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Gate Warrior's "Nothing is Off-Topic" Thread

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    Gate Warrior's "Nothing is Off-Topic" Thread

    I wanted a thread of my very own where I could talk to anyone about anything.

    Mostly, I consider this a "getting to know you" thread, where I can invite people I meet on GateWorld Forum, to come so that we can get to know each other better. (If they want to of course.)

    Also, I'd like other people to come here that I haven't met before, and offer their own views, ideas, and life experiences as well.

    Nothing will be "off-topic" here, but I ask that everyone abide by a few simple rules.

    1) Remember that this is a PG forum.
    2) Abide by all GateWorld Forum rules.
    3) Have fun!

    *cross fingers* Here's hoping that my first thread here goes over well.

    PS. I've done some searching, and I haven't been able to find anything quite like this. Hope I didn't miss something. I wouldn't want my first thread squashed before it even gets off the ground.

    *praying* May the Mods have mercy on me.

    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~

    Ah GW has escaped from the pond! Quick somebody get a danny clone!!!
    Last edited by Ronja; 26 June 2005, 04:55 PM.


      Now for my first (second?) post on my brand-spankin' new thread.

      My name (my RL one) means "morning dew" in Arabic.

      I am the eldest of four children.

      My parents divorced when I was 9.

      I'm a tried and true Daniel Hussy.

      My favorite drink is Pepsi.

      I'm currently in school for Medical Assistant.

      I took a huge risk quitting my full time job (with benefits) so that I could go back to school.

      Anyone responding to this does not have to follow my example. Just say what's on your mind. Within reason of course. Just offer up a bit of yourself. That's what this thread is for.

      Originally posted by Ronja
      Haha didn't think you'll ever leave the pond
      And curses on Ronja for posting on my thread before I could tell anyone about it! You sneaky devil you!

      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


        lol oops dam it didn't have to time to change my post before u quoted it


          Hi GateWarrior!

          I'm a certified Wraith worshipper.

          I'm 26 years old, and still play with mcdonald's happy meal toys! (They're just so freaking cool nowadays!)

          I was adopted.

          I'm currently in school for Graphic Design.

          I have daily forklift races and play Musical Cars in the parking lot at work.

          I am going to the Creation Stargate Con in March 2006 - as a Wraith!

          And i have a bad habit of speaking "In Wraith" when i'm here at GW. That's because i play a Wraith in on-going fan-film projects i do with my cousin's older brother and some friends.

          So there's some insight into the wacky world of TechnoWraith. Oh yeah, annoy me too much and i eat you. But it's pretty hard to annoy me to the point where i'll eat you, so you're pretty safe.


            Well to get serious in your lovely thread GW

            *cough* hmm yeah

            My name is Diana... same as the roman goddess of Hunt and the Moon

            I'm 22

            Just graduated from college/university and I'm now working as a cameraman in Copenhagen. (at the moment I'm on vacation thou)

            Shanks Hussy and proud if it

            Love tricked out cars and street racing bet no one knew that!


              Originally posted by Ronja
              lol oops dam it didn't have to time to change my post before u quoted it
              Considering that I have dial-up, that's pretty amazing, lol.

              ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                Hi GateWarrior!

                I'm a certified Wraith worshipper.


                So there's some insight into the wacky world of TechnoWraith. Oh yeah, annoy me too much and i eat you. But it's pretty hard to annoy me to the point where i'll eat you, so you're pretty safe.
                Hello TechnoWraith!

                Gee, I couldn't've guessed that you were a Wraith worshipper.

                Isn't there supposed to be some kind of Wraith Repellant?

                Thanks for stopping by my first foray into thread creation. Hope you stop by often.

                ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                  Hey I'm Erin and I'm a tried and true Danny hussy. *see story from Vancouver Creation Con where I scream "I love you Michael" from a hotel balcony*

                  I'm 24, married, my name means Ireland in Gallic (or so I'm told), I work in retail but only till I can get into grad school and start working on my masters in pschology and become a PhD.

                  Uhh other than Stargate, I am obsessed with WWE and Harry Potter. Yeah, I'm an odd duck...

                  "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                  The Universe is Mad


                    Hi GW..

                    this looks interesting...

                    my name Christie
                    am the wrong side of 30
                    youngest of 3
                    currently in LA & 18 hours flight from home
                    left way better job to find independency in US
                    miss my mom cooking
                    miss my dog Micky who died 2 years after I left him
                    spend way too much time at GATEWORLD
                    currently addicted to SG-1 fanfiction

                    On current topic... just come back from Burbank where they have Sci-Fi goods for sale, buy a bunch of SG-1 photo at way cheapo price (3 for $10), a cool SG-1 T-shirt at $10 and also a signed photo by MS (YIpeeee... used to be $40 but get it at $15) similar like the one GW post in the pond (like this, GW eat your heart out )
                    What else... ermmm... will try to get to SG-1 convention on Burbank July 10 (it's my first and I WILL WEAR my new t-shirt ) gotta find a good camera by then ..

                    OK that's it for now..
           : lilferret


                      Originally posted by GateWarrior

                      Isn't there supposed to be some kind of Wraith Repellant?

                      There is Wraith Repellent:

                      It's called feeding us someone you hate.


                        Originally posted by L-JADE
                        currently addicted to SG-1 fanfiction
                        Same here! I find myself reading atleast one a day lol yeah that's a loooooooot I know . But I'm bored! Can't wait for s.9 *sigh*


                          Originally posted by TechnoWraith
                          There is Wraith Repellent:

                          It's called feeding us someone you hate.
                          In that case... here's my ex-roomate

                          seriously... I don't like to say hate but the feeling I got for her is close... *wish I could feed her to the Wraith*
                 : lilferret


                            Originally posted by L-JADE
                            In that case... here's my ex-roomate

                            seriously... I don't like to say hate but the feeling I got for her is close... *wish I could feed her to the Wraith*


                              Yay WWE... Erin... shouldn't you be watching the PPV right now? Husband is staying up 'til gawd knows what time watching it here.

                              Anyway. Hello GW ... again...

                              I'm mazz. Even my husband calls me mazz. Seriously. I only ever use my real name at work. I am currently 23, and married for about 3 weeks.

                              I have a peanut butter obsession, a wicked sense of humour, and enjoy messing with photoshop. Currently, I really, really hate my computer because I partially burned out some of the ram pins on the mobo and it's weirding out on me. Gah.

                              Oh, and I don't take SG seriously. I am a huge fan, and a DJ hussy through and through, but I watch the show for fun so I don't want to discuss the finer points of the dialling sequence on here, I just like to enjoy myself. So don't take things I say too seriously, as 99.9% of the time I'm just having a bit of fun.

