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    Baseball, primarily, although I'll happily watch hockey, NFL football, and the occasional game of soccer or Aussie rules football. But if I had to pick only one sport to watch and couldn't have any others, baseball would win, hands-down.

    What is your favorite thing to do on a hot summer day?

    (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
    Sum, ergo scribo...

    My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
    now also appearing on DeviantArt
    Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


      That would probably be driving up and down the coastline of the area I live in and then stopping over at some of the piers and beaches to take walks.

      What's your favorite holiday of the year?


        I'd have to say either Memorial Day, since it sort of kicks off summertime, or Independence Day, because it practically screams summertime to me. I'm not really a big holiday person overall... Christmas has far too many cultural/societal expectations that it never lives up to, for example. Though I do enjoy the Christmas party season... ;-)

        Okay... let's see... something that will keep this from dropping to Page 2...

        What's your favorite fruit or vegetable?

        (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
        Sum, ergo scribo...

        My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
        now also appearing on DeviantArt
        Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


          Grapes. They're so grape-y. Not a fan of sultanas, but I like me a good sweet grape.

          What is your favourite type of milkshake?
          ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

          ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


            I don't have milkshakes very often but a nice, good old-fashioned chocolate does the trick if I get the chance.

            While we're on the subject of desserts: Do you like root beer floats?


              In a frosted mug!

              Favorite place for a root beer float?


                I know a dessert place that specializes in a large variety of gelato, ice cream, cakes, and milkshakes, and root beer floats. I don't have sweets often but their floats are wonderful, as is their spumoni-flavored gelato.

                What's your favorite flavor of ice cream, or similar dessert?


                  Generally, something involving as much chocolate as possible. Bonus points if it also involves coffee flavoring or raspberries.

                  In addition to your native language, how many other languages can you speak?

                  (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                  Sum, ergo scribo...

                  My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                  now also appearing on DeviantArt
                  Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                    Besides English, I do speak a smattering of French though that's gone out the window from years of disuse. I remember quite a bit of Italian and Latin from my music school days as well. Beyond that though, zip. So that's 3.

                    Same question.


                      Je parle francais, mais un petit peu seulement, maintenant. (And I'm too damn lazy right now to go looking for the proper accented characters to type that correctly.) I studied French from 8th through 11th grades, and a semester in college. At 16, I was fluent enough that I dreamed in it on a regular basis. Sadly, I've had little opportunity to use it in recent years, and I'm rusty, though I'm working on getting it back. I narrowly missed out on growing up bilingual in Swedish and English (long story involving family stupidity, but basically most of the adults in my family could speak it, and chose to keep it as a way to talk about things in front of me rather than teaching me). I'm currently studying on my own to learn Welsh and Scots Gaelic, but I'm just getting started. Spanish and Italian I can feel my way through, in part due to my familiarity with French, and of course my own musical background (hmmm, I can add Latin for the same reason, though to really learn I'll be breaking out Wheelock at some point). I'm a language geek, with several of them on my bucket list.

                      What's your favorite decade of the 20th century, and why?

                      (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                      Sum, ergo scribo...

                      My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                      now also appearing on DeviantArt
                      Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                        The 60s, awesome music and general fun stuff.

                        Do you play any instrument?


                          Sadly I don't. I wish I had learnt to play one though.

                          Which style of music do you prefer to listen to?
                          "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                          Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                          Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                          Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                          I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                          To thy own self... Be true
                          May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                            Rock would be my favourite to listen to, prefer playing jazz.

                            What instrument do you want to play?


                              I play a pretty mean air guitar. Air drums too.

                              What is your favourite song?
                              ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                              ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                                It changes often. Right now its Taxman, who wouldn't like complaining about taxes accompanied by cowbells?


