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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    noticed that too. plus, most of the clips (all but one i think) were of sam/jack/daniel/teal'c. no mitchell. perhaps becasue they don't seem mich like a team? of course, it could be because they have 7 years worth of those clips, and one year of cam, and they don't want to make it seem like all the new team. and she probably wasn't look in her lap for a script or to avoid the camera, she's too good of an actor for that.

    damnit, logic! i'm trying to rant here! get out of my way!

    <pushes logic off desk>

    stupid concept.
    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


      well, i think the reason the clips are mitchless is, well stargate monday won't have s9 in it for many more months to a year, so that makes sense

      which, imho, is why they promote the hell out of jack, even though he's not on the show anymore

      as to reading the script, well i didn't watch last night, but i dunno, i can't see her using a script. they may have prompters and if not...hey 15 seconds of dialogue is easy to memorize, especially for a pro like amanda

      i do think that they're saying what they're supposed to say or about the topics they're supposed to say them
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Simhavaktra
        Well, y'know - I don't really give a rat's aft end about Wendy's - or anybody's opinion of Wendy's, for that matter. :shrugs: So very not an issue for me.

        If I'm gonna make myself a 'nut' it'll have to be for a bigger cause than that - like how in real life taking away not one, but two commands from a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force in the course of what? two months? would be the end of her reputation and her career. Period. Full stop. Kiss the silver birdies bye-bye baby, 'cause you'll never be gettin' a closer look at 'em than in that little box in Jack's dresser drawer. Nobody trusts you, and nobody wants you, and you can explain all you like. It's in your file, and that's what we believe.

        But, somehow, all the shiny new is supposed to make me, the viewer not notice that? All the wunnerful, wunnerful pimpage is supposed to make me unknow what I already know to be known? I'm not the only non-military person in the world who has a veteran for a father, and I wish they'd let that poor military advisor out of the storage closet. I can't imagine there're any canned tomatoes left -

        My official first complaint - I, as a viewer am being treated like an imbecile on this and many more subjects by the plots and story arcs of Stargate SG-1 and I don't appreciate it in the slightest.

        Hmmm. Nope. Not feeling better...
        I can't imagine an AF General showing up for a cameo under the current conditions. And this is after they made RDA an honorary Brig General for his postive portrayal of the Air Force. If this had been a new show in S9, i wonder if the AF would have made sure to disavow any connection to it?


          Originally posted by LaCroix
          Since this is the place to vent,bi__h and moan whatever.

          Last night during Stargate Mondays, when AT was talking about team moments/interaction. Did it look like she was reading from a prepared "script".
          Because when she said the four of us, then changed it to the five and if you
          cout Beau-six.

          She wasn't looking at the camera when that happened. She was looking down
          at her hands/lap where the "script" would have been.
          I don't know about a script, but it did feel like "oops, I was supposed to remember to mention the new people." But I loved what she said about TEAM! That is the show to me, not blowing up space ships. Space ships and spandex could be any SciFi dreck show not a Science Fiction show (if you get my distinction.)


            I couldn't sleep last night and then started thinking about a couple of things in the coming season, and then I really couldn't sleep.

            First, where do you suppose CB will be in the credits? I know it's early to speculate, and I know it's really a negotiation point, but it still has the potential to bug me. Do you think she'll be at the end with Beau and MS as another "with Claudia Black as Vala M." ? Or do you think she'll be earlier in the line up? It's bad enough this year with so many BB clips before the title, but I can just imagine what will show up in the clips next year.

            Show of hands. How many of you think that Vala's daughter will be costumed the same as the Priors and the Doci? Long white robe? What? No hands up?

            I have a sinking feeling that her outfits will be worse than Vala's. They're looking for a twenty-something to play the oldest version of the girl. You know they'll feel compelled to pander to their supposed audience of adolescent boys.

            End of rant, I'm sure that I'll be back to b*tch more later.



              Originally posted by jckfan55
              I can't imagine an AF General showing up for a cameo under the current conditions. And this is after they made RDA an honorary Brig General for his postive portrayal of the Air Force. If this had been a new show in S9, i wonder if the AF would have made sure to disavow any connection to it?
              I couldn't have blamed them if they did.

              Do they still have an Air Force advisor at all? I'm convinced that if he or she wasn't out with the flu for most of Season Nine, they were being ignored.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                First, where do you suppose CB will be in the credits? I know it's early to speculate, and I know it's really a negotiation point, but it still has the potential to bug me. Do you think she'll be at the end with Beau and MS as another "with Claudia Black as Vala M." ? Or do you think she'll be earlier in the line up? It's bad enough this year with so many BB clips before the title, but I can just imagine what will show up in the clips next year.
                Actually, given that they'll be inserting yet another new character into the credits, TPTB have the chance to make them much more equal - I would have no objection to Claudia Black being first if they went in alphabetical order and gave no special attention to any one character and devoted the same time to each.

                My preference would be for the order in which the characters appeared - Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge, Amanda Tapping, Claudia Black, Ben Browder, Beau Bridges - but that won't happen.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  I couldn't have blamed them if they did.

                  Do they still have an Air Force advisor at all? I'm convinced that if he or she wasn't out with the flu for most of Season Nine, they were being ignored.
                  or locked in the broom closet
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    i would love to see the credits like atlantis', everyone equal (only david hewlett gets the 'and')

                    atlantis credits are also beautiful, very pretty and artistic.

                    s9 credits did nothing for me, other than a bit of motion sickness
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Agreed on Atlantis credits. Alphabetical for SG-1 would be fine with me too, but since this season they apparently decided that BB is the "star", I don't see that changing.



                        Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                        Agreed on Atlantis credits. Alphabetical for SG-1 would be fine with me too, but since this season they apparently decided that BB is the "star", I don't see that changing.

                        Plus, if it's a part of Ben Browder's contract, they may not be allowed to take him from his star spot.

                        The same may hold true for command of SG-1, but I'm not sure if that would be something covered in a contract.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          I still think the names should be spinning on the gate--you can't tell who's first. Of course you probably couldn't *read* the credits, but never mind.


                            let's just scramble all the letters up and but all them on the screen at once
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by ReganX
                              I couldn't have blamed them if they did.

                              Do they still have an Air Force advisor at all? I'm convinced that if he or she wasn't out with the flu for most of Season Nine, they were being ignored.
                              I think they locked him/her in one of the Goa'uld torture chambers to keep them from voicing thier opinions

                              my fanfic


                                yep. betcha one thing though... cam ain't ever gonna be getting himself made an honorable brig general

                                not meaning to start any cam bashing in teh slightest, but cameron's portrayal is a full 180 degrees from jacks'

                                jack, while being irreverant and goofy at times, always kept the bigger picture in sight and behaved with honor, no matter how silly the situation
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


