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20 Questions for Daniel

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    Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
    WHAT???!!! Are you serious? I have answers to some of these questions, but are you really, really serious?
    You better get started, Dt.

    "We'll keep the light on for you."


      Originally posted by Ancient 1
      You better get started, Dt.
      Well, Ok. I'll do my best. (Dt?)

      "Concerning Hathor: that's something that I just do not want to discuss. Most of the time, things that have gone on with the Stargate have found its way into my journal entries. I didn't write anything about this, so I'd just assume it never happened.
      "I didn't visit Sam while I was Ascended because I needed a reason to visit my friends. I couldn't just go visit them on a whim, and she never needed my kind of help.
      "Yes, I do own contacts (if you look closely in season five's 'Summit', you'll see me putting in contacts while talking with Jacob in the cargo ship), but I don't like wearing them that often because I like wearing glasses better.
      "I would have had to be aware of the time loop in the way Jack and Teal'c were for me to do anything, and I honestly don't know what I would've done.
      "I cut my hair because I was tired of having my hair get in my eyes while fighting Apophis and the other Goa'ulds.
      "Yes, I like the bandana more than the baseball caps. I just never looked good in them past fifteen.
      "No, I wouldn't like a Sha're from another reality. I don't think she would be the same woman I loved.
      "With some instructions, yes I can fly a big Goa'uld ship. But my best flight is with the cargo ship.
      "I've thought about bringing some soil back from other planets I've visited, but that would just be another thing for Jack to tease me about.
      "I'm not sure what happened to us getting frosty after we go through the Stargate. You'll have to ask Sam about that.
      "How could I get a promotion? (I know, I'm answering a question with a question, but I don't see how an archaeologist could get any higher in position)
      "I haven't been in contact with my grandfather(Nick) since we left him with the 'giant aliens'.
      "You don't want to know how bad an Unas smells. Whether they're Goa'ulded or not, they still smell really bad.
      "I would definitely like to go see the 'book' left on Heliotopis (Earnest's planet), but I think it was destroyed in the storm just like everything else.
      "I can't seem to hold an apartment because they all throw me out. It's because of all the 'junk' as they call my artifacts. How can they call such relics junk? Can you believe that? I mean, can't they understand what these pieces of history mean?
      "Sorry, but teaching people how to Ascend is Oma Desala's dept. Not mine.
      "I have no ill feelings towards Jonas Quinn. I am actually happy that he took my place on SG-1 while I was gone. But now that I'm back, I'm glad he went back to Kelowna"

      Well, that's it. I hope I've answered well enough for you all. Please, keep asking the questions.Any of the other Daniels want to pick up the questions I missed?
      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


        You wrote: (Dt?)
        D; is for Daniel's
        t; is for twin

        That's the way you wrote it so that's why I made the initials that way. Too bad you dodged my questions, but if it's too painful...well that's just the way things are, I guess.

        "We'll keep the light on for you."


          Sorry, Ancient1. It seems like none of the members of SG-1 ever want to talk about the first Hathor incident, and I just assume Daniel's one of them. (especially with the role he played in it)

          thanks for clearing up Dt.
          Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

          Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


            @Daniel's_twin: That was pretty good. I'm impressed, had already forgotten a few things you mentioned. Anybody here who can answer the linguistic questions??


              Originally posted by trinity1013
              Since it was really your idea, what would you do if you were given the opportunity Jack and Teal'c had in "WoO" – to do anything without worrying about consequences?

              Anybody here who thinks s/he knows what would be his answer to the last one?
              didn't MS at a con says that depended if Dr Janet was around?
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Ok, i'd ask...

                What was really the deal with you and janet?

                Your glasses are the prescription as mine, and I don't wear mine most of the time...why do you feel the need to always wear them?

                Do you ever feel like you're cursed, given your luck with women, and what happens to them?

                if you knew that in the future, Janet had survived until 2010, until that future was changed, would you try to change the past again, or would you accept things as they are (in fact, i'd like to ask all of them that question)

                Do you really not remember anything from when you are ascended, or are you keeping something back?

                Do you ever get all the languages in your head mixed up?

                How do you feel now about violence/non-violent actions to acheive peace?

                Have you ever told anyone what the Harsis child showed you, and what do you think about yourself, knowing you could have done that?

                even after everything, you still seem to have joy and hope. how do you do that?

                of course;

                Who shot you?

                and finally...

                boxers or briefs?
                Last edited by michelleb; 29 September 2004, 05:16 AM. Reason: two many ship questions
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  didn't MS at a con says that depended if Dr Janet was around?
                  Ooh, the Daniel/Janet shippers would have been delighted!

                  Just watched "Menace" yesterday, so another one came up:
                  Why did you try to trick Reese? You are usually more trusting, I'd have expected you to rely on your skills to talk yourself out of the situation.


                    My big question:

                    WHY do you always have to TOUCH STUFF?!

                    We're talking quantum mirrors, crystal skulls, princesses who are about to commit suicide, Asgard technology, personality-switching devices--OK, ANYTHING Machello invented--just...DON'T TOUCH STUFF!

                    Phew. I feel better now.


                      nitpick: I don't believe he actually touched the skull, did he? Just stared at it for a really long time.
                      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                        Okay, no, he didn't, but still...

                        Jeez, spoil a perfectly good rant with logic...
                        Last edited by Jillybiehn; 12 October 2004, 11:44 AM.


                          Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                          WHY do you always have to TOUCH STUFF?!
                          Good question. I guess it's the same thing as in ST: First Contact. How did Picard explain it to Data?

