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    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    V: Oh hey Cam. Ummm, I was just...well I needed help with, umm, my shoe, and Daniel was just helping me untie it.
    D: *whispers* That's the best you could come up with? I thought you were a good liar.
    Do you think Cam could come over and help me untie my shoe?

    EvilShep: I'll help you take off your shoes, firefly. Anything else you want me to help you take o-
    firefly: EvilShep! PG forum!
    EvilShep: Dang...


      I didn't go to prom.
      I was too ugly for anyone to ask plus they all thought i was a man-hater
      except my two closest friends, one was my first cousin and the other was
      a big nerdy guy who kinda liked me.
      He asked me if I was going, I said no. I asked him, he said no.
      Then we locked eyes for an instant, for a heartbeat we both considered each
      other, then the moment passed forever. LOL

      Heya, mayo

      What is cajn going on about now?


        Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
        I didn't go to prom.
        I was too ugly for anyone to ask plus they all thought i was a man-hater
        except my two closest friends, one was my first cousin and the other was
        a big nerdy guy who kinda liked me.
        He asked me if I was going, I said no. I asked him, he said no.
        Then we locked eyes for an instant, for a heartbeat we both considered each
        other, then the moment passed forever. LOL

        I've not got a date. I'm one of the geeks I think I'm going with a few girl-friends in a group.


          Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
          I didn't go to prom.
          I was too ugly for anyone to ask plus they all thought i was a man-hater
          except my two closest friends, one was my first cousin and the other was
          a big nerdy guy who kinda liked me.
          He asked me if I was going, I said no. I asked him, he said no.
          Then we locked eyes for an instant, for a heartbeat we both considered each
          other, then the moment passed forever. LOL

          Heya, mayo

          What is cajn going on about now?
          hey cajn

          *wipes tear from eye*
          im so proud of you firefly


            Hee! I was a geek the day I was born.
            I married a geek and we have four geek babies.
            We shall breed an army and take over the world! muuuahahahaha


              Cam, where is Addy's Barrett clone?
              We're supposed to be taking care of him.
              You know, feeding him, walking him, petting him...

              Um.....I fergot him out in the rain.


                Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                *wipes tear from eye*
                im so proud of you firefly
                Thank you, Sensei

                Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                Hee! I was a geek the day I was born.
                I married a geek and we have four geek babies.
                We shall breed an army and take over the world! muuuahahahaha
                Sounds like a plan... Can I be your minion?


                  Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                  Sounds like a plan... Can I be your minion?
                  No, I make my own minions. lol
                  Only follow my lead and we shall prevail!


                    Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                    No, I make my own minions. lol
                    Only follow my lead and we shall prevail!
                    Ahem, yeah. I don't quite think I'm ready to produce my own spawn of geeklets yet...being 17 and all
                    But I will happily speak the "Word of the Cajn" to all who will listen! (And force prostration and burning upon those who won't )


                      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                      I didn't go to prom.
                      I was too ugly for anyone to ask plus they all thought i was a man-hater
                      except my two closest friends, one was my first cousin and the other was
                      a big nerdy guy who kinda liked me.
                      He asked me if I was going, I said no. I asked him, he said no.
                      Then we locked eyes for an instant, for a heartbeat we both considered each
                      other, then the moment passed forever. LOL

                      Heya, mayo

                      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post

                      I've not got a date. I'm one of the geeks I think I'm going with a few girl-friends in a group.
                      The guy I wanted to go with asked his ex-girlfriend to prom instead. Everyone was totally expecting him to ask me, moreso then I was, and he went and asked his stupid ex There was this guy that liked me but I didn't reciprocate the feelings. I heard through the grapevine that he was going to ask me to Prom, so I made a quick judgement call and asked one of my other friends. That way I came in talking about going with Mike and Adam never had to ask me and I never had to let him down. I know I am mean but it turned out great because I had a blast with Mike. We only saw each other for the slow songs and we each hung out with our other friends all night. Good Times, Good Times....

                      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                      Hee! I was a geek the day I was born.
                      I married a geek and we have four geek babies.
                      We shall breed an army and take over the world! muuuahahahaha
                      Teeheehee....being a geek is fun. On top of loving SciFi, I am also a Band geek, so I never had a chance
                      Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                        Ahem, yeah. I don't quite think I'm ready to produce my own spawn of geeklets yet...being 17 and all
                        But I will happily speak the "Word of the Cajn" to all who will listen! (And force prostration and burning upon those who won't )

                        LOL! I meant eventually, at your own pace.
                        We aren't in any kind of hurry.


                          i had two proms but we call them deb balls here
                          i went with friends both times and had a blast


                            Y'all right.
                            we really shouldn't be left alone.

                            You gals have a lovely evening.


                              Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                              Y'all right.
                              we really shouldn't be left alone.

                              You gals have a lovely evening.

                              Have a good one Cajn!
                              Sig made by me


                                euhm.... ?
                                Gay-ish: .......

