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    Hey, we're within 200 posts for being the top of Off-Topic!!!

    " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

    --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


      Originally posted by Ronja
      Sorry but hearing about afternoon naps makes me think of someones grandmother... it's for old people
      Not just old people, my dad sure loves em', and he has since he was about 35...unless that is considered old now-a-days...

      The only time I condone afternoon naps is during a trip and you get motion sickness, sleep is the best cure for that.

      " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

      --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


        Originally posted by Ronja
        Sorry but hearing about afternoon naps makes me think of someones grandmother... it's for old people
        Hey!! Are you saying what I think you're saying?

        @Rodan, just 200 posts? Wow, thanks for the update....reminds me to go and post at the say something thread now.


          Originally posted by Rodan5757
          The work is long and tedius and boring so not going to well.

          At a hold right now so I can frequent GW but I may have to leave suddenly to work so more

          ((holds Ronja in squishy hugs)) don't let them take me away...
          Ish doesn't sound like fun *tries her best to hold on to Rodan while the evil ones comes to take him away*


            Originally posted by Rodan5757
            The only time I condone afternoon naps is during a trip and you get motion sickness, sleep is the best cure for that.
            That's what pills are for I lways take pills when I have a long trip ahead of me

            @ HG I don't know... what do you think I'm saying? lalalalalaa

            Oh and yay ony 200? Great!


              Originally posted by Ronja
              Ish doesn't sound like fun *tries her best to hold on to Rodan while the evil ones comes to take him away*
              *grabs some popcorn to watch the doomed lovers scene*

              Hmm...I wonder if one of them will die...that's always great drama!

              *stuffs face with popcorn*


                Originally posted by Ronja
                Ish doesn't sound like fun *tries her best to hold on to Rodan while the evil ones comes to take him away*
                Yea, we're doing a system update. I need to run performance numbers to ensure the buisness that we are updating to become faster. So I need to merge my source with the core code and update my branch so that I can start up the test driver and time trial packet passing between servers.

                If that doesn't sound like loads of fun already I am working with a system I know very little about with an update I know nothing about...and it needs to be completed by the end of the day. Which means I can push it off until tomorrow, but it needs to be done soon.


                " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                  Originally posted by Happy_Gate
                  *grabs some popcorn to watch the doomed lovers scene*

                  Hmm...I wonder if one of them will die...that's always great drama!

                  *stuffs face with popcorn*
                  *Shoots Happy*

                  You were right, someone dieing is always great drama.

                  " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                  --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                    Originally posted by Rodan5757
                    *Shoots Happy*

                    You were right, someone dieing is always great drama.


                      Originally posted by Rodan5757
                      Yea, we're doing a system update. I need to run performance numbers to ensure the buisness that we are updating to become faster. So I need to merge my source with the core code and update my branch so that I can start up the test driver and time trial packet passing between servers.

                      If that doesn't sound like loads of fun already I am working with a system I know very little about with an update I know nothing about...and it needs to be completed by the end of the day. Which means I can push it off until tomorrow, but it needs to be done soon.

                      That sounds... complicated. Is it a big business? I'm glad I don't have to work with servers. They are evil. Even tho I was thinking about getting my own...


                        Originally posted by Rodan5757
                        *Shoots Happy*

                        You were right, someone dieing is always great drama.


                          Originally posted by Ronja
                          That sounds... complicated. Is it a big business?
                          Multi billion mistake and I cost the company millions...this is definately a high stress job.

                          I work for Citigroup...they own Citibank, and a bunch of other Citi companies. Not my kind of work, but you can't beat the sallary out of college, and tuition was a killer.

                          Servers aren't bad...I love em', really...they can be fun to work with. But this job is just way tooooo high stress to make it enjoyable.

                          " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                          --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                            Originally posted by Rodan5757
                            Multi billion mistake and I cost the company millions...this is definately a high stress job.

                            I work for Citigroup...they own Citibank, and a bunch of other Citi companies. Not my kind of work, but you can't beat the sallary out of college, and tuition was a killer.

                            Servers aren't bad...I love em', really...they can be fun to work with. But this job is just way tooooo high stress to make it enjoyable.
                            Citi?! Wow I had no idea! No I can understand why u'd wanna work there! Screw the stress.. think of the money


                              Have to go, be back later *waves*


                                **Resequences Ronja's DNA.**

                                **Resequences Happy_Gates DNA.**

