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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by Deejay435
    Anyway-I get to the Stargate Icons community and check out the newest post and it's 100 BB and CB icons from Farscape.
    Why were Farscape icons listed under Stargate? They have no place there.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      maybe that's it. maybe the BAB (boys at bridge) have an emotional attachment to cam and vala that blinds them to any faults that others see

      i honestly don't get it.

      I'm not arrogant enough to say 'hey, do what I like'....but when my preference is being echoed - independantly - by lots of others. when what i'm seeing as flaws are also seen by independant industry reviewers....that's gotta tell ya something.

      in many ways, and very generally speaking, what i prefer seems to be a preference that's quite commonly held. so, appealing to that preference would appeal to many

      instead of the focus now that seems to appeal to an ever shrinking group of individuals
      i was very surprised last night when i watched conan/pierre segment that showed only the new characters. but then i shouldn't be, because the ptb are trying sooooo hard to make us love the new characters. but doesn't it seem like the more they push, the more we resent them (characters and ptb both)?

      it just feels like an insult to the characters that made sg1 great in the first place.

      i'm not against changing something up or breathing some fresh air into something (jonas). but, i can never remember a time on any show when new characters were brought on and were given preference over everyone else. how can you do that? *why* do it?

      and the famous saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. that's what it feels like starting in season 9. instead of just adding a new flavor to their menu, they've decided the new flavor is the best flavor and the other ones aren't even listed anymore. what kind of thinking is that, especially when those other flavors made the establishment the success that it is?




        Originally posted by majorsal
        i was very surprised last night when i watched conan/pierre segment that showed only the new characters. but then i shouldn't be, because the ptb are trying sooooo hard to make us love the new characters. but doesn't it seem like the more they push, the more we resent them (characters and ptb both)?
        I think that's natural. If you try to cram something somebody really doesn't want to eat down their throat, the result tends to be very messy.

        Had Mitchell and Vala been introduced gradually, without taking any focus away from the original characters or the bond they shared, I think that people (myself included) would have found it easier to warm to them and to take an interest in them.

        As it is, we've been bombarded with episodes screaming "He's So Cool!", "She's So Funny!", "He's Such A Hero!", "She's So Great!", "Wasn't It Sad What Happened To Him?!", etc. I find that the more Mitchell and Vala are shoved in my face, the more negatively I feel about them - by the looks of Season Ten, Mitchell is going to end up being the first character ever to have a negative score on my scale of zero to ten.

        Originally posted by majorsal
        t just feels like an insult to the characters that made sg1 great in the first place.
        It is an insult, to both the characters and the actors who play them.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          oh, i forgot another snarkon that needs to be dealt with.

          i was watching 'ethon' last night and made a remark that made my mom laugh out loud. and she wasn't supposed to, because i was pissed.

          spoilers for s9's 'ethon'

          it was when teal'c and mitchell were in their little space shippy thingie, firing on the satellite that was firing on prometheus.

          from trans of ep:
          MITCHELL: All right, this is useless. (on radio) Blue Squadron, this is Blue Leader. Break off the attack and scramble formation between the Prometheus and the weapon.

          He turns his head to speak to Teal'c who is sat silently behind him.

          MITCHELL: Maybe one of us will get lucky and take a proportion of the next shot.

          TEAL'C: I would not consider that lucky, Colonel Mitchell.

          MITCHELL: Well it could be for anybody aboard Prometheus.

          when mitchell made the remark, he sounded so casual and smughero. i can't remember my exact words, but it was something like, 'oh. what a biiig hero you are'. i think it was because i was so deadpan that my mom laughed.

          but really, this isn't the first time they've had mitchell laidbackhero, who's afraid of nothing and no one. how heroic is someone's deeds when they aren't even afraid of what they're doing?

          the writers REALLY need to work on this character. and i'd really like it if ben browder would sit back and watch his character, episode after episode. i think he could do more with mitchell then the writers.

          k, whine done.




            Originally posted by majorsal
            oh, i forgot another snarkon that needs to be dealt with.

            i was watching 'ethon' last night and made a remark that made my mom laugh out loud. and she wasn't supposed to, because i was pissed.

            spoilers for s9's 'ethon'

            it was when teal'c and mitchell were in their little space shippy thingie, firing on the satellite that was firing on prometheus.

            from trans of ep:
            MITCHELL: All right, this is useless. (on radio) Blue Squadron, this is Blue Leader. Break off the attack and scramble formation between the Prometheus and the weapon.

            He turns his head to speak to Teal'c who is sat silently behind him.

            MITCHELL: Maybe one of us will get lucky and take a proportion of the next shot.

            TEAL'C: I would not consider that lucky, Colonel Mitchell.

            MITCHELL: Well it could be for anybody aboard Prometheus.

            when mitchell made the remark, he sounded so casual and smughero. i can't remember my exact words, but it was something like, 'oh. what a biiig hero you are'. i think it was because i was so deadpan that my mom laughed.

            but really, this isn't the first time they've had mitchell laidbackhero, who's afraid of nothing and no one. how heroic is someone's deeds when they aren't even afraid of what they're doing?

            the writers REALLY need to work on this character. and i'd really like it if ben browder would sit back and watch his character, episode after episode. i think he could do more with mitchell then the writers.

            k, whine done.

            I think that the writers are convinced that Mitchell is just perfect and wonderful as he is and that it's the viewers who are the problem for recognizing and appreciating the greatness of the character.

            Not only do they need to try to watch Season Nine objectively and to acknowledge the wrong moves they made, they need to hire a beta reader or ten to proof read the next season's episodes.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by ReganX
              Why were Farscape icons listed under Stargate? They have no place there.

              Beats me. But I believe whoever posted it knows it was inappropriate-because comments are turned off on that entry, so I can't go in and tell them to post in the proper community. Just because CB and BB were in FS doesn't mean the SG1 community needs to be spammed with FS icons.

              I think that the writers are convinced that Mitchell is just perfect and wonderful as he is and that it's the viewers who are the problem for recognizing and appreciating the greatness of the character.
              Actually, I have a different take on this. I don't think the writers think Mitchell is perfect the way he is, which is why I think they did so much focusing on Mitchell in the back-half. I saw that as trying to figure him out.

              I think the writers don't know what to do with Mitchell. I think they had no overall plan for his character. Hence the somewhat schizophrenic characterization he has suffered over the season. The writers are seriously not on the same page when writing him.

              I do believe they thought Vala so perfect that they couldn't take their collective eyes off her long enough to give poor Mitchell decent characterization. Which is one of the myriad of reasons I resent Vala so much. (So much that really, really I could spout off about her all day on Minigeek's thread.)

              Mitchell was, briefly, a very good character. He had so much potential when starting out, though if you blinked you missed it. But then the powers that be focused so much energy, time, and attention on Vala that even Mitchell was shunted to 'also-ran' status. Then, once Vala was gone and the writers pulled their heads out of the cloud of Vala-Love-Drug that was floating around, I think they realized they'd given their new 'leading man' the very short shrift. And started to scramble to make up for it. And haven't stopped scrambling long enough to figure the man out.


                Originally posted by majorsal
                oh, i forgot another snarkon that needs to be dealt with.

                i was watching 'ethon' last night and made a remark that made my mom laugh out loud. and she wasn't supposed to, because i was pissed.

                spoilers for s9's 'ethon'

                it was when teal'c and mitchell were in their little space shippy thingie, firing on the satellite that was firing on prometheus.

                from trans of ep:
                MITCHELL: All right, this is useless. (on radio) Blue Squadron, this is Blue Leader. Break off the attack and scramble formation between the Prometheus and the weapon.

                He turns his head to speak to Teal'c who is sat silently behind him.

                MITCHELL: Maybe one of us will get lucky and take a proportion of the next shot.

                TEAL'C: I would not consider that lucky, Colonel Mitchell.

                MITCHELL: Well it could be for anybody aboard Prometheus.

                when mitchell made the remark, he sounded so casual and smughero. i can't remember my exact words, but it was something like, 'oh. what a biiig hero you are'. i think it was because i was so deadpan that my mom laughed.

                but really, this isn't the first time they've had mitchell laidbackhero, who's afraid of nothing and no one. how heroic is someone's deeds when they aren't even afraid of what they're doing?

                the writers REALLY need to work on this character. and i'd really like it if ben browder would sit back and watch his character, episode after episode. i think he could do more with mitchell then the writers.

                k, whine done.

                didn't anyone find it odd (okay odd for s1-8, but s9 who knows what's odd anymore)

                SG1 was on the prometheus catching a ride on Pendergast's ship, which had its own crew, how did Cam become the leader of Blue Squadron He wasn't assigned to the ship!

                my fanfic


                  because he's the hewo

                  and these writers don't seem willing to let common sense and practicality get between them and dwama

                  like in one of the commentaries, a member of TPTB is pointing out joe's sloppy wriring, like how vala got a gun when she's in the sgc's custody thus was disarmed and it was never shown how she got a gun

                  this person called joe on the carpet and said 'sloppy, very sloppy'

                  and that's what the show is anymore. sloppy writing, sloppy directing and folks that lack the time or have too much ego to stand back and say 'yeah, you're right, this makes no sense'
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    like in one of the commentaries, a member of TPTB is pointing out joe's sloppy writing.... this person called joe on the carpet and said 'sloppy, very sloppy'.

                    Get outta town!

                    I ...



                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      because he's the hewo

                      and these writers don't seem willing to let common sense and practicality get between them and dwama

                      like in one of the commentaries, a member of TPTB is pointing out joe's sloppy wriring, like how vala got a gun when she's in the sgc's custody thus was disarmed and it was never shown how she got a gun

                      this person called joe on the carpet and said 'sloppy, very sloppy'
                      and that's what the show is anymore. sloppy writing, sloppy directing and folks that lack the time or have too much ego to stand back and say 'yeah, you're right, this makes no sense'
                      And yet nothing was done about it, it just kept getting sloppier and sloppier

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        maybe that's it. maybe the BAB (boys at bridge)
                        I like it--so when we get the latest "updates" from them we can call it BABble.


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          And yet nothing was done about it, it just kept getting sloppier and sloppier
                          yeah, becaue either coop can't or won't control these boys and make them put out quality stuff.

                          they CAN do it. they did y ears ago in s4 and 5 and 6...but since s7, the writing has been getting worse and worse. homage after homage to teh point that they're snagging whole plots from other shows...even from themselves in the case of atlantis

                          its like they're proud to be making junk
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by jckfan55
                            I like it--so when we get the latest "updates" from them we can call it BABble.
                            we can call their scripts the 'leaning tower of babble'
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              we can call their scripts the 'leaning tower of babble'
                              Oh, dang. It thought that the New York skyscraper that's Sci Fi's headquarters was the Tower of Babble. Then Sony's headquarters could be the Tower of Babble-On. And that would mean we have the Two Towers - and that would make another homage to the franchise's shame credit!

                              ...a very cranky blog:


                                One of the things I used to like about Stargate was the consistancy, unlike with shows like Enterprise and the Klingon farce that was. I loved how they didn't back out of storylines, they followed them through: the Aschen, the Tollan, the Tok'ra, Cassandra... in the early seasons, they kept going back and revisiting these things, making references to past occurences, making things count.

                                Now we just have that great big round thing... what's it called again? Oh yeah. The plothole generator. It produces such randomness as Sam and Orlin's "intimacy", multiple Carters in one reality without consequence (realities close together should, theoretical, be more problematic than those far apart), and of course, Teal'c's hair.

                                Yes. Teal'c's hair frustrates me more than the other two. Is that bad? At least they tried (albeit lamely) to explain ECF. And we don't really know the ins and outs of Sam and Orlin's "relationship" (though I don't see it that way).

                                But for heaven's sake! Go back and read your own scripts!! Watch holiday!!! Teal'c can't have hair, damn you! And even if he could, then can we have something that looks a little less like Action Man.

                                Sorry. I'm cranky. I'm having a bad weekend and I can't rant on GW or LJ
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

