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Stargate Novels

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    If they fail...I hope that never happens since I have enjoyed the books they have put out so far. I hope they stop stalling and get the books that should have been released last year out already.
    Please help my dragon eggs CLICK HERE My fanfics


      According to Amazon US, the shipping date of SGA's Hunt and Run was pushed back from April to June 16th *sigh* And here we go again, the same tune Fandemonium was playing last year...

      So, now the SGA books are:
      Brimstone April 16
      Dead End May 17
      Hunt and Run June 16
      Death Game July 16

      Anyone wants to bet that they won't keep up this schedule either?


        And still no release date for Portals of Discovery... *sighs*
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          I really like these books. One would think they would want to get them out faster. I keep hanging in there but my patient is getting thin. I have all the SGA books that are out and would like to have the ones Amazon has been listing. They have the buyers for the novels so why no publish them and sell.
          "Embress your life, find what it is that you love, and pursue it with all your soul. For if you do not, when you come to die, you will find that you have not lived."

          A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

          Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
          'Eleanor Roosevelt'
          Individuality is freedom lived.
          'Janis Joplin'


            Originally posted by JMSwallow View Post
            I understand that the book was delayed in approvals.

            Incidentally, it's worth noting that MGM Licencing have only one person dealing with approvals of all licenced products for all properties under the MGM banner (not just Stargate), and that person works on a part-time basis - so consequently, getting numerous 100,000 word novel manuscripts read and approved sometimes takes a while. And if revisions or rewrites are requested, it takes even longer.
   we know. And I'm still happy to wait for new novels as I know they'll be amazing.
            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


              Just heard from Fandy that The Power Behind the Throne is going through initial approval right now with a print date of June on the cards. There appear to be several novels going through the process all at once so you could well get a glut of stuff to read. Obviously we were all hoping we'd hit the May release that's been in place for what feels like forever now, especially given the initial delays, but providing MGMs vetting doesn't throw up anything seriously egregious it's only going to be a few extra weeks. I know Aaron's just got his final fixes and I believe DNW is up for his any day now as well, but as Jim pointed out, one person working part-time on *all* of the MGM license stuff does explain why some of these things can drag on and on. After all this time, I just hope you enjoy the book when it lands.


                Originally posted by StevenSavile View Post
                Just heard from Fandy that The Power Behind the Throne is going through initial approval right now with a print date of June on the cards. There appear to be several novels going through the process all at once so you could well get a glut of stuff to read. Obviously we were all hoping we'd hit the May release that's been in place for what feels like forever now, especially given the initial delays, but providing MGMs vetting doesn't throw up anything seriously egregious it's only going to be a few extra weeks. I know Aaron's just got his final fixes and I believe DNW is up for his any day now as well, but as Jim pointed out, one person working part-time on *all* of the MGM license stuff does explain why some of these things can drag on and on. After all this time, I just hope you enjoy the book when it lands.
                Thank you so much for this info. I do hope that it'll work out and the books will be finally published - unfortunately, I've learned my lesson with Fandemonium. And the fact that they are playing dead fish doesn't win them any points either. But I'm glad that at least something's happening now.


                  Did you read what was said? This isn't Fandy's fault...
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                    Did you read what was said? This isn't Fandy's fault...
                    The delays aren't their fault but the lack of communication to their paying customers is...


                      Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                      Did you read what was said? This isn't Fandy's fault...
                      The delays? No. Everything else. Unfortunately yes.

                      Putting up a schedule they KNEW they wouldn't be able to keep is their fault - and they must have suspected it at the very least considering Brimstone and Dead End have been going through the approval process for over a year now! Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best works when you are a fan, not when you conduct business.
                      Not updating their web is their fault - Brimstone is still up for Nov 2009 release on their web.
                      Not responding to e-mails people repeatedly send them is their fault - I have sent them three e-mails and they didn't bother to respond to any of them and that's just me.

                      Am I being harsh? Sure, I am. I stopped being considerate when they post-poned their products for the 5th time in a row without any explanation at all. A word or two of "Hey, guys, the situation is like this..." wouldn't have killed them. I work in the scifi/fantasy/tie-ins business so I know that the worst thing a publisher can do when complications occur is to stop communicating with customers. That's a huge no-no. Once people start getting the feeling you're unreliable/you don't care, it's a way downhill from there.

                      It just makes me sad that whenever they mention a new book, I don't go "Yay! Sounds great!", instead I'm all "Well, and will we even get to see it?" I'm buying tie-ins in many, many fandoms (Supernatural, Burn Notice, Psych...) but Stargate's the only fandom where this happens on a regular basis. I would prefer to get one or two books a year but actually GET them.
                      Last edited by katikatnik; 12 April 2010, 02:47 AM.


                        Businesses can hang on customer service.


                          Another book delayed. Jo Graham writes:

                          I'm sorry to say that there's going to be a short delay in the publication of Death Game, from July 16 to September, about six weeks. This is absolutely not content related, nor is it the fault of anybody at Fandemonium. As you may know, MGM has been going through a crisis lately, and this has resulted in a delay at MGM. Because of the delay at MGM, the whole production schedule for Death Game has been put back six weeks. If you have a preorder, it will be filled a few weeks later. At this point, Homecoming is still on schedule for October. Link


                            I want to keep an eye on this thread, but for some reason the forum doesn't let me subscribe to a thread unless I post in it, so... Hi!

                            I own all the SG-1 and SGA novels ( I will not support SGU in any way, shape or form ), am eagerly awaiting more, and like everybody else frustrated by the delays.


                              I'm not frustrated. Aside from Mirror, Mirror by Sabine Bauer, I've felt the publications have been a waste of time and money.


                                anYbody know where I can find the character list for Stargate Atlantis: Legacy: the Homecoming? Cause I wanna know who's going to be making an appearence in thy book?

