags!

                No cake for mayo or firefly. *glares*


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Good morning, lounge!

                  The pups crashed into the computer at home so I died there. I still don't have Internet access on the home PC. I worked yesterday at the kitchen table using Hubs' laptop.

                  While I took the clones to the park for sunbathing. It was nearly 100 degrees in the shade.
                  mornin addy

                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Be nice or I'll have the Daedelus open fire.
                  i mean ....
                  hes the best example of them ive seen yet

                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  *takes Scruffy's beer and pours over his head*
                  now ill have to wash him clean...



                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                    Congratulations, mags!

                    No cake for mayo or firefly. *glares*

                    im sorry!!!

                    but i dont want cake

                    just forgiveness


                      Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post

                      im sorry!!!

                      but i dont want cake

                      just forgiveness
                      Just be civil. I don't like everyone who gets posted in here and I cringe at some, but I keep my mouth shut. Except for S10 promo pics. I'm sorry, all, but they just make my stomach turn for the most part. But I digress...

                      Mrs. C and her Caldwell are welcome here anytime. Don't chase them away.


                        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                        Just be civil. I don't like everyone who gets posted in here and I cringe at some, but I keep my mouth shut. Except for S10 promo pics. I'm sorry, all, but they just make my stomach turn for the most part. But I digress...

                        Mrs. C and her Caldwell are welcome here anytime. Don't chase them away.
                        no i *like* him...
                        it was just the shock of that image first in the morning i think.


                          Good morning, lounge.

                          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                            baal baal baal!
                            my egg hatched!


                              Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                              no i *like* him...
                              it was just the shock of that image first in the morning i think.
                              Okies...just that hiding didn't quite convey that. *shrugs*

                              I wonder if Sweet Thing will get to play with me today.


                                Hello Lounge

                                Jules, you are welcome to come and play Wii anytime

                                Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
                                Morning Lounge!!!

                                (((WENDY))) sorry I missed you again! Glad to hear your vacation is going good!!

                                Beefcake: You mean we missed her again?
                                Yeah, sorry guys. You know how it is around here with the puter.
                                Cupcake: Yeah, we know. We're just bummed that we missed her again.
                                Well I'm sure she knows that you guys can't wait till she gets back!
                                GLD!!!!! Beefcake and Cupcake *tacklehugs* You guys are looking mighty fine in those jackets today I miss you all, and am looking forward to being home.

                                Tell Logan Happy Birthday for me GLD!!

                                Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                                to purge it from my mind:

                                Scruffy: ewwwwwwww.....
                                Hello Mayo, Scruffy and Kev *waves* Hope all is going well!!

                                Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                                *rushes in*
                                (and of course clones )

                                i got some fab news!!!

                                finally, i got a real job
                                it came very surprising on tuesday, a woman called me (i was at home watching an episode of heroes ) and said she wants to offer me a job as secretary at the vienna court and if i would want to have it. of course i said yes!
                                now today i was there signing the contract and i can already start on monday
                                geez, its like teal'c said "good things come to those who wait" LOL

                                Happy B-day to your son GLD!

                                hope you're all doing fine and wish a nice day!! *rushes off again*
                                Congrats Mags. Very Exciting news!!

                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                                Good morning, lounge!

                                The pups crashed into the computer at home so I died there. I still don't have Internet access on the home PC. I worked yesterday at the kitchen table using Hubs' laptop.

                                While I took the clones to the park for sunbathing. It was nearly 100 degrees in the shade.
                                (((ADDY!!!!))) I miss you. I hope all my clones are sort of behaving themselves.

                                Sorry to hear about the doggies and the computer. Other then that is the new pup settling in well??
                                Sig made by me

