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Robert C. Cooper Leaves Stargate

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    Robert C. Cooper Leaves Stargate

    Say it ain't so, Joe.

    Today, Joe Mallozzi let the cat out of the bag. The second top banana at Bridge Studios, Robert C. Cooper is leaving StarGate. No word on where he's going or who will replace him yet.

    However, what has been said by Joe Mallozzi can be found here:
    Last edited by Arctic Goddess; 19 June 2010, 10:36 PM.
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    This is definitely a major bummer. Rob Cooper has written some of the very best of the Stargate franchise, including The Torment of Tantalus, The Fifth Race, Meridian, Full Circle, Heroes, Sateda, Vegas, and Time.

    From what I can tell he's also responsible for getting Stargate into the darker, more realistic form of storytelling of SGU. I hope his departure won't mean that SGU's tone will change.


      I wonder what are the problems that he could leave? Wish it would never happen...


        I wonder why

        I don't think they will replace him with anybody there is no rule you need 2 executive producers?


          Well he's been with this show for how many years?

          11+ years?

          Sometimes, people just want to move on to other things.


            he has been around since Season 1 of SG-1.

            the guy created the premise to Stargate Universe it's his show why would he leave to create another? there could be half a dozen reasons but they are all bad.

            JM doesn't seem surprised in his blog.
            Last edited by lkg1980; 19 June 2010, 11:37 PM.



              I'm gonna miss him! He was my favourite.


                Originally posted by lkg1980 View Post
                he has been around since Season 1 of SG-1.

                the guy created the premise to Stargate Universe it's his show why would he leave to create another? it's probably health related or maybe he resigned because the ratings.

                JM doesn't seem surprised in his blog.
                Well, if universe isn't doing very well... ratings wise, they'd be the first to know. And they aren't doing well.

                He may want to bail out now.



                  OMG i cant believe this some of my favorite episodes where written by him i just hope that this wouldnt make an difference for the style of SGU


                    Wow...really wow. I thought the whole point of SGU was too be different because BW and RCC were tired of "classic" Stargate.


                      I've got mixed feelings on this. On the one hand he's one of my favourite stargate writers who has written some of the best episodes of the stargate franchise. He's been a driving force on the show since they started, he's worked on it for 14 years. On the other hand though I'm interested in seeing what other writers could bring to the Stargate verse and what new stuff Rob Copper will do. Whatever it is I'm sure I'll remain a big fan of his work.


                        Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post

                        I'm gonna miss him! He was my favourite.
                        he gave us Prometheus Unbound and Vala! so yep I am sad...but are the rats fleeing the sinking ship? or is his the first head to roll? anywaaaay good bye and good luck to Robert Cooper...catch you on tv sometime.


                          Bye bye Rob...good luck for the future....

                          Deeds xx
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                   That sucks
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Can't say I'm surprised. Good luck Rob, looking forward to seeing what you do next, and thanks for all the anchovies.

