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What IS the best stargate episode...ever!!!

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    ok is a newer question then......wot is the funniest episode ever????
    this may narrow it down a bit



      Well I seem to like the more moral ones.

      No order here, as they would change often but..

      The other side
      This has everything i think that makes the show great. Moral conflict, character moments, the odd humour, and a decent story, that doesn't try to tell us in the star trek way that "you can't be a bad guy" it just tell sus that humanity can be easily decieved when we are trying to get what we want, and unless we stop to question things, we'll turn out to be no better than those we think are bad.

      The fifth Race
      This has the intruige and mystery that made the 1st few seasons just great. It's story is simple yet complex to a point, the acting is good and it has the sci fi element that most modern shows lack. It's all about action and sex, but not this episode. It set the ground for things to come.

      Red Sky
      Because we see a side to Jack that we knew was there but hadn't sene before, because we see that they try to do the right thing, but are hampered. That Jack will go so far before giving up, but thanks to those he cares about he can be persuaded to do the right thing eventually. I also loved the technical aspect of this episode, good lighting and set, great acting, and some bone chilling moments to me.

      I think this just epitimizes the Daniel/Jack friendship. And shows Jack's softer and gentler side, whilst trying to protect others. Great acting, great emotion and an actuallty evil, not over the top baddie.

      Torment of Tantulas
      This was one of the season 1 eps that made you go "so this series has great potential". It had meaning of life stuff, it had a good spolid plot, good acting and the classic feel. The begining of the friendhsips and bonding. Great.


        Originally posted by zafrod
        ok is a newer question then......wot is the funniest episode ever????
        this may narrow it down a bit
        Window of Opportunity! No doubt!


          yerrrrr hahaha ok i agree window of opportunity the funniest so far, their of course others, but that episode is soooooooo funny


            Has stargate now turned into a comedy....??? nooooooo but at the same time yessssssssss


              Originally posted by zafrod
              Has stargate now turned into a comedy....??? nooooooo but at the same time yessssssssss
              Turned into? What are you talking about? SG-1 has always been comedy, hiding under the cloak of Sci-fi drama


                You say that but was the film a comedy????
                And was heroes a comedy? and death knell etc etc ????


                  I have enough trouble picking a favorite one in each season but I can give my top five...for this week.

                  A Hundred Days
                  Forever in a Day
                  Window of Opportunity
                  The Other Guys
                  Any episode with Maybourne
                  "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                  it has it's own laws and beats about things
                  which the intellect scorns."
                  - Mark Twain -


                    I liked There but for the Grace of God when they introduced the Quantum Mirror. I like any episode with the Quantum Mirror, when the team goes through it into a universe where the Goa'Uld are trying to take the Earth and it shows Teal'C still as Apophis' First Prime. Actually, i think that there are only a few of those episodes, and in both of them, someone kills the evil Teal'C.
                    I also liked Bane, the Fifth Race, the one where, in carter's dad's terms, they "take a piece of technology, look at it, and slap a USAF sticker on it", and the one where Frasier gets killed on P3X.666
                    Daniel: "A fool's heaven is a wise man's hell."
                    O'Niell: "...Never run with scissors..."

                    APOPHIS SAYS: "Walk like an Egyptian!"




                        im the biggest stargate fan eva, i only like it coz its so crap tho!


                          my fav episode was the last coz\ it ended!! hahahahah!


                            Its hard to choose but easy to see...........5th Race.


                              5th race
                              all of them
                              umm...lost city
                              small victories


                                those previous posts were not me....

                                ps. nobody probabily cares, but my mates did it all lol

