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Stargate Novels

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    There is a used book site called You can get many of the used SG1 and SGA books for only a couple of dollars each in most cases. That's where I got most of my paperbacks on the subject.


      The latest info from Stargate Novels/Fandemonium about their next release:

      Our first short story anthology, STARGATE: Far Horizons, will be available as an eBook on October 23. Paperback copies will be available from November 6.

      STARGATE: Far Horizons

      From the early days of "Todd" the Wraith to Teal’c’s first experience of the SGC, from Atlantis’s past and future to good old-fashioned SG-1 adventures, STARGATE SG-1 & ATLANTIS: Far Horizons brings you a wealth of exciting stories from across the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies.

      Whether you’re a fan of STARGATE SG-1 or STARGATE ATLANTIS, there’s something for everyone in our first anthology of Travelers’ Tales, with ten short stories from ten fantastic Stargate authors: Jo Graham, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Melissa Scott, Peter Evans, Amy Griswold, Suzanne Wood, Diana Dru Botsford, Geonn Cannon, Sabine C. Bauer and Sally Malcolm.

      So step through the Stargate with us and see what’s waiting beyond the event horizon…


        Print versions of Far Horizons are now available for pre-order.
        Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


          Got my copy yesterday! Just got to finish reading the Alien novelization and I'll start on it. Can't wait
          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


            So I finished Far Horizons last week. Flew through it. Absolutely loved all of the stories - the only one I was a little disappointed with was Sabine's and that's because I felt Teal'c had summed everything up far too fast and far too efficiently. And then there was Peter's story which without any real consequences for the team due to their actions was a little grating.

            But otherwise, absolutely wonderful anthology! I really enjoyed reading through it. Was a nice change of pace and I would love to see more.

            I'm currently about 2/3s of the way through Hostile Ground. Very curious book. I'm sure there must be some AU/Time Travel shenanigans in here somewhere. Getting Oceans of Dust for Christmas and then I'm all caught up on my Stargate novels.
            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


              A Sg1 enovella comes out in 12/18. Called permafrost


                It's funny. I always seem to like the books people tell me to avoid

                I agree with some of the faves on the list. A Matter of Honor and The Cost of Honor are high on my recommend list. Sally's characterizations are spot on. And though some will argue that Sam is a little OOC, I for one believe the reactions are feasible given the circumstances. (I've read them both at least 3 times!)

                I recently re-read Barque of Heaven. I read this when I was new to the fandom and liked it but the re-read was great. It's a great team fic and made me wish that Suzanne Wood had written another novel. I enjoyed her short story in Far Horizons, also.

                As for City of the Gods, it's also one of my favorites. There's something about the story that I really like. I don't think the storyline suffers for the history.

                Rozwell I liked. I don't remember typos, that usually really bothers me (must now go back and inspect...) Made me wish for more Jack and Vala interaction.

                Ironically, though I really like most of Sabine Bauer's fanfiction (she writes as Doc if you are unaware), I have yet to get into either of her novels Survival of the Fittest or Trial by Fire. I will read them both eventually

                And I liked Do No Harm simply for the fact that Janet was at the forefront I was also surprised by how much I liked a story that sort of featured SG-1 as background characters. I love when authors can write an SGC character we don't know much about and make it believable.

                I am absolutely on the edge of my seat waiting for the sequel to Hostile Ground!

                I remember Valhalla being an okay read, nothing scathing. And Power behind the Throne, I don't even remember what it was about.

                Anyhow, I agree with hedwig in that everyone must decide for themselves. We don't all have the same pet peeves or tastes in stories when it comes to reading so one of us might really like something that someone else didn't. For me, none of them were bad enough to not finish...though I had to re-start a few several times!

                FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                  New book info from Fandemoniums latest email...

                  STARGATE SG-1: ‘Permafrost’ is available now from, priced just $1.59 until 31 December (after which it goes up to $2.99). Also available soon from other leading ebook retailers.

                  Coming in 2015

                  We’ve got a feast of new titles in the works for the New Year, starting with:

                  STARGATE SG-1: Murder at the SGC by Amy Griswold

                  STARGATE SG-1: Kali’s Wraith by Keith De Candido

                  STARGATE ATLANTIS: The Third Path (Legacy Book 8) by Melissa Scott and Jo Wyrick

                  STARGATE SG-1: Exile (Apocalypse Book 2) by Sally Malcolm and Laura Harper

                  Look out for more novellas and another SG-1/Atlantis short story collection too...!


                    I really dislike the titles for Murder at the SGC and Kali's Wrath. I really hope those are changed. xD I did like the premise of Keith's book though. I haven't seen any mention of Amy's? Have you guys?

                    Wish we had some dates for Legacy and Apocalypse though! The wait will kill me.
                    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                      Did I miss info on Kali's Wraith?


                        Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
                        Did I miss info on Kali's Wraith?
                        I have come to an agreement with Fandemonium Books to write a Stargate SG-1 novel called Kali's Wrath. The book will take place in the late fifth season of SG-1, and involves the System Lord Kali (played by Suleka Mathew in the episodes "Summit" and "Last Stand") and also addressing one of the plot points the TV show never did anything with, to wit, the conflict against the Re'tu (seen in the episode "Show and Tell," and referenced once or twice after that, but quickly forgotten).

                        I'll be working on this book for the next few months -- it's due 15 February 2015. With any luck, it'll be out some time in the summer or fall of 2015. (In a perfect world, it'll be out in time for Shore Leave. We'll see....)

                        I absolutely loved Hostile Ground btw. I really can't wait to read the rest of this series and see how it is resolved!

                        Also brought Permafrost - my first ebook btw. I prefer the old fashioned paper in my hands but since it was digital only, didn't really have a choice. I read some of it Saturday whilst the lady did her Christmas shopping and I found the man section of the clothes shops for a sit down.

                        Also got Oceans of Dust for Christmas. Going to start reading it after I've finished The Lost Fleet book I'm on. It's been sometime since I've read Angulus so I can't remember what Peter Evans is really like. I remember him being a more horror orientated writer so it should be interesting.
                        Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                          Thanks! Sounds like a good read. I love the books that the up loose ends.


                            So do I. The Re'tu have been featured once before in Relativity but I can't really remember that episode.
                            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                              Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                              So do I. The Re'tu have been featured once before in Relativity but I can't really remember that episode.
                              It was Season 2, "Show and Tell", the one where the Retou mother created a human son to send to earth to warn them about the attack the Retou were planning. The boy wanted to be named Charlie and wanted to know if he could be Jack's son.


                                I meant the book Relativity, not the episode, my bad.
                                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon

