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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Warning: Rant Ahead

    I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

    1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1

    2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
    that is, veteran actors
    apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)

    I also can't believe how WHINEY these PTB sound when they moan about these things.

    I think they are lucky that there was money and interest in continuing SG-1, and yet, these PTB act like SG-1 is a millstone around their necks... or a large dead weight that they are condemned to drag around. Poooooor PTB. Awwww...

    To call the original SG-1 actors 'baggage'!!! Again, they (PTB) are lucky that their original actors still want to be a part of the series - instead these PTB are acting like spoiled rich kids - the ones that have too many cool toys, so they can be disparaging and destructive to some of them - especially the older ones (toys, actors, characters).

    If they wanted to start a new series, if these PTB were bored with SG-1, then why didn't they just leave the Stargate franchise and go to work elsewhere? Then they would have new toys (actors, characters, stories, settings, genre, etc.) - and they could leave their 'baggage' behind. Why, oh, why, couldn't these PTB leave? Go somewhere else and make themselves happy doing something else? Why did they have to take their spoiled attitudes and impose them on everyone who loved SG-1?

    Someone somewhere was still willing to back the SG-1 series. Someone somewhere fronts the money and was willing to see SG-1 continue.

    It's mind-boggling that there are SG-1 PTB who were snotty enough to take that money and to go and create something else, a new series, but under the guise of the old name. It's fraud.

    As a loyal fan of the old SG-1, I find myself confused and feeling extremely cheated. SG-1 is still creating new episodes. As a loyal fan, I should be supporting the series. But they changed the series, tremendously, and it's not SG-1 anymore. It's not a show that I recommend that anyone watch. And that makes me feel disloyal.

    And then TPTB get a chance to speak in an interview and they say something about not liking, or understanding, or appreciating, criticism from the fans. Spoiled. Spoiled. Spoiled. They sound like despot royalty that would rant 'Off With Their Heads' with respect to subjects that don't appreciate what is being presented under the name of SG-1 these days. If you don't like the king, or the royal family, you certainly aren't supposed to say so! You'll be ostracized - or thrown in the dungeon - or something nastier. Perhaps branded a heretic.

    It's hard to let go of something that I enjoyed so much - and something that I admired so much. And that was the SG-1 of years gone by.

    I didn't want them to end the series after Season 8. I was looking forward to Season 9. I was looking forward to Carter commanding SG-1, and to episodes of Daniel, Teal'c, Carter and a newbie, as the new team stepping off into new adventures.

    It's taunting me every day that SG-1 is still creating new episodes, but that they have centered the show around 2 newbies (which were the lead actors in another scifi series), and that the original members of SG-1 are wearisome baggage.

    No wonder they said that 'they didn't know what to do with' the character of Sam Carter. They were tired of playing with that character. They were tired of the entire old SG-1 tapestry. They wanted a new playground, with entirely new toys.

    They cite $$ as a reason for not wanting the 'baggage', but the money was fronted for Season 9, and that budget would have included the necessary $$ for the actors from Season 8. They knew those #'s pretty well before Season 9 was given a go.

    No, I don't think $$ is the real reason - because if it was, they wouldn't have hired Ben Browder, Claudia Black or Beau Bridges. If $$ was the real krux, they would have hired unknown, cheaper actors. But they didn't, they hired relatively well-known actors - and that costs $$.

    The disgusting facts are that TPTB wanted new toys. And a new playground. And they weren't willing to go to a new venue, they weren't willing to find themselves new jobs somewhere else. No, they took the $$ for SG-1 and then went and used it to create their new toys under the guise of the name of SG-1.

    How can they have the gall to call actors 'baggage' in interviews?

    How can they have the guts to publicly complain about their fans complaints? Do they really think that the fans find it endearing? Do they think that we are going to feel so guilty that we will apologize for not allowing them their spoiled selfishness?

    ...ok... now *that* was a rant!
    Last edited by astrogeologist; 19 July 2006, 11:42 AM.


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      if i wrote something like that in a fic, i'd explain it. like i posted in anther thread, i'd have had marks hurt, or have marks question the plan, or feel unable to do it, or be afraid of having sam's demise on his conscience or something to give cam a good reason to step out of his comfort zone to pilot the ship

      the issue isn't necessarily that he did it, it's that his departure from his character's limits wasn't explained.
      What was the name of that irritating little cartoon toddler that was always asking "Why?", over and over again?

      They need her to proof read the scripts.

      Why is Mitchell flying the ship?
      Why are they letting him?
      Why isn't the real pilot doing the job?

      Until all her questions are answered, preferably to her satisfaction, they don't turn the script into an episode.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        What was the name of that irritating little cartoon toddler that was always asking "Why?", over and over again?

        They need her to proof read the scripts.

        Why is Mitchell flying the ship?
        Why are they letting him?
        Why isn't the real pilot doing the job?

        Until all her questions are answered, preferably to her satisfaction, they don't turn the script into an episode.
        Wasn't her name "Air Force Advisor"?
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by ReganX
          What was the name of that irritating little cartoon toddler that was always asking "Why?", over and over again?

          They need her to proof read the scripts.

          Why is Mitchell flying the ship?
          Why are they letting him?
          Why isn't the real pilot doing the job?

          Until all her questions are answered, preferably to her satisfaction, they don't turn the script into an episode.
          When I was in college, there was a little boy next door... perhaps 5 years old? Who always seemed to be outside when I came home... and he was incessant with his questions. Where did you go? Who did you see? Why did you drive? How far did you drive? Why is your car green? Why does your car make that noise? And he asked one question after another, faster than you could answer them. Too bad I don't know where he is now... I'd sure like to sic him on TPTB!


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

            1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1
            Either they chose not to, or they weren't allowed to. Either way, if they are calling a show Stargate: SG-1, it should live up to it's name.

            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
            that is, veteran actors
            apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)
            If money is so tight, then instead of hiring three new big name actors, they should have had at least two of the roles played by unknown actors - Claudia Black was already established as Vala but they could have had Mitchell and Landry played by newcomers.

            The veteran actors played a huge part in bringing the show so far along. Does anybody here honestly see the show surviving if AT, MS and CJ all leave?

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Oh Astro. I've not read this interview. However it is totally unprofessional to call the old cast baggage. They are the reason I watched in the main I just loved the characters as well as the stories.

              They are just plain rude and they are nobody I would want to know, they are nobody I would admire. I really don't care if they get a sucessful new show whilst pushing actors who have worked their butts off over the last 8 years to one side, they are just lacking in integrity.

              It is my point of view that currently the only baggage on board SG1 are the people making these stupid decisions and the writers who seem to have run out of good ideas!!


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                Warning: Rant Ahead

                I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

                1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1

                2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
                that is, veteran actors
                apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)

                I also can't believe how WHINEY these PTB sound when they moan about these things.

                I think they are lucky that there was money and interest in continuing SG-1, and yet, these PTB act like SG-1 is a millstone around their necks... or a large dead weight that they are condemned to drag around. Poooooor PTB. Awwww...

                To call the original SG-1 actors 'baggage'!!! Again, they (PTB) are lucky that their original actors still want to be a part of the series - instead these PTB are acting like spoiled rich kids - the ones that have too many cool toys, so they can be disparaging and destructive to some of them - especially the older ones (toys, actors, characters).

                If they wanted to start a new series, if these PTB were bored with SG-1, then why didn't they just leave the Stargate franchise and go to work elsewhere? Then they would have new toys (actors, characters, stories, settings, genre, etc.) - and they could leave their 'baggage' behind. Why, oh, why, couldn't these PTB leave? Go somewhere else and make themselves happy doing something else? Why did they have to take their spoiled attitudes and impose them on everyone who loved SG-1? ....
                A blue jello worthy rant. You've hit it exactly.
                edit: and all the more reason I'll be happy if AT makes #1 in the celeeb poll this month. Just a small sign of support for her as an actress & one of the main reasons PTB even had a shot at "getting tired" of doing the same show for 10 years.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  Wasn't her name "Air Force Advisor"?
                  I think this one still wore diapers. If they'd locked her in the closet with the Air Force advisor, they'd have been jailed for child abuse. And Air Force advisor abuse.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    When I was in college, there was a little boy next door... perhaps 5 years old? Who always seemed to be outside when I came home... and he was incessant with his questions. Where did you go? Who did you see? Why did you drive? How far did you drive? Why is your car green? Why does your car make that noise? And he asked one question after another, faster than you could answer them. Too bad I don't know where he is now... I'd sure like to sic him on TPTB!
                    So we need to round up advisors for TPTB from preschools?

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      So we need to round up advisors for TPTB from preschools?
                      OLIVIA! The Tapping School of Common Sense, and on the same mental level as TPTB! Let's face it, as that guy on urban rush said....

                      "One year old.... Peter DeLuise... they can run around together!"
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        OLIVIA! The Tapping School of Common Sense, and on the same mental level as TPTB! Let's face it, as that guy on urban rush said....

                        "One year old.... Peter DeLuise... they can run around together!"
                        Yes that was a classic wasn't it.

                        I'm surprised and disapointed with Brad Wright.
                        It appears that all along it was RDA and Michael Greenburg who kept the SG1 standard so high.

                        The current decision makers have now run the show into the tuppence ha'penny category

                        I'm sure people will watch it. Just not me I expect something with a little more intelligence. I don't want to see plagarism for a start.

                        You would think though that as TPTB mature, they would have a growing not lessening desire to make good thought provoking and inspiring television.

                        Wouldn't you????


                          Originally posted by Coley
                          You would think though that as TPTB mature, they would have a growing not lessening desire to make good thought provoking and inspiring television.
                          I wonder if any of them think that an eleventh season is a real possibility, or if they genuinely want it to be.

                          If they think that Season Ten is to be the last, they may want to cram in the fun while they can.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by astrogeologist
                            Warning: Rant Ahead

                            I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

                            1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1

                            2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
                            that is, veteran actors
                            apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)

                            I also can't believe how WHINEY these PTB sound when they moan about these things.

                            I think they are lucky that there was money and interest in continuing SG-1, and yet, these PTB act like SG-1 is a millstone around their necks... or a large dead weight that they are condemned to drag around. Poooooor PTB. Awwww...

                            To call the original SG-1 actors 'baggage'!!! Again, they (PTB) are lucky that their original actors still want to be a part of the series - instead these PTB are acting like spoiled rich kids - the ones that have too many cool toys, so they can be disparaging and destructive to some of them - especially the older ones (toys, actors, characters).

                            If they wanted to start a new series, if these PTB were bored with SG-1, then why didn't they just leave the Stargate franchise and go to work elsewhere? Then they would have new toys (actors, characters, stories, settings, genre, etc.) - and they could leave their 'baggage' behind. Why, oh, why, couldn't these PTB leave? Go somewhere else and make themselves happy doing something else? Why did they have to take their spoiled attitudes and impose them on everyone who loved SG-1?

                            Someone somewhere was still willing to back the SG-1 series. Someone somewhere fronts the money and was willing to see SG-1 continue.

                            It's mind-boggling that there are SG-1 PTB who were snotty enough to take that money and to go and create something else, a new series, but under the guise of the old name. It's fraud.

                            As a loyal fan of the old SG-1, I find myself confused and feeling extremely cheated. SG-1 is still creating new episodes. As a loyal fan, I should be supporting the series. But they changed the series, tremendously, and it's not SG-1 anymore. It's not a show that I recommend that anyone watch. And that makes me feel disloyal.

                            And then TPTB get a chance to speak in an interview and they say something about not liking, or understanding, or appreciating, criticism from the fans. Spoiled. Spoiled. Spoiled. They sound like despot royalty that would rant 'Off With Their Heads' with respect to subjects that don't appreciate what is being presented under the name of SG-1 these days. If you don't like the king, or the royal family, you certainly aren't supposed to say so! You'll be ostracized - or thrown in the dungeon - or something nastier. Perhaps branded a heretic.

                            It's hard to let go of something that I enjoyed so much - and something that I admired so much. And that was the SG-1 of years gone by.

                            I didn't want them to end the series after Season 8. I was looking forward to Season 9. I was looking forward to Carter commanding SG-1, and to episodes of Daniel, Teal'c, Carter and a newbie, as the new team stepping off into new adventures.

                            It's taunting me every day that SG-1 is still creating new episodes, but that they have centered the show around 2 newbies (which were the lead actors in another scifi series), and that the original members of SG-1 are wearisome baggage.

                            No wonder they said that 'they didn't know what to do with' the character of Sam Carter. They were tired of playing with that character. They were tired of the entire old SG-1 tapestry. They wanted a new playground, with entirely new toys.

                            They cite $$ as a reason for not wanting the 'baggage', but the money was fronted for Season 9, and that budget would have included the necessary $$ for the actors from Season 8. They knew those #'s pretty well before Season 9 was given a go.

                            No, I don't think $$ is the real reason - because if it was, they wouldn't have hired Ben Browder, Claudia Black or Beau Bridges. If $$ was the real krux, they would have hired unknown, cheaper actors. But they didn't, they hired relatively well-known actors - and that costs $$.

                            The disgusting facts are that TPTB wanted new toys. And a new playground. And they weren't willing to go to a new venue, they weren't willing to find themselves new jobs somewhere else. No, they took the $$ for SG-1 and then went and used it to create their new toys under the guise of the name of SG-1.

                            How can they have the gall to call actors 'baggage' in interviews?

                            How can they have the guts to publicly complain about their fans complaints? Do they really think that the fans find it endearing? Do they think that we are going to feel so guilty that we will apologize for not allowing them their spoiled selfishness?

                            ...ok... now *that* was a rant!
                            Good rant Astro

                            Hmm? Have you seen them talk about ratings?

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by astrogeologist
                              Warning: Rant Ahead

                              I can't believe that some of Stargate's PTB have said

                              1. That they wanted to start a new series instead of continuing SG-1

                              2. That SG-1 has 'baggage'
                              that is, veteran actors
                              apparently they feel stuck with them (and their paychecks?!?!)

                              I also can't believe how WHINEY these PTB sound when they moan about these things.

                              I think they are lucky that there was money and interest in continuing SG-1, and yet, these PTB act like SG-1 is a millstone around their necks... or a large dead weight that they are condemned to drag around. Poooooor PTB. Awwww...

                              To call the original SG-1 actors 'baggage'!!! Again, they (PTB) are lucky that their original actors still want to be a part of the series - instead these PTB are acting like spoiled rich kids - the ones that have too many cool toys, so they can be disparaging and destructive to some of them - especially the older ones (toys, actors, characters).

                              If they wanted to start a new series, if these PTB were bored with SG-1, then why didn't they just leave the Stargate franchise and go to work elsewhere? Then they would have new toys (actors, characters, stories, settings, genre, etc.) - and they could leave their 'baggage' behind. Why, oh, why, couldn't these PTB leave? Go somewhere else and make themselves happy doing something else? Why did they have to take their spoiled attitudes and impose them on everyone who loved SG-1?

                              Someone somewhere was still willing to back the SG-1 series. Someone somewhere fronts the money and was willing to see SG-1 continue.

                              It's mind-boggling that there are SG-1 PTB who were snotty enough to take that money and to go and create something else, a new series, but under the guise of the old name. It's fraud.

                              As a loyal fan of the old SG-1, I find myself confused and feeling extremely cheated. SG-1 is still creating new episodes. As a loyal fan, I should be supporting the series. But they changed the series, tremendously, and it's not SG-1 anymore. It's not a show that I recommend that anyone watch. And that makes me feel disloyal.

                              And then TPTB get a chance to speak in an interview and they say something about not liking, or understanding, or appreciating, criticism from the fans. Spoiled. Spoiled. Spoiled. They sound like despot royalty that would rant 'Off With Their Heads' with respect to subjects that don't appreciate what is being presented under the name of SG-1 these days. If you don't like the king, or the royal family, you certainly aren't supposed to say so! You'll be ostracized - or thrown in the dungeon - or something nastier. Perhaps branded a heretic.

                              It's hard to let go of something that I enjoyed so much - and something that I admired so much. And that was the SG-1 of years gone by.

                              I didn't want them to end the series after Season 8. I was looking forward to Season 9. I was looking forward to Carter commanding SG-1, and to episodes of Daniel, Teal'c, Carter and a newbie, as the new team stepping off into new adventures.

                              It's taunting me every day that SG-1 is still creating new episodes, but that they have centered the show around 2 newbies (which were the lead actors in another scifi series), and that the original members of SG-1 are wearisome baggage.

                              No wonder they said that 'they didn't know what to do with' the character of Sam Carter. They were tired of playing with that character. They were tired of the entire old SG-1 tapestry. They wanted a new playground, with entirely new toys.

                              They cite $$ as a reason for not wanting the 'baggage', but the money was fronted for Season 9, and that budget would have included the necessary $$ for the actors from Season 8. They knew those #'s pretty well before Season 9 was given a go.

                              No, I don't think $$ is the real reason - because if it was, they wouldn't have hired Ben Browder, Claudia Black or Beau Bridges. If $$ was the real krux, they would have hired unknown, cheaper actors. But they didn't, they hired relatively well-known actors - and that costs $$.

                              The disgusting facts are that TPTB wanted new toys. And a new playground. And they weren't willing to go to a new venue, they weren't willing to find themselves new jobs somewhere else. No, they took the $$ for SG-1 and then went and used it to create their new toys under the guise of the name of SG-1.

                              How can they have the gall to call actors 'baggage' in interviews?

                              How can they have the guts to publicly complain about their fans complaints? Do they really think that the fans find it endearing? Do they think that we are going to feel so guilty that we will apologize for not allowing them their spoiled selfishness?

                              ...ok... now *that* was a rant!
                              AAAhhhhhhggggggg most awesome and correct rant ever, and me with no green to give you. sorry. Great, great, GREAT rant and I agree 100%.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                Astro - you rant beautifully. Just beautifully.

                                Kudos from one who's out of favor with the gods of green distribution.

                                ...a very cranky blog:

