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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
    RMJack: *kisses back* What are you guys up to? Yoga or jogging? *swigs beer*

    Bubbles: *chokes* Jogging or weights.
    Iffy: *giggles* Bubbles refuses to do yoga. All the guys refuse to do it, except TeaCake.


      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
      Bubbles: *chokes* Jogging or weights.
      Iffy: *giggles* Bubbles refuses to do yoga. All the guys refuse to do it, except TeaCake.

      RMJack: I can understand that. *checks monitor* CamSyn's left the furnace to calm down AddyAv. *finishes beer* I'm the backup plan. *tosses bottle in recycling bin*


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
        RMJack: I can understand that. *checks monitor* CamSyn's left the furnace to calm down AddyAv. *finishes beer* I'm the backup plan. *tosses bottle in recycling bin*

        Bubbles: I hear Kit can be uh soothing.
        Iffy: *nudges Bubbles in the ribs* He can be very soothing. *grins*


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post

          Bubbles: I hear Kit can be uh soothing.
          Iffy: *nudges Bubbles in the ribs* He can be very soothing. *grins*

          RMJack: Only if she could use him for target practice.


            RMJack: The email exchange just took a nosedive. I'll be gone now. Later! *beams out*


              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              RMJack: The email exchange just took a nosedive. I'll be gone now. Later! *beams out*

              Bubbles: See ya.
              Iffy: Byebye. workout?
              Bubbles: Let's go than.


                Iffy's place...

                Sweet Pea: Don't do that Iffs. You scare me every time.
                Iffy: Do what? Look Hello Kitty wash cloth and Japanese kitkats.
                Bubbles: I tried to warn everyone but she squealed before I had a chance.
                Iffy: Oh, matcha caramel and something mango


                  Open Memorandum
                  From: Gen. Sheppy Sheppard

                  I will be on leave next week. Cammie will be covering oversight for Maui Alpha Base and Gamma Station in my absence.


                    Odyssey II...

                    Sheppy: The memo is posted.
                    Cammie: Valerie has my quarters squeaky clean for you. When are you really taking leave?
                    Sheppy: *shrugs* I don't know.
                    Cammie: What happened to your trip with Sam?
                    Sheppy: I'm not seeing her anymore. Don't ask.
                    Cammie: I wasn't planning to.



                      To: Gate Security Task Force Personnel
                      From: Col. ECam Mitchell

                      Re: Security Duty Schedule April 26 - May 2, 2010

                      On Scheduled Leave:
                      Kevin, Remy

                      All times listed are Pacific.

                      Monday, April 26 & Tuesday, April 27

                      Chatter Analysis: Mrs. RCWendy Mitchell

                      Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Ginger (Monday); Bunny (Tuesday)

                      Boot Camp:
                      05:00-11:00 Team David (ECam, Kyan, EDSam)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      11:00-17:00 Team Foxtrot (John, RVal, BabyFace)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      17:00-23:00 Team Edward (Reynolds, CamSyn, Eli)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      Wednesday, April 28, Thursday, April 29 & Friday, April 30:

                      Chatter Analysis: Dr. Bairn McKay

                      Control Room: 07:00-16:00 KAddy (Wednesday); Evie (Thursday); Jonas (Friday)

                      05:00-11:00 Team Adam (Fox, Giovanni, Liz)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      11:00-17:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Murray, Skye)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      17:00-23:00 Team Charlie (Barrett, Powerhouse, RSamantha)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      Saturday, May 1 & Sunday, May 2

                      Chatter Analysis: Mr. RMal Barrett

                      Control Room: Walter

                      Boot Camp:
                      05:00-11:00 Team Adam (Fox, Giovanni, Liz)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      11:00-17:00 Team Baker (Dexie, Murray, Skye)
                      Assist with military recruits

                      17:00-23:00 Team Charlie (Barrett, Powerhouse, RSamantha)
                      Assist with military recruits



                        To: Sweet Pea
                        From: Cammie

                        I'd like to meet with you to discuss your squadron when you have some time. Let me know when you are available.



                          To: All fight personnel
                          From: Gen. Cammie Mitchell

                          Re: Patrol Schedule April 26 - May 2, 2010

                          On Scheduled Leave:
                          Bubbles, Mitchie

                          All times listed are Pacific.

                          Monday, April 26
                          00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RSam, RJC)
                          05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), RCam
                          08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - RMJack (2IC), RECam
                          12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Aeryn (Shift Leader), EDaniel
                          15:30-19:30 Odyssesy II on orbital patrol (Cammie, Dulce)
                          19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Alpha commanding)
                          Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                          Tuesday, April 27
                          00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RSam, RJC)
                          05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), Vala
                          08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Danny
                          12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Bella
                          15:30-19:30 Odyssesy II on orbital patrol (Cammie, Dulce)
                          19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Alpha commanding)
                          Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                          Wednesday, April 28
                          00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RSam, RJC)
                          05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), Amaretti
                          08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - Lucky (2IC), Sami
                          12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - WCam (Shift Leader), RCS
                          15:30-19:30 Odyssesy II on orbital patrol (Cammie, Dulce)
                          19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                          Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head), V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)

                          Thursday, April 29
                          00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
                          05:00-08:30 Alpha 1 - Johnny (Squadron Leader), RCam
                          08:30-12:00 Alpha 2 - RMJack (2IC), RECam
                          12:00-15:30 Alpha 3 - Aeryn (Shift Leader), EDaniel
                          15:30-19:30 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwell, RJonas)
                          19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                          Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                          Friday, April 30
                          00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
                          05:00-08:30 Beta 1 - Imp (Squadron Leader), Vala
                          08:30-12:00 Beta 2 - Jay (2IC), Danny
                          12:00-15:30 Beta 3 - Ace (Shift Leader), Bella
                          15:30-19:30 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwelll, RJonas)
                          19:30-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Master Jack commanding)
                          Gamma Station: Beefcake (Station Head), Rya'c (Crew Chief)

                          Saturday, May 1
                          00:00-24:00 O'Neill II on orbital patrol (Braga commanding)
                          Gamma Station: Closed

                          Sunday, May 2
                          00:00-05:00 Prometheus Redux on orbital patrol (RShep, REDan)
                          05:00-08:30 Gamma 1 - Sweet Pea (Squadron Leader), Amaretti
                          08:30-12:00 Gamma 2 - Lucky (2IC), Sami
                          12:00-15:30 Gamma 3 - WCam (Shift Leader), RCS
                          15:30-24:00 Daedelus II on orbital patrol (Caldwelll, RJonas)
                          Gamma Station: Methos (Station Head) V. Teal'c (Crew Chief)
                          Last edited by Admiral Q O; 29 April 2010, 10:04 AM.


                            CamSyn: *beams in* Hello, lounge.


                              *beams in, looks behind, looks at watch* Great, right on time! *looks up, sees CamSyn* Hello Handsome!
                              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                                Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                                *beams in, looks behind, looks at watch* Great, right on time! *looks up, sees CamSyn* Hello Handsome!

                                CamSyn: *swallows beer* Hello, beautiful. *kisses* How are you?

