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What IS the best stargate episode...ever!!!

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    Well.. don't what episode but my favorite SCENE is in crystal skull. That goes something like this

    Jack-I'm tired of lying here, T help me up
    Teal'c- Frasier told you to stay .....
    Jack-yeah yeah(stands up and falls straight to the ground)
    Teal'c- Dr Frasier is usually right about these kinds of matters...



      Tin man was cool!
      The Egyptian Cat God .


        season 8 is gonna be cool, as is the last season and maybe they will kill major characters off, like hammond or it is the last season, ( maybe )

        coz u have to admit, the ones where they die are best!!!


          I have several favorites...

          but Window of Oppertunity is still my all time favorite

          But i have to admit, i haven't seen all of Season 7's episodes yet (i depend on the DVD's)...
          Teal'c: A serpent guard, a horus guard and a setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The serpent guard's eyes glow. The horus guards beak glistens. The Setesh guard's nose drips.


            Going back to that "stranded on an island with a 6 hour tape...", I'll pick one from each season:

            1: Solitudes - great Jack/Sam moments, Daniel saving the day, definitely one of the best eps of the show
            2: Fifth Race - (narrowly beats out 1969)
            3: Hmm, not one of my favorite seasons. But I'll go with Crystal Skull for this one.
            4: The oft-mentioned Window of Opportunity, of course!
            5: Meridian - I feed off angst
            6: Either Abyss or Full Circle, for the Jack/Daniel banter and the angst. I think Abyss narrowly wins out

            And since w/o commercials we can squeeze and extra ep in...

            7: Fragile Balance, since Lost City 1 & 2 won't fit on the tape.
            Anyway I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?


              1969 really badddd!!!!!


                I thought Fifth Race was awesome (a bit like a certain next-gen ep if it had been done well) as well as Window of Opportunity. I almost never stopped laughing the whole 60 min.
                [email protected]

                I pledge allegiance to the underworld
                One nation under dog
                There of which I stand alone
                A face in the crowd
                Unsung, against the mold
                Without a doubt
                Singled out
                The only way I know


                  Originally posted by Jprime
                  I thought Fifth Race was awesome (a bit like a certain next-gen ep if it had been done well)
                  Okay, I'm curious. Which Next Gen ep?



                    The BEST episode? I'd say The Fifth Race, and it seems by reading everyone else's posts that it's pretty much a general consensus.

                    Now, my FAVORITE episode? That's a toughie. Window of Opportunity ranks right up there, along with Urgo, Wormhole X-Treme!, Red Sky, Solitudes...I could go on forever. The beauty of Stargate is that there is something to love in almost every episode--even the iffy ones--whether it be a Jack-ism, a snarky Daniel comment, a raising of Teal'c's eyebrow or whatever.

                    Anyway, that's my $0.02.


                      my all time favorites

                      1. The Lost City
                      2. The Fifth Race
                      3. Shades of Grey

                      For some reason, episodes with jacks head full of ancient's knowledge is usually something to shout about

                      edit: oh, and a spacial mention to "Window Of Opportunity" For being the funniest episode by a long way Whats all this talk of Urgo :?


                        Torment of Tantalus


                        Enemy mine


                        are all great but really to pick just one I would have to go with

                        Beast of Burden.

                        Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                          While I extend their propers to Fifth Race, Serpent's Grasp, and Lost City for certain, and even though I laugh like crazy during the funny eps, too,
                          I have some kind of crazy love for Paradise Lost.

                          It aired while I was working heavily with Renaissance travel and colonization narratives, and so I was prepared to get giddily excited...

                          I love it because it speaks to or plays with the following (not an exhaustive list):
                          - humanity separated from culture
                          - Utopian/Dystopian narrative
                          - requirements of and suggestiveness of the lunar voyage
                          - morality, ethics, and penance--both within and removed from cultural pressure
                          - the value of history/narratives
                          - technology's uses, limitations, and dangers
                          - the dangers of ignoring technology
                          - confronting Stargate's bread-and-butter: the dream of instantaneous travel

                          ...but it does this all WITHIN the narrative, not just by talking about it (as ST:TNG would have a tendency to do, for example)

                          PLUS, Jack has a great arc--he actually *grows* within the episode--
                          AND, Maybourne is great
                          AND, Dr Lee v. Carter scene is fabulous
                          AND, Teal'c & Carter's loss is palpable (confronting the pain of being left behind, being unable to control the world---and a sweet Daniel reference)

                          AND it has some of the greatest sound design
                          AND it's got a great look to it, esp with lighting (and that field of flowers!)

                          AND, how about that cool round book? Why would all alien books be quadrangles?

                          ....See? Crazy love.

                          It should surprise no one that Torment of Tantalus is my #2 favorite.
                          "Frankly, we're not surprised when she starts pulling large bombs from skin-tight catsuits..."
                          "Not only can Josette Simon really, really act, she gets the show's best introduction - she rescues Avon, announces he's the most beautiful man she's ever seen, then explains the only other man she's seen is her father, whose surname is, blissfully, Mellonby."
                          "This is a future where the women are beautiful, the men are ugly, and the only drink is creme de menthe."
                          --BBC CultTV's web review of Blake's 7 season 3 DVD (21.06.05)


                            Take a look at my sig and take a wild guess.
                            Banner By JME2


                              A particualr bad episode was the one with maybourne and Jack, this was obviously an episode where the writers couldn't think of anything better to write about, and what really P'd me off was that maybourne was allowed to leave with the tok'ra, when he was a convicted treasoner!!! kill maybourne!!



                                We've got enough threads about worst and bad Stargate episodes - let's leave this one for the folks who want to talk about their favourite episodes.

